You Were Created In The Imagination Of God

Even before the cross He imagined you!

Even before the cross He imagined you!

You Were Created In The Imagination of God

by Sharon Woolbright

A few years ago I heard the Lord say” You are on the right road, you just haven’t gone far enough yet.” This came complete with a physical experience while driving and looking for a specific location. 

“We are on the right road, we just haven’t gone far enough.” Yet! We have not arrived but we are on the right road. Our arrival time is based on the distance we have to cover to reach the destination. We are NOT grossly behind any schedule, we are leisurely moving in Him, by Him and through Him toward the destination He has chosen to surprise and gift us with!

We can stop along the way and consume anything we choose. We can stay as long as we choose in the places between our beginning and our end destination. 

A trip to Disneyland can be the beginning of a vacation of a lifetime, but if I am only intensely focused on the arrival, I will miss a huge part of the joy and the bonding between those on the journey with me.

Our journey to The Kingdom of Heaven is part of the package deal. My feeling cramped and restless because of being confined in the vehicle(body) I am traveling in is a human response, an ok, human response. My irritation at the nonsense of those traveling with me will from time to time manifest. My focus on continuing to move forward is all my own choice. If I am easily distracted then this trip can be a real pain, not just for me but also for those with me. If I choose to look at each one around me through the eyes of Gods unconditional love for them, then I too may just enjoy the journey and make their journey much more enjoyable!

In the beginning, God created Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve through the divine design were given the ability to recreate human life. God Himself didn’t created this vehicle of my body. My parents did. God created the ability in mankind to physically be able to recreate humans. He doesn’t move on men to desire women and to impregnate them. Our sexual desires and ability to procreate is inherent in His original design.

If each of us was hand created against our will by God in the womb then there would be no miscarriages, abortions, mentally retarded, or physically deformed human babies being born. The afore mentioned flaws are in the natural DNA of men. They can be accidental, environmentally, influenced or simply the choices we make manifesting through our reproduction process.

The will and choice of mankind is the process by which new human life is deposited and grown to birth. He being God, always present and all knowing, saw me being formed in my mothers womb. Surprise! He even saw what my parents did to accomplish that deposit. He didn’t force them, He didn’t participate, He only observed. Not from a place of perversion, but from a place of satisfaction that we as humans had discovered the ability to love in a manner that was filling and inherent with the ability to create new life!

God, resides not only in my past, but resides from the beginning of time and even before time was marked. Being God, He also is so big that even all future eternity dwells in Him and under Him. I see Him as having a long flowing robe. Everything that is dwells under the skirt of His robe. Under God exists the whole of the earth and all of us that dwell on it. 

 Its like He sees from the mountains height. I see from the ground view. He will take me from the ground view, place me upon His shoulders and show me the earth view from that perspective. He will even take me up under His wings and fly me over the ground situation and show me His perspective of the journey.

He knows everything because He was the one who created the universe, the earth, and the land mass, water, trees, seeds, birds, fish, animals and then Adam thus starting the age of mankind.

Mankind… He…God created mankind!. Not evolution, not the big bang! If there was a big bang it was probably when satan hit the earth after being thrown down from Heaven.

God breathed His breath into Adams nostrils. I see this as God releasing His spirit, His life into Adam. Adam became a living soul, with emotions and feelings.The next time you inhale deeply think of your breath as inhaling the breath of God, and exhale the toxins of anxiety, fear, condemnation, and the stresses of life!

He fashioned the first Adam and future Adams took on what was in Adam and became shaped like Adam. He divided Adam by taking the rib and fashioned Eve around that rib using the same dirt He had made Adam from. The addition of Adam’s rib was the only thing that set Eve apart from Adam where the composition of their created bodies were concerned. He fashioned Eve with female parts and Adam with male parts so they could fit as one new creation!

Then He, God, presented Eve to Adam and told them to multiply and be fruitful and replenish the earth. Adam and Eve had brains and the ability to think and reason. They had emotions and feelings. They had the gift of choice as we see at the Tree of Knowledge, and the Tree of Life. They had the ability to be separate from God and live in the garden as they chose to live.

