
Holy Spirit AKA Dr. George...helps deliver the  promise from the unseen into the seen realm.

Holy Spirit AKA Dr. George...helps deliver the  promise from the unseen into the seen realm.


December 2013

I again awoke this morning thinking of the goodness of God and remembering events in my life where He has shown up.

Our family is walking through a very emotionally charged situation right now with our father. Each of my siblings are experiencing their directional view of this room of our present. We are having to carry the heavy load our own individually conceived views of this present situation.

Views painted in detail by our own individual interactions with the players and present circumstances we find our selves experiencing. Hoping and praying that we will all come out still having a good relationship with our earthly father.

In expressing my gratefulness to my Heavenly Father I was reminded of an encounter I had many years ago.

I haven’t thought about the three day encounter I had with the Lord in the spring of 1997 in a very long time. Why this morning? I am not sure, but think I may see it a little bit better after a conversation with my dear friend Stephany.

As I remember the encounter happened like this. Dennis, Brittany and I were leaving church on a Wednesday night after a mid week service. There is nothing that stands out in my memory about the service.

It is almost like an out of body experience as I remember this event. I can see myself in the passenger seat of our little Mazda, Dennis was driving and Brittany was sitting directly behind me in the back seat. We were parked in the front of the church.

The church is in the old part of our town. It is in a store front that has been converted into a church. The front of the church at the time was all glass windows with sheer curtains on the windows. The front parking spaces previously had parking meters. You pull in at a right angle facing the buildings.

Brittany and I were in the car waiting for Dennis to come out.

While we were waiting I had the Holy Spirit physically touch my body in a manner that I bent over at the waist uttering a long, loud cry. I heard the Lord speak to my spirit. “This will be with you for the next three days”

I had been crying out for the Lord to change me. All I wanted was to know Him more and to be changed.

There were serious things happening in the church concerning the leadership, as well as in our family. I like Mary the mother of Jesus, said let it be to me according to Your word!

Several years earlier in 1992, we had taken an early retirement from the Army and moved back to Tennessee. Dennis and I both had heard a clear word from the Lord on the same Sunday morning. I was at church in DeRidder, Louisiana. Dennis was ending a 24 hour CQ shift on base at Fort Polk.

God had spoken to us separately using the same term with both of us “It’s time to go home”. We were in two separate locations that morning, but felt the Lord speak to our heart that it was time to move home, to Tennessee. We never referred to Tennessee as going home. Home was where ever we were stationed at the time. Home was Me, Dennis, Heath and Brittany. We always said lets go to Tennessee, not lets go home.

I told God if this is You, You speak to Dennis. I am not going to tell him You said for him to get out of the Army.

He was already at home when we came home from church. I went upstairs to talk to him and he ask me to sit down on the bed. He had something to tell me. He told me he felt he was hearing we were to go home. I almost fell off the bed.

I shared what the Father had spoken to me at church. This was the first time in our marriage that we both had heard exactly the same thing from God at the same time!

The next week Dennis applied for an early retirement, during a time the Army was not allowing senior non commissioned officers to get out of the Army. He applied and was excepted.

We felt this was a confirmation we were hearing directionally for our family. The children and I moved home that summer after school was out and Dennis joined us in September when his paperwork was final.

We have had to look back over the last 21 years and remind ourselves numerous times that God sent us back here and then regroup concerning what ever situation we were dealing with that made us doubt our being in Tennessee.

We had never planned to retire in Tennessee. We wanted to be away from the drama that exists in most families, ours included, but live close enough to visit often so the children could know their grandparents, and aunts and uncles. We had planned to retire maybe in Missouri. We had made good friends there and have continued to cultivate those relationships over the years. We had a wonderful spiritual connection with the people in the area.

I felt the Lord had spoken clearly to me to come home and take the land. That to make no mistakes about it there were giants in the land, but He would give us the land and save and heal our extended families. I knew this was my assignment from the Lord. To pray and intercede over our families so they could get Gods picture for their lives. To know Him personally and intimately. Not the God of religious belief systems we have ourselves erected, but the God of personal, daily, interactive, present experience!

Both Dennis’ and my parents and siblings were saved. Dennis and I both had been raised in church. We all had our own beliefs and issues with life and even each other.

Dennis parents were divorced and remarried to other people. Their divorce was nasty and neither of them could be at the same family functions together, even after 25 years.

His father, step mother and sister had always lived in Tennessee. His mother and step father moved back to Tennessee from Ohio shortly after we did. His brother and family moved here around the same time.

Obviously God was up to something, we had no clue, but we were trying to do what we felt we heard God saying to us.

My parents and my youngest sister and youngest brother and his wife lived close by. My oldest sister and family lived in Indiana, our older brother in Virginia. Our children would be able to get to know their grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins better.

We had found a church here in Cookeville in 1986 when Dennis had to do an unaccompanied tour in Korea and we couldn’t go with him. We had stayed in close contact with the church leadership for the last four and a half years, that we had been stationed in Louisiana