Heaven Is Shaking

Heaven Is Shaking

Radiant shook his head and covered his ears.  

The sound was overwhelming, so overwhelming. He had never heard a sound so deeply mournful.  

The very atmosphere was thick with it. It was indescribable.  

What was that sound? It had a familiar ring to it.  

Something he had heard millions of times, but never, never had he heard it at this depth never had he experienced it at this level.  

It was unbearable.  

Radiant looked at Revelator with deep questioning eyes.  

They had just returned to Heaven after an assignment on the earth.  

They had brought understanding, through truth and light, to a young woman concerning a critical event she was experiencing in the earth realm.   

What had they returned to?  

Never, ever in their eternal past had they ever seen Heaven in this state of being.  

All The Host was lying on their faces with great gasping cries of deep anguish.  

Every inhabitant of Heaven was crying uncontrollably.  

The sound was deafening.  

"What has happen?"  

Radiant ask the first person he could get to look at him.  

Racked with deep sobs Compassion brokenly spoke.  

“Our Lord…. is ..is..is..crying. He is wee…...ping, bro...ken heart….t...t….ed at H….H…is…cre...a..tion.”  

Compassion paused and pulled himself together and continued.   

“God the Father is devastated at their inability to see and except His unconditional love for them."  

"He sent His son, the son of His love delivered through an earth woman."  

"So that all the legal terms were met, and still they refuse to see what they have in Him.”

He continued,  

“His love is so deep and His pain so grievous that the whole of Heaven has been effected."  

"He gave His all, having faith in man kind to see and believe that this love was given to them with NO strings attached."  

"They still don’t get it. After millennium and millions of messengers to tell them, they still refuse to except His love for them.”  

Radiant ducked, the sound had increased, the Heaven’s were shaking violently.  

He covered his head.  

Was something going to fall on him?  

Celestial pillars were wobbling, threatening to fall, mansion windows rattled, the very streets were violently vibrating at the sound.  

All Heaven was shaking!  

Shaking with the great sobs of God The Father as He grieved the inability of earth to receive a gift.  

A free gift.  

His Son.  

Revelator, looked into the face of Radiant with huge questioning eyes and ask.  

“What can we do Radiant? Our God is grieving. What does one say to God, to console Him?”   

Another Heaven shaking sob, sounded from the direction of the Throne Room and The Host rose to their knees.  

”We must do something!"  

Michael the arch angel, exclaimed.  

"We have to do something. The Father is counting on us. We must find a way to defend and comfort Him."  

"We can’t just lie here devastated at His grief and do nothing. Heaven is shaking and rattling with the depth of His sobs. His grief is so deep, we have to do something!”  

“Where is Jesus?”  

Someone shouted over the noise of the sobs of God.  

“He is where He has been since He returned from Earth. In The Throne Room.”  

The keeper of the door announced.   

“What’s He doing?”  

Someone else ask.  

“He is still sitting at the right hand of Father, still interceding, waiting for His enemies to be put in their place.”  

"Isn’t He going to do something?”  

Ask yet a third member of The Host.  

“What can He do?"  

"He gave His all and still only a few believe.”  

Declared yet another.  

"Radiant, you and Revelator just returned from the Earth, whats going on down there?"  

"Well, truthfully we were just focused on our own assignment and didn’t take very close notice."   

Again the Heavens shook with the sobs of God.  

They fell on their face, with tears streaming.  

The floor of Heaven was becoming wet with the tears of The Host as they wept at their dilemma and their deep, deep, sadness.  

Their Lord was weeping with uncontrollable sobs, at the grief He felt for His creation and they were helpless to help Him.  


Or were they!  

Gabriel, chief messenger rose from His knees and declared.  

”We have to organize one last effort in the earth to let them know He loves them."  

"We have to go down there and encourage the saints to do the work of the ministry they have been called and chosen to do."   


Michael the great warrior exclaimed.  

"We have to drive the enemy back and release truth.”   

A terrible groan came from The Throne Room.  

The Host covered their ears and wept!   

Michael continued  

“Earth needs to know that all the spiritual exercises they do will not get them the favor of God."  

"They need to know that it is their heart, that He wants."  

"Their belief system."  

"Just to believe that He gave them Jesus, so they could also be seated in the Heavenly Kingdom in Christ."  

"They don’t understand experientially that they have power to tread on serpents and scorpions and that nothing can by any means harm them! “  

"They don't know that satan has been openly defeated and is under their feet!"  

"They don't know they have been given the keys to death, hell and the grave!"  

"They don't know they have been translated from the fallen kingdom of darkness and translated into the  Kingdom of The Son!"  

"They don't know they are redeemed, ransomed by the blood of The Son!"   

"They don't know that The Son's earthly part is finished and theirs is now begun!"  

"Yes, Michael," King Solomon said,  

“They are so convinced in their minds they do not deserve this free gift of Salvation."  

"They are defeating themselves and making the power available to them null and void."  

"All the while crying out for Jesus to come down and fix it."  

"He can’t do it again, only they can! It is up to them.”  

Gabriel grabbed for the arm of Michael to keep from falling as the Heavens shook once again with the great sobs of God.  

“Our Lord doesn’t want to posses them, but to free them to posses all that He has given to them in the earth."  

"He desperately longs for them to know that He just wants to walk with them in the cool of the day."  

"He wants them to know that they don’t have to do anything. Just be who they are. He wants them just as the are, with all their sins and trespasses."  

"He wants to free them from the guilt of their past and empower them to take a stand for their future!”  

The first Adam declared.  

King David, spoke up,  

“I mean, really, don’t they know He is with them all the time?"  

"That He knows all they have done, sees all they are doing and will ever do in the future?"  

"He wants to hear their confessions, not to judge their sin, but to allow them to see their own faults and forgive themselves."  

"He will be with them through the devastating consequences of their sinful choices but restore them to kingship!”  

"How do we get them to realize that they are already forgiven and all their sins are washed away in the blood of Jesus?"  

"How do we encourage them to renew their belief system with the truth of redemption?"  

"How do we get them to take their rightful places as kings and priests in the earth?"  

A weeping cherub ask.  

The Host paused considering the possibilities.  

I know... I know... I know...I know..I know…reverberated through Heaven.  

As the vast Host simultaneously began to see the solution.  

Gabriel spoke again.  

“We will go down to the earth and aide Holy Spirit in helping them to know that they are forgiven."  

"We will work at creating situations that cause them to see God’s love for them."  

"We will manifest to them on God’s behalf."  

"We will give them the message we gave Mary the mother of our Lord! "  

“Telling them they are highly favored of God and that they shall conceive in the womb of their understanding...the God seed of truth...the seed that will open their understanding to see the truth of why He sent Jesus!"  

"His seed, God's seed, that will allow them to develop truth in their inward parts."  

"Truth that will renew their minds about the way they see themselves."  

"Truth that will let them see Jesus already took their sins and transgressions and made a way for them to renew their thinking...if they choose to."   

"Truth that will cause the details of their past situations to bring healing to their emotions!"  

"Truth that will allow them to know they will not forget the details of the event that caused the pain."  

"But will allow them to rejoice in the truth that those emotions are being healed!"  

"Truth that will cause the event to be an event that propels them into their future with power and great peace and joy!"  

Michael interjected,  

“We will stand guard over them as they sleep and Holy Spirit gives them dreams and visions."  

"We will stay with them to help them follow through with the revelation of those dreams and visions until they are truly free!"  

"We will help them to use the sword of the spirit to divide the souls emotional issues from the spirit issues."  

"Then they will see their diseases healed and their financial woes turned around!"  

"They will see it is all an act of their wills."  

"They will move forward in their freedom and help to break the chains off others!”  

Heaven shuddered with the racking sobs of God!  

The heavenly streets vibrated with the depth of His grief!   

The Host squared their shoulders, renewed their resolve to go forth and do what they were created to do!  

Shine light in the darkness...bring messages of revelation and truth.  

Standing...defending God’s creation...from lies and danger in the earth.  

The Host continued to lay out a plan. A plan that would set in motion one huge move of the presence of God in the earth.   

They saw it now!   

They knew that as the minds of the people of earth were renewed with the truth of what God had really provided through the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus.  

That all of earth would be transformed with the manifest presence of God as they His children began to reproduce and multiply.   

Populating the earth with men, women, boys and girls that have made mistakes, even sinned.  

Men who knew by experience that they were forgiven.  

Who in turn would forgive themselves and those who had wounded them, truly doing the hard painful work to become complete in Christ Jesus!    

All over Heaven...  

The Host one by one stood... helping one another to stand...as the deep weeping of God reverberated in their ears.  

They looked deep into the eyes of their companions, bowed toward The Throne Room and were off to earth to aide Holy Spirit in carrying out the last great plan of God before the end of time as man knew it.       

Emotional Hoarders

My husband and I watch a reality show called Hoarders. It is about people who have collected so much stuff. The garbage in their homes has made it unsafe for them to live there. Their homes are infested with rodents, roaches, animal feces and sometimes human feces is all about the house. The electricity, and plumbing is defective. Sometimes the roofs are caving in because of non repair.

Because of the condition of the house they can’t get professionals in to fix these things, from fear of being reported to officials. Fearing their children will be taken by CPS keeps them living in secret isolation.

Sometimes the other spouse in the home is not a hoarder but they stay because of love and try to endure or deny the emotional health of their loved one. The hoard accumulates so gradually over time it becomes their normal as well.

I have never watched an episode that the phycologists on the team does not trace the behavior back to an event with a family member or loved one, or to a major trauma or loss in their lives.

Some of us have become emotional hoarders. We have collected all the emotional stuff through out the years and because of our pain have just placed it anywhere. Thinking it will be easier to deal with later. Collecting each new sparkling thing that brings fleeting emotional distraction, trying to bring some relief to our pain.

Or trying to control the uncontrollable. We make piles or fill shelves and boxes in our rooms of experiences, with things we don't want to deal with at the moment. Then rush out to purchase or experience, new things to get a momentary good feeling. Trying to forget the horrible feelings we are running from.

We prepare relationship meals, creating messes, leaving the cleanup for later and never returning to clean up before moving on to something or someone new. We step over the clutter of our pain, guilt, shame, grief, anger, resentment along with many other deposits of emotional clutter. Until it is so great we don't even realize we are now walking on top of mounds of the discarded emotions, which has collected over the years.

All of our stuff rotting and giving off a putrid smell to our once safe house of life. We ignore or deny that roaches and rodents have moved into the unresolved garbage, discarded in our once orderly, safe place. Ignoring or even denying the massive hoard of emotional stuff we have collected.

We have the best of intentions. We have a use for it all. Just not the time or energy to sort through the massive stock pile of life's stuff. We now isolate from the outside world so they will not discover our dirty secret. We gravitate to a tiny, little less dirty, space and make our bed. Surrounded with all the mounds of my past decisions I deceive myself into thinking I will do something with all this later.

We may realize we need help to clear out our collection of good intentions and misplaced garbage. But the very condition of this shocking, cluttered, rotting, mound of my life, may cause me to isolate myself from everyone and everything that could help me!

Our fear and shame keep us away from the very thing we are crying out for. Someone, anyone who can understand the situations that brought me to this very sick and broken place.

Most of us will not get help at this stage of hoarding without outside intervention. Maybe even someone threatening to expose my unsafe and unhealthy mess! Just threatening to take the excessive piles of MY stuff away. Sends me in to a state of panic. I desperately want and need help, but I don’t want to let go of the stuff I can control in exchange for the unknown process.

I may cling desperately to what appears to others as outdated useless mounds of garbage. Collections of things with meaning only I can see. I couldn’t control the event that ravaged my emotional health and imprisoned me with chains of unresolved emotional issues. But I can collect things randomly in massive amounts. Placing them anywhere I chose.

Unable to see I am not in control of the things, they are burying me alive.

Without my dealing with the excessive clutter in my life I will be buried alive under all that I held precious. Each item now rotting from the neglect! Each person I love and need driven away from me so they won’t see the horrible mess I have made. Others leaving so they can survive in a healthy safe uncluttered environment. Unconsciously I am driving them away before they too can wound me in a manner I may not survive through!

I desperately need the spiritual advisors to come and see my mess. I need to call for the professional organizers to help sort through the things that I need to keep and help me remove the useless collection of stuff. I need the massive Got Junk trucks to back up to my place and receive the chosen discards from my emotional hoarded life. I need friends and family to allow me to sort through the rooms of my excessive hoarded pain. Supporting me, as I, decide which items I believe to be necessary to continue on with my journey. They can help support me while I make each decision. My friends and family along with professionals, helping those who love me, to understand that true wholeness only comes from me deciding to let go.

Those who have been where I now am, can advise and give their suggestions with empathy and not judgement. I need them to know that I am viewing the value of items through my pain, not the worth of the objects in their reality.

I must choose to release and even give away things I have collected to insulate myself from dealing with the true issues in my life. I must be willing and actively participate in the process. I can allow those I trust to continue to sort piles of clutter with me only if I trust they will make decisions the way I would make decisions. Not judging, but lovingly presenting a different perspective, will help me to release more of the useless stuff I want to hold on to.

I may reach the floor of a hoarded room to only find my neglect has cause structural damage, sometimes unrepairable. I may have to face the devastating truth that it was I who allowed things to stay piled and contaminated by the rodent feces of anger and unforgiven trauma. Causing this present structure to be condemned and unlivable.

The cost of repairs may outweigh the overall worth of the structure or relationship, I have been living in. I may have to relocate. Move from all the past memories relocating to a more structurally sound location.

I can restore my emotional house to order. Together with the help of those trained to guide me truthfully through my hoard. Along with those who love me, we can have a new beginning, while still living in the same location.

I can choose to release the old stuff and regain my life! I can relocate my usable stuff, to a new place, in the same structure. Now having room to move about and enjoy my salvaged treasures.

Although arranged in different rooms, they are still the same treasures from my past. I now have access to them and can share them with those I love.

If this structure is unsalvageable I have to choose to move on, to rekindle old relationships in new surroundings. Relieved I no longer have to hide in shame and guilt. I can now come out into the light of truth to find deep joy and satisfaction from cleaning up the hoard of the past. Restoring order will help to make a fresh, clean place for the discovered truth.

This is my journey. I haven't arrived yet, but I am in process! Are you?


Latest comments

25.11 | 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during myhttps://www.goldenbustours.com/new-york-to-niagara-falls-bus-tours/. It has lots of places to try

11.05 | 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

11.03 | 12:33

My pleasure, Debbie thank you for taking the time to read and share.

11.03 | 03:36

Sharon the beauty of His love. Your explanation is exquisite thank you for learning applying and sharing.

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