Naked And Unafraid

From Naked and Afraid to Naked and Unafraid

This page is about sharing real life experiences, from my perspective. They may make you uncomfortable and seemingly expose things that others don't put out there, these writings may give you glimpses of my nakedness spiritually or emotionally. Reality is sometimes naked truth exposed in forms we may not want to witness. You will see my nakedness, fear, anxiety, truth and I also hope you will see some wisdom and courage along the way.

We all start out our teen lives afraid, so to speak, we don't know who we are or where we are going. In our limited wisdom, we tread into unsafe and enemy filled territory. As we mature into adults we gain some wisdom through the experience of survival, but honestly most of us are still afraid.

We also are sporting various stages of nakedness.

I pray this journey through the words of my experience and the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, AKA George, will allow you to see me, George, and maybe even yourself. Hopefully some of us will move from Naked and Afraid to Naked and Unafraid.

My husband and I watch a TV series called Naked and Afraid. In this reality TV series people are taken to various remote, dangerous, and humanly uninhabited locations through out the planet and left to test their survival skills.

They are given one item of their choosing, and a map showing where they are at drop off and where their extraction point will be 21 days later, if they survive.

They remove their clothes and go to meet the partner selected for them for this crazy adventure.

When I first saw this series advertised I was shocked that they were filming naked people, but the wonders of television blurs out the private frontal parts. If you are offended by the naked back side of the human creation don't watch this program. LOL

Something got my attention about this series. How crazy do you have to be to risk your life and limb to prove you can survive in a dangerous remote setting, complete with lions, tigers, and bears?  Oh my!

They are naked and paired with someone of the opposite sex they have never met! The terrain varies from desert to lush rain forests. Which are inhabited only by hundreds of varieties of poisonous snakes, spiders, scorpions, frogs, ants, flesh eating bacteria, alligators , and hundreds of other critters. They are given no food, no water, have no shelter, are naked and with a total stranger! 

Sort of sounded like the Garden of Eden after the fall. This series caused me to stop and take a look at my life experiences. I guess you could say that at this time in my life I have signed up to be placed in a remote, dangerous location, with strangers, and I am naked, open, uncovered to the truth of what my survival skills really are. I started out afraid, very afraid, but have found that George, AKA Holy Spirit is the one thing of my choosing I have brought with me, and God has given us the map with our extraction position clearly marked.

I am on a expedition to discover just what I am made of. I long to be whole spirit, soul, and body and have signed up to be dropped into the unknown. Naked and Afraid. To hopefully discover what my survival skills in real life look like.

What do I have to bring to the experience called daily life that will help protect, provide nourishiment, get fire, and purify water for the strangers in this journey with me?

My past experiences and training will give me a small amount of wisdom to apply to the tasks of survival today. George, is the wisdom which starts the fire, leads me to the water, and the instructor for shelter building. He although seemingly invisible is always here with me, to lead me to where the things I need to survive today are hidden. He will not go get them for me, purify them, clean them or cook them. That is my position in this earth adventure. 

WARNING: I am sure along the way you will be expose to my naked back side from time to time. You will see me have emotional breakdowns. You will witness my fearful struggles to survive the dark night of the soul. You may see my despair when I have let the fire go out. You may see my delight at eating grubs, worms, or snakes after days of starvation.You may see me vomit from the ingestion of sustenance that poisoned my system. You may see me weak from the lack of fresh water, from the stream of Grace.  

Please remember this is a journey and try to stay with me as I survive the harsh reality of the position I am presently living in. If you see yourself in this struggling journey, then maybe just maybe you are the stranger I have been paired with for this leg of the reality of life in a fallen world.

Sharon, April 2017




09.12.2017 19:53

Welcome to all first time visitors. I know this may be a strange topic, this is the Naked and Unafraid page. LOL please leave your comments and share with a friend!


28.06.2017 01:55

What a twist in reading this I had not thought of calling forth the next chapter forward into your families life.What an amazing concept God is the author of faith and HE isn't finish until completion


01.05.2017 18:20

Take a moment to look back at your life and see the many births He has overseen and delivered you through! Dr. George is the best!

Latest comments

25.11 | 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during my It has lots of places to try

11.05 | 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

11.03 | 12:33

My pleasure, Debbie thank you for taking the time to read and share.

11.03 | 03:36

Sharon the beauty of His love. Your explanation is exquisite thank you for learning applying and sharing.

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