George AKA Holy Spirit

George AKA Holy Spirit

One day while in worship with the Father, I was asking to better understand the role of the Holy Spirit in the real everyday function of my life. I was conversing with the Father and was saying to Him how I longed to better understand Holy Spirit's role in my life today.

I have read the scriptures about the experiences and functions of the Holy Spirit, but was having a bit of an issue with how those things I was learning from the experiences and teachings of those who wrote the scriptures applied to me on a practical bases today in my life.

I love the scriptures! They are the real first hand experiences of other men and women with God the Father, Jesus His son, and the Holy Spirit the ever present comforter. I was looking for a present day understanding so as to better work together with the Holy Spirit who has come to empower me from on high.

I began to have this conversation with the Father, He began to show me that the Holy Spirit is like a personal assistant, lets call Him George, sent from Heaven. One who has been since the beginning and knows not only the history of how we got to this present day, but was also present and interactive with the process. He has assisted and empowered men and women to accomplish supernatural things in the earth in real time, since the beginning of time.

If I married a man who owned many and various countries, companies, lands, and had innumerable employees. I would NOT know the information or history of how the present day holdings came to be. I could see they exist and know that my husband owned them, but I would not know how He had aquired each one of them.

My husband upon marriage has given me full and complete access to all that He has acquired. I would need someone to teach me what I needed to know to access these things to carry out the plans and wishes of my husband and to enhance our life together. I not only have access but a resposibility to know who we are together and what belongs to us.

I would need a personal assistant who knew where everything I needed was and who would give me practical information as to how to access and utilize all that my husband has aquired. I would need this assistant to teach me how to properly approach those who were being given oversite of the things I might need to carry out the wishes of my husband to build our life together. I would want to be an assect and not a liabillity in the interactions with all those who were in contract with Him.

My husband desires that I know, explore and have access to all He has. He has aquired this Kingdom and established all things in it for the greater good of all. He has given me the second in command, so to speak, position over all that He has. This amazing gift and trust in my oversight shows me His deep love and trust for me.

For example. If I was told I could throw a party. Any size, any style, no limits. First I would have to decide what kind of celebration I was going to host. If I don't know which assets my husband holds I would need to ask someone who did. George, knows!

George has been their from the begining of time. He knows my husband inside and out. He was there during each moment in time and knows the history of the process. George/Holy Spirit knows all that belongs to Jesus and how to properly access those resourses. George also knows me. He has been present from my birth and saw this love story unfold. With great joy and delight, George now leads me and guides me in my new role as Bride. 

George will ask me what type of celebration I am having and then show me where all the tables, chairs, table coverings, etc. are kept. He will show me the experts in their field who are waiting to hear from me to make my event a success.

According to my position as second in command so to speak, George, has been assigned to me to show me what assets I now have access to. Give me the tools and vehicles to gain access to them, or just have them delivered. He serves at the pleasure of the Father, in whom all things have their being. He will lead me and guide me into the truth of what is available and my ability to access the things I need according to established covenant processes. He will keep me safe and within legal bounds already established by the Kingdom of Heaven.

George the assistant will ask me for information so He can access what I need. He will not take over and do it all for me. He is here to lead and guide me, not dictate to me what I should do. He doesn't manipulate me to do His plan, He guides me as I explore, discover and implement each step to reach an intended outcome. He protects my right to do it my way. Knowing that the outcome will reflect the motives of my heart. He gives me insight into the truth and waits as I choose how to use that truth to accomplish the intended results.

I believe that the Holy Spirit's over all position in the earth is to reveal and equip us with what we need to cause the supernatural instructions and provisions from Heaven to be manifest and carried out in the earth. We have been given the authority in the earth. Holy Spirit has been sent to us by the Father to assist us in stewardship over the things of the earth. He activates the power within us to accomplish the Kingdom of Heaven being established in the earth. He aides us by assisting in our accomplishing all that we have planned and purposed, through our position seated together in Christ Jesus.

George, AKA Holy Spirit, takes what belongs to Jesus as Son of God and reveals what that means to me in my earth position. He will equip me with wisdom and revelation, giving me insight so I may apply the practical appllication and produce the supernatural results in my natural realm. He will show me the way, but will not interfere with my own willful choice. If I use this wonderful gift of personal assistant I will live my life on earth in the fullness of all my covenant union with Jesus provides.

I have communion and fellowship with the Father through my covenant union with Jesus. Father, God releases His words from the realm of the Kingdom of Heaven into my understanding. They are wonderful words of promise of things to come. Because Jesus has already fulfilled the legal requirements of the covenant and given us free access to God. We are One together in Christ Jesus. Through this union I too have the same access and position with the Father that Jesus has. 