They walked with God in the cool of the day. God was not like a helicopter parent and was always hovering over them to enjoy their discovery of their earth, or there to give them ad-nauseaum details as to what would happen if they made a wrong choice. He trusted the composition of Himself in them to let them roam free to make their own delightful decisions as to what to do, where to do it and whom to do it with. 

I believe God wanted a counterpart! Another that would reciprocate His love and have communication with Him because they chose to. Not because of what He had given them. He gave them Himself, one another, and dominion over there surroundings. Not dominion over each other, he gave them equal access to the whole Garden and free choice to eat or not of every tree in the garden. Adam was with Eve when she ate. She was beguiled by the serpent, Adam was influenced by his wife. She reasoned in her thinking what the serpent said and chose from her emotional desire, after having a conversation with Adam who was present with her. Adam didn’t see her fall dead so he chose to follow Eve’s actions. 

The horrible tragedy was that they both lost their positions and ability to walk with God in innocence.

They now were able to walk with satan the fallen angel and deceiver! The one who wanted to be like the most high God. The one who lost His leadership position in Heaven and was cast down into the lessor realm of earth. Do you think maybe the darkness and void over the earth that is described in Geneses when God started creating earth, was the result of satan’s fall from on high?

Then God had the nerve to go East of Eden and create a garden! Something beautiful out of darkness! God created beings to inhabit and have dominion over what he, satan thought was his kingdom.

They had dominion over all that creepeth on the earth. A serpent was one of the creatures they had dominion over. A serpent that spoke to them through what God had already said to them and questioned if God really meant what He said? Not knowing the future consequences in detail Adam and Eve took a chance. That chance cost each of us the  position of total authority through innocence

Adam came out of God's imagination. Image is the root word for imagine. To imagine is to form a mental image or concept of. God formed a mental image of Adam, but not just Adam. He formed a mental image of what Adam would recreate over time and saw me and you there from the beginning in Adam. He saw all the peoples of the world in Adam and it was good!

I know Adam and Eve made a choice that has effected us to this day. The choice turned out to be not so good, but the ability to choose was a part of the image God had created and it came from His own ability to choose. 

The Bible says God said: **(underlining done by the author)

Genesis 1:26-28 (KJV Strong's) 

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. 

28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

He, God, did not create me, Sharon. My parents did. Through their love and intimacy they recreated themselves in another like, but separate, individual form. A compilation of the both of them containing the mixed DNA of their separate ancestry. They too knew the blessing God had spoken over Adam and Eve and they were fruitful and multiplied five times. I have four siblings, two brothers and two sisters.

I believe my spirit came out of God through the first Adam when God breathed His breath into Adam. The breath of God became a perpetual breath passed to all mankind. 

A baby while forming in the womb does not breath air. Air is not present. Amniotic fluid is. A baby takes in this fluid before birth and has extra fluid expressed from the body upon natural delivery. The process of coming down the birth canal forces the fluid from the lungs and prepares them to fill with air.

Oxygen is the life sustaining ingredient of earths atmosphere. 

A new born baby inhales earth and begins to adapt to the environment outside the protected place of the womb. He has left a place where everything he needed to grow was automatically provided for him. He didn’t have to think about food or seek out companionship. He was attached to a continuous food supply through the umbilical cord.

He was as close as one can get to anyone. He was in his mother and she was passing her life sustaining nourishment directly into him. He was in her and she was in him! 

I like to look at the first breath of a new born baby as the exhaling of Heaven (the place where we have unhindered access to God, the place where we have need of nothing where all needs are provided through the attachment of the cross) and the inhaling of earth.(where we have limited access to God, have need for life sustaining substances, and are distracted by other images that are not God)

I also look at the death of man as inhaling heaven and exhaling earth. The last breath of man is the exhaling of earth(where we leave all the distractions of all other images of God) and the inhaling of Heaven(where we re-enter the unhindered access to God)! 

