The Door

The Door

The Door

by Sharon Woolbright

I woke up this morning as usual and begin to meditate on the presence of the Lord. As I just allowed my mind to drift meditating on Him. 

I suddenly had a flash of a door. It was an inside main door much like the front door to my home. It was open and there was also a full length storm door. As I looked through the storm door, just outside but almost flush with the glass was a massive tree. I could see the dimensions of the bark, raised, but flush against the tree. Smooth, but textured, dimensional, connected, but individual.

What would a tree be doing so close to my entrance door? I knew Jesus was trying to show me something. So I went to the door and opened it. 

He said, step forward. My mind responded, “But there is a tree blocking the way.” “Step through it with me.” He said. 

We stepped through the massive trunk. As we stepped through I caught a closer look at the bark. 

It was alive, moving with life, massively one, but micro individual! 

Each part of the bark was made up of millions and millions of individuals! Humans, God’s creation, all different, but the same as they were compacted into the bark that made up the outer side of the tree.

What is this tree? I ask. He said nothing, but I knew it was the tree of life! 

God’s manifest life on the earth side of eternity. 

His Spirit, breathed into mankind, making them alive, living souls.

Compacted together, but individual. Covering the whole tree, living breathing, souls. Each one representing an eyewitness account that God was real, alive and intervening into the daily affairs of His creation!

We stepped through, into a meadow. It seemed to be early evening. He had taken my hand as we stepped through the tree of life and we just walked. 

No set destination. No conversation, we were just enjoying being with each other. This meadow looked exactly like the meadow I saw in a vision as a ten year old child.

I wondered if this was the same place and without words I just knew it was. 

It was as though I had a thought and the answer just came without delay. 

We walked, just enjoying one another’s company. 

We reached a clearing where a large red blanket was spread on the ground. We sat on the blanket and I lay my head in Jesus lap. He gently stroked my cheek and I felt a comfort and peace I didn’t know existed. A love so deep I was overwhelmed with it.

My attention was drawn to the red blanket. It was moving, a fluid motion, solid, but many celled. I looked closer the blanket wasn’t an ordinary blanket, it was blood. 

It was the blood of Jesus that blanketed the world. The blanket we sat on was the blood that He had shed to buy my pardon! The Blood that gave me legal entry into this Kingdom I was experiencing with Him.

My attention was then drawn to the air. It was clear and the temperature was warm and breezy. But the air had depth, texture, substance. Somewhat like the bubbles we blow for our children. You could see it, you could almost touch it. It had dimension. It was pure and silky. I was energized as I breathed it in.

I sat up to take a closer look.

The evening was turning into night and there was a beauty to the meadow like no sunset I had ever seen or pictured. 

I was overwhelmed with the peace and beauty. I felt so loved and understood. I had poured out all of me and was being filled with all of Him, all that was His was mine for the taking. He was asking nothing of me. He was content in my presence! I was fully His and He was fully mine!

I moved into His arms and lay my head on His chest, I could hear His heartbeat.


I could feel my heart pick up His rhythm and our hearts beat as one.


I then heard another sound. A louder sound. A fuller richer sound.


What was that sound? 

Suddenly I was overlooking the whole scene from an arial view.

I could see Jesus and I sitting on the red blanket. Jesus was holding me and our hearts were beating as one. I could see the meadow encased in something else. It existed with in the new sound.

The VA….VA….VA….VA….VA….VA….VA….VA.

Was the beating of The Father’s heart.

We were in The Father’s heart!

Then there were no longer two sounds.

The La….La….La….La….La….La….La….La, was now


I noticed something strange. The heart of God was not in His chest but in His belly! 

I was in His belly!

A heart in the belly of God? 

What did this mean? 

I watched.

I listened. 

I understood.

I had been conceived in the heart of God. His heart was His womb! 

I was the product of consensual love. He God had desired a counterpart. Someone to love. Someone to love Him. Not for what He could do, or all that was His, simply for who HE IS!

He lay His hand on His heart much as an expectant mother lays her hand on her abdomen in a loving, protective, way.

He had a look of pure love and expectation in His eyes.

He God, was wondering just what she was going to look like?

Will she have My eyes? Will her ears know My voice? What will she grow to be?

He smiled!

A tear of overwhelming joy slid silently down His cheek.

He was expecting! He God was filled with life.

The life that reproduces out of like kind!

Yes, He knew she would be like Him.

She had His blood and she would look like Him, and yes, in time she too would reproduce offspring.

Offspring that would have a place in the bark of the tree of life and stand strong and powerful at the door of lives.

Lives that would come out of their safe dwellings, wonder who would put such a massive tree right in front of their door, then step through their perceived reality of life, to The Truth of the cross!




09.06.2018 11:00

Just what I needed. God showed me/us the path and just this week the fog set in.


09.06.2018 11:37

So glad this word could encourage you my Honeygirl! Just keeping trusting His voice! He will lead you through the fog to the open door!


26.11.2017 14:57

Thank you Dennis. I hope to be able to share word pictures the rest of my earth days. Painting scenes that cause one to see more clearly their individual position with the Father.


26.11.2017 14:24

I pray that you will always listen to our father and put it into words And to share it with us.


28.06.2017 14:56

Sharon,when I started reading walking thru the tree I had to slow down due to the imagery beautiful expression of God's love that produces freedom Thanks my dear.


28.06.2017 15:24

Deb, I love that we are individuals but collectively make up the tree of life in Christ Jesus!

Dina Davenport

02.05.2017 21:39

Absolutely astonishing the power of His love with such creative symbolic expression in this dream. I love this so much. Thanks for sharing!


04.05.2017 12:18

My pleasure, I pray we always hear His heartbeat and never forget where we were conceived. We are a living body, many membered, individual, but one tree bringing life!


30.04.2017 19:52

The experience of the door vision, still brings tears to my eyes as I relive the revelation that I was conceived through love, in the heart of God!

Latest comments

25.11 | 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during my It has lots of places to try

11.05 | 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

11.03 | 12:33

My pleasure, Debbie thank you for taking the time to read and share.

11.03 | 03:36

Sharon the beauty of His love. Your explanation is exquisite thank you for learning applying and sharing.

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