From this communion and conversation with The Father and Jesus, with thanks giving I make my requests known. The Holy Spirit, AKA George, then upon my conversations, communion and relationship with Him will instruct me in practical real time understanding on where to gather the things needed to cause the Kingdom of Heaven words to become the manifested possessions of the Kingdom of Earth. George will never lead or guide me outside of the will of the Father. 

I can use my position in Christ to try to dictate to George what He has to do according to my words. But He will never obey my words that fall outside of the character and nature of God. Or outside the position of Christ Jesus seated at the right hand of authority with the Father. 

When I try to use my position outside of the legal position seated in Christ. I believe that I come down from that higher position of authority seated in Christ and bow my knee to the god of this world system, the devil. I use my authority in the earth to get my way. The devil will gladly manipulate me into thinking that my way is best and will supernaturally influence these decisions to use my will to produce what I desire.The devil desires for me to not fuction in the protection of my covenant in Christ and to use my will to rebel to get my own way.

Holy Spirit is giving me advice and will equip me to accomplish what falls within my covenant with Jesus in the earth. But He will not force me to listen or obey. The devil uses his influence and seeks to get me to exhaust him to the position reserved for The Father. His goal is to suduce me into flirting with his way over the protected way of the covenant. I break my vows with Christ Jesus and enter a place of deception through the subduction of the fallen one. I exchange my higher status seated in Christ for a lower status. Which may satisfy my immediate lust, but conceive a seed that grows up and produces a whole race of rebellious ones. 

Holy Spirit, AKA George will come to my aide on every level of my need for every assignment I desire to accomplish. In my party anology if I call a business that doesn't have the products I need, and they don't tell me, my project will be delayed or hindered because I've engaged someone that doesn't have the authority or possession of the goods I may need.

George knows those who are overseers of the goods and products that belong to the Father. So when I allow Him to show me the right assets to contact and employ I am guaranteed an on time delivery and success!

If I pull rank so to speak, because I am the wife you know, LOL, then George will step back and allow me to follow my own ability and knowledge as to who and what to implement in the moment. Not every decision I make has to be dictated by Holy Spirit, he is not a dictator but a councilor.But if I only make decisions after listening to His advice I will be guaranteed a 100% success! 

If I need a plumber I don't need to allow the electrician to work on my plumbing even if he is my best friends, boyfriend. I need a plumber to get things flowing and contained in a manner that allows for smooth and joyful access to the kitchen of my planned feast. If I allow my personal relationship with my friend to over ride simple wisdom and influence me. I will live to reap the benefits or liabilities of that choice. 

I love George, He is always right there even if I wake up in the middle of the night worrying about this plan or that one. He will quickly and with much love tell me He's got this! His having this may be giving me the wisdom to go to my friend, pay her boyfriend for his time to bid the job, but declining his offer and hiring an electrician. 

He will remind me of all that Jesus has said to me and promised through His word for me. He will remind me of the Fathers love and trust in me to conceive, plan, and execute the event I am presently working on. He will comfort me!

Never yelling at me or rolling His eyes and commenting on how many previous times He has told me the same information He is reminding me of right now!  

You see George never sleeps. He is always at work perfecting the things that concern me. He is so loving and loyal to me. I love him so much and I am so greatful to the Father for sending Him to me personally, that I never want to treat Him with disrespect or fail to allow Him to do His job well. His job is to be sure He is always present with me to comfort, reveal, lead, and guide me into all truth!

My job is to reconize that I don't know everything, but I know the One who does. He is with me and is in me to bring forth the good will of the Father! 

You see He works for my husband, but has been assigned to shadow me to guarantee my safety and success in my daily life!

What a wonderful wedding present!

Thanks, George I love You and need You every minute of every day!

If this simple illustration goes against your spiritual or theological knowledge or experience, I apologize. You may think that I am disrespecting Holy Spirit by naming Him George. That is the furthest thing from my intentions. Acturally the Father said to me "let's call Him George". This is my experience, my truth! Have a blessed day and ask Your Father God to reveal your helper, He will, I promise! And His name my Bod, or Fred or....

March 2017 revised January 2023




31.12.2018 19:07

The manner in which you express the Holy Spirit is personally and using everyday speech to apply for every minute. Thank you Holy Spirit

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25.11 | 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during my It has lots of places to try

11.05 | 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

11.03 | 12:33

My pleasure, Debbie thank you for taking the time to read and share.

11.03 | 03:36

Sharon the beauty of His love. Your explanation is exquisite thank you for learning applying and sharing.

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