The God who knows all things, has been present for all things and is so big He can look forward into the future of all things. Is available to partner with me. He has courted, pursued, exposed His heart and ask me to be the bride of His Son. He wants me to have access to all that He is and has through the covenant of marriage as the Bride of Christ.

He has known me from my mothers womb. He has been present for all my blunders and mistakes and still wants to partner with me in this earth realm. He wants to bring all that is His and give it to me and wants all that is mine in exchange. He isn’t even asking me to move to His home turf. He has already moved to mine. He has made covenant with me though Jesus and has restored

the fallen position of Adam back to the original state. 

He has given me a personal assistant the Holy Spirit whom I lovingly call George, to tell me where all that belongs to me through my covenant marriage with Him is stored and how to access it! My physical marital union is to parallel my spiritual union to Him. 

I have grossly missed the parallel because I too have listened to the questions of creeping things I should have taken dominion over.

The question of what God has really said to me need not be rehearsed to a creepy snake I have dominion over. In my choices I have caused my nakedness to be the focus of my journey. I have shed innocent blood to clothe myself from the shame. I like Adam tried to convince even God that my hiding from Him was so He didn’t see my nakedness.

I am in process of learning how to be naked! Not covered with bloody things around me in a hopeless process to try to present better before God and others. In the natural journey of life our physical bodies go through changes. The speed at which they sag and bag is directly related to the choices I make in food and exercise. Yes, and DNA does play a role. The dead/nature/activated through the human chain of past ancestors. 

I want to be influenced by the spiritual DNA the divine/nature/activated more than the natural DNA. This process will be successful only at the pace I exercise the word I intake and the actions I exert.

George is teaching me how to make spiritual smoothies to drink and healthy balanced meals to eat, He is scheduling my encounters with others and giving me plenty of opportunities to work out!. He will not do the work for me or magically melt the spiritual excessive fat storage off my heart or belief system. He will lead me to productive ways to begin to reach my spiritual goals of wholeness, spirit, soul, and body.  He will equip me with His love to love others as I love myself.

Through that love, He will empower me from on high, to love unconditionally, to show compassion, to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out devils, and be a companion not a dictator. He will guide me into all truth!

The relationship I have with God will satisfy my inner longing and through that intimacy with Him I will reproduce after my own kind! 

Teaching and training them to be intimate with Him and Him alone, allowing them to know Him and walk in the cool of the day with Him and have sweet intimate fellowship with the God of all past and all future! 

The one who by receiving Him we have access to all that He is and possesses now in this life!

God didn’t create Adam and Eve to do things for Him. He created them so He could have an intimate fellowship individually with them!

He didn’t create us to go win the world for Jesus. Jesus made provision for the world to have access to salvation through His shed blood at Calvary! Jesus went to the cross to reconcile us back to the first state of fellowship Adam had with God!

Telling the world about Jesus and what He did is wonderful and we as Christians should do that without saying. More so, our lives observed, should be a living testimony of the joy of finding and receiving that restored position.

If we spend our whole lives only focusing on the fact that Jesus came, died and resurrected. As wonderful as it is, we will never move into the reason He came, died and was resurrected.

To give us full personal access to the Father!

God put His deposited spoken word seed into Mary. Not against her will, but by her consent! Her declaration "Be it unto me according to your words!"

Together with her human natural body processes she conceived, carried, delivered and raised Jesus the son of God!

He had God’s DNA and Mary’s DNA. He was raised as Joseph’s son. He ate, slept, cried, had messy diapers just like another human baby. He grew as a human baby into a human adult in body.

He also grew in spirit and understanding from a child into an adult. He had supernatural wisdom and insight, because the Holy Spirit came and showed Him where all these things resided in His Heavenly Father! 

We have no accounts where Jesus told Joseph to bug off he wasn’t his Daddy! He respected Joseph as his Dad and was obedient, he learned carpentry from Joseph. He had brothers and sisters, he played with the neighorhood kids. He was a human being with the DNA of an earthly mother and the supernatural DNA of an eternal God!

