Terror Or Peace

Terror or Peace My Two Rivers

Terror or Peace My Two Rivers                 Sharon Woolbright

 I was in a desolate place dry...barren...empty of gladness and joy.

All around me there were dusty dry fields stretching as far as I could see.

My loneliness was tangible. My grief and despair were overwhelming.

My mind was rushing like a river of fear, dread was my floatation device.

I tried desperately to halt the deluge of thoughts and feelings that were racing me uncontrollably down this river of fear.

The currents of sadness, steadily increased...becoming Rapids of Terror!

Violent rushing thoughts and imaginations!

I could hardly see the shore line around me because of the speed with which dread propelled me down this river of fear!

Hang on?

Let go?

Jump off?

Lie down and just let it all take me where ever the end was? 

The sounds in my head were so loud...rushing thoughts and imaginations...pushing...spinning me along.

Out of control, against my will...


I plunged headlong into the river of fear leaving the unreliable safety of my floating dread.

The rocks of life on this river connected with the tenderness of my emotional state and I felt the searing pain of the contact.

I was drowning, drowning in the river of fear!

Once, twice, three times, I managed to get my head above the deluge of the Rapids of Terror!

I gasp for air and screamed loudly within myself for Help!

Anyone out there?

Can anyone help me to escape this disastrous tormenting place I had created in my imagination? 


Through the deafening screams of my inner self...I heard it.

 What was that?

Where was it coming from?

A voice.

There it was again.

The Voice!

Not my voice.

A strong...soft...assuring sound, accompanied by words!

The thrashing in the torrents of my terror lessened.

My focus changed.

There it was again! 

Gently, calmly, calling my name! 


Sharon...Sharon...  (insert your name here)

My trashing slowed to a treading motion as I strained to listen for The Voice.

The Rapids of Terror were quickly becoming the calmer waters of listening.

My focus no longer remained on the rushing mighty fear, tearing me off my floating despair.

My focus was straining to hear The Voice! 


Sharon...Sharon... (insert your name)

Calmly, gently, calling my name.

Here above the noise of the rushing fear around me, I heard Him again.

I scoured the clearing shoreline of my thinking, looking to see where He was.

Sounding so close to me...but I knew there was no one here in my desolate ride of terror.


Or was there?

He spoke again. "Here I Am".

He spoke gently, tenderly to me.

"Right here beside you... all around you... under you... holding you safely... waiting for you to stop the trashing...struggling...attempt to save yourself."

"Relax against the secure arms of my promises!" 


Suddenly I was in a different place in my inner most being.

No longer floating on dread... waiting for the next overwhelming devastation life had to bring.

I was floating in calm, warm, soothing waters of peace!

Relaxing on the floatation of His arms!



I had been transported to the River of Peace!

Calmly allowing my thoughts and imaginations to refocus on the truth of where I really was.

No longer on the Rapids of Terror... but moving along on the River of Peace!

I calmly looked around inside this place of Peace.


None of my circumstances had changed.

I was still me.

I still had the same issues looming ahead of me.

Decisions to make. People to care for. Friends to face. Financial difficulties.

I had not changed. But my focused thoughts had. 


I had cried out and He heard Me!

He tightened His hold on me just enough to allow me to remember He was always there.

Not restraining me...not forcing me...just the gentle pressure of His arms around me...securely holding me. 


I had fallen into the Rapids of Terror...while looking at the overwhelming issues of my past days...imagining the horror of my future days.

I had lost my footing and plunged into the depths of emotion.


Based on what I saw behind me I mounted the flotation of dread and shoved off.

Trying to escape my dead yesterday.

Not realizing that yesterday is gone, and today is the place of power and strength to accomplish  purpose in my life.


I had become a human doing and had momentarily forgotten I was a human being.

A Being...

I could be whom ever or what ever I decide to be.

Nothing or no one can stop me!

Only I can exercise my will to struggle to stay afloat on dread... in the Rapids of Terror...Or relax on His arms in the River of Peace. 


Isaiah 43:1-3...is what I heard Him say...

Sharon, (your name)

I the Lord created you...I formed you!


For I have paid the price for you.

I have called you by your name!

When you pass through the rapid waters...I will be with you!

You will not drown!

When you walk through the fires of trials and tribulations...you will not be burned!

The flames will not even be able to stay lit against you!

I AM the Lord your God!

The Holy One!

Your Saviour!




30.04.2017 20:00

My prayer as Heaven is Shaking, is that I will see and know Him personally and intimately! Receiving the wonderful gift of His Presence today in real time!

Latest comments

25.11 | 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during myhttps://www.goldenbustours.com/new-york-to-niagara-falls-bus-tours/. It has lots of places to try

11.05 | 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

11.03 | 12:33

My pleasure, Debbie thank you for taking the time to read and share.

11.03 | 03:36

Sharon the beauty of His love. Your explanation is exquisite thank you for learning applying and sharing.

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