Out Of The Box Into His Limitless Presence

What Box Will You Choose?

What Box Will You Choose?

 Out Of The Box Into His Limitless Presence

by Sharon Woolbright

June 10, 2018





It is dark, dense darkness is surrounding me


It is hopeless, hope has fled into the dense darkness


It is impossible, the possible has disappeared with the hope into the darkness


It is perpetual darkness, never ending hopelessness, all consuming dense darkness



The sounds are so loud they cease to divide into definable sentences, segments, words


The sounds are so loud they fill my mind with the buzz of annoying confusion


The sounds are so many they overpower my ability to sort out their viable understanding


The sounds are so distorted they cease to carry meaning



It stinks in this place


It is filled with the stench of death and decay


It is overwhelmingly foul with the decaying stench of the details


It smells of death, hopelessness, and the rotting odor of failure



It tastes foul

It is gaging me with the overwhelming intensity of decomposer

It is clinging to my tastebuds with an intensity that causes me to retch 

It is doubling me over with the bile of emptiness

It is confining me

It is wrapping me tightly

It is restricting my breathing

It is restraining my ability to see, hear, smell, taste, or even touch You!

It is consuming me

It is taking my consciousness

It is squeezing my very life away

It is killing me

It has boxed me in It has confined me to four walls with no doors, skylights, or basement exits

It has closed out all the light

It has imprisoned me alone, here in my self created enclosure

God where were You?

I was there right in the middle of your darkness.

I was there, I held hope in my hand.

I was there holding the impossible captive in the mist of the all is possible

I was there in the dense darkness holding your hand waiting to guide you into the light.

I was there with my fragrance

I was there with life

I was there to remove the foul stench of the details

I was there to bring hope, defy death and remove all traces of its stench

I was there to remove that which tastes foul

I was there to recompose the decomposed

I was there to give you the sweet honey of My words

I was there to stand you upright and fill your empty places with My words

I was there to loose that which confines you

I was there to wrap you in Me

I was there to give you breath

I was there to restore your ability to see, hear, smell, taste and touch Me!

I was there to consume you in My presence

I was there to clear you confusion

I was there to cut the ties that bind you

I was there to give you life!

I was there to walk you out of the darkness, death and decay of this season the choices you and others has placed you in

I was there in the mist of the process

I was there waiting to guide you through the dense darkness to your future

I was there waiting for you to create the door you and only you can make in the box of your past.

But why did this awful thing happen?

I created men to make their choices

I created men to choose right or wrong

I created men to love

I created man so I could love

Man chose his way

Man may have choose wrongly

Man redirected his love to things other than Me

Man doesn’t realize that I will alway love

Why did You not rescue me?

I was there to define and separate the sounds into understanding

I was there to stop the buzz of confusion with a clear single sound

I was there to speak life into your understanding

I was there to give meaning to the process

I was there to counsel you on a better way

I was there waiting for you to ask

I was there protecting your will to choose

I was there

What do you want me to do now?

Use your eyes to see

Use your ears to hear

Use your senses to discern truth

Use your will

Use your power to choose

Use your ability to choose rightly

Use your love to direct others to love

Use your heart to know that I always love YOU

Continue to seek My presence in the darkness

Continue to listen for My voice in the clamor of sounds

Continue to taste and see that I Am good

Continue to ask the questions that will lead you from the hopeless darkness into the ALL is POSSIBLE light

Where are you NOW?

I Am with you in the darkness

I Am with you in the hopelessness

I Am with you in the stench of death

I Am with you in the surrender

I Am with you in your box

I Am with you out of your box

I Am always present

I Am here

But, I don’t trust me.

You will...

You will see again

You will hear again

You will know Me through the choices you make

You will learn trust through the experiences of this journey

You will learn from the past

You will experience change

You will build the old waste places

You will learn to trust your abilities to hear

I’m not sure I trust You.

It’s ok you will find that place again

It’s ok you will see more clearly as we walk together out of darkness into light

It’s ok you will find mans love, fickle and fleeting, but My love, is unconditional and abundant

It’s ok you will trust Me again, you have never completely lost that trust, or we wouldn’t be having this conversation.

I understand better now, Lord!


I will cut a door in the box I have been living in

I will look through the door into the possibilities of my future

I will see things outside my box

I will chose to come out of this box of my past

I will trust in the Lord with all of my heart

I will reach through the dense darkness

I will grasp Your hand and cling to You

I will allow You to guide me toward the light of my future

I will not lean on my own understanding and abilities

I will not focus on the darkness but lift my eyes to the distant lighted way out

I will not allow the details to define my answers

I will not stay in the dark hopeless place

I will in all my decisions acknowledge You, Lord

I will seek Your presence continually

I will listen to Your words and directions I will follow You, even when I can’t see where I am going

I will allow You to direct my path

I will learn to trust Your directions I will follow Your directions

I will reach the open door of my destiny, holding tightly to You as You lead me through this valley of shadows

I will not live in a delusional place of thinking that here in the box, resides all the answers.

I will not stay in the box of my past thoughts and experiences

I will break free to the wide open places outside of the confinement I have placed myself in

I will be free to walk with You and others in the beauty of each new daily experience

I will be whole in my thinking, emotions, and feelings

I will become one whole man spirit, soul and body

I will declare the ability of God to completely save, heal and deliver

I will enjoy the kingdom, God has created for me in the earth

I will proclaim and exemplify the goodness of God in the land of the living

I will experience and enjoy the delights of each new day

I will love completely and be loved

I will not fear for all things are possible with God and to those who believe.

I will live and not die and declare the greatness of God

I will come out of my box and into Your limitless presence!


Latest comments

25.11 | 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during myhttps://www.goldenbustours.com/new-york-to-niagara-falls-bus-tours/. It has lots of places to try

11.05 | 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

11.03 | 12:33

My pleasure, Debbie thank you for taking the time to read and share.

11.03 | 03:36

Sharon the beauty of His love. Your explanation is exquisite thank you for learning applying and sharing.

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