Jesus grew up learning who He was in spirit from His communion with God on a daily basis. He had to have had this demonstrated to Him by His mother and earthly father.

I don't believe He was birthed into the earth with full blown adult knowledge of who God was. I believe He learned and discovered the Father God through the same way we do. I believe He became aquainted with the Father through the forth telling of the scriptures and through personally, seeking and finding. He felt the something different inside of Himself, as His Father's DNA surfaced in His daily life experiences. The Father was in Him, from conception.

He read the scriptures that documented other men and women's experiences with God. He believed what He read and saw His destiny fortold and written in the scrolls read in the synagogue. He through prayer and conversations with The Father learned more about The Father and His destiny to reconcile mankind back to the position the first Adam had given away.

God was in Him! His destiny and purpose was to be a living testament that through faith we too could become the sons of God and have His divine nature transferred into us by believing on the Lord, Jesus Christ being the son of God! 

Jesus said He only did what He saw the Father do. He had to be speaking of his Father God, or He would have been a carpenter by trade. He was a water walking, fish and loaves multiplying, demon evacuating, wine making, teacher and disciple maker! 

He said He only did what He saw the Father do! Jesus always got 100% results. We were told that greater things than what He did we would do, because He went back to the Father bodily in Heaven.

Maybe just maybe the greater things is that more of us will realize that we are the sons of God! From that revelation, maybe we will begin to love unconditionally, be moved with compassion, heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out devils, walk on water, and if we get the opportunity turn water into wine! 

You were created in His image! He imagined you! He saw you from the foundations of the world in Himself, coming forth through the faith conception of the work of the Son! He saw you saying "Be it unto me according to Your words!" 

You my friend were created in the imagination of God! Brought forth through human parents to be able to chose to become the sons and daughters of God! Thus having all access to the things of the Father through Jesus!

December 2017 (revised June 2018)



Dina Davenport

02.05.2017 21:25

So excited for you friend! George will never let you down and we all get to glean from you. Thanks!


06.05.2017 23:17

Thank you Dina!


06.05.2017 23:16

Deb, God is so good and I am so greatful to be able to post a word that ministers to where you are. That is the goal of this web page! Luv you my friend!


06.05.2017 18:07

When I start feeling here I am again alone and desolate.God sends a word of encouragement Thank you dear one.


04.05.2017 12:14

He is speaking, I am writing! May we all breath deeply, eat heartily, and produce much fruit! Delighting in the journey!

Dina Davenport

02.05.2017 21:23

As an artist, I especially loved "Words...Infinite". The imagery was expressed beautifully through the tools, medium, & canvas. Our words do paint on the canvas of our souls. Words are powerful!


04.05.2017 12:10

Thank you Dina. I so appreciate your input. Yes words are very powerful and have the ability to heal or wound? Your words have ministered to me many times over the years of our friendship.

Becky Jasinski

27.04.2017 15:02

What a blessing you are Sharon! This is wonderful💗👏💯& I'm sharing your site with others. Love you❣️God is Awesome


27.04.2017 16:49

Thank you Becky! With out George none of this would have been transferable to words! My prayer is that His words given to me will point a flashing light back to Him! Thanks for the encouragement!

Honey Gram

24.04.2017 17:08

Enjoyed this. Great help to those who are searching for answers and help for their lives. The Holy Spirit is Our Comforter and a very present Help in our time of need


26.04.2017 03:15

Thank you Honey. I appreciate your time to visit and comments. MeKo sends his love ❤️!


16.04.2017 19:10

Please leave your thoughts in the comments section. Let me know if you find these pages are helpful to you. Don't for get to leave your prayer requests or praise reports.


14.04.2017 15:09

Hi everyone. Please feel free to leave your thoughts and comments. I would ask that you be kind and not use vulgar language to express your opinions.

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25.11 | 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during my It has lots of places to try

11.05 | 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

11.03 | 12:33

My pleasure, Debbie thank you for taking the time to read and share.

11.03 | 03:36

Sharon the beauty of His love. Your explanation is exquisite thank you for learning applying and sharing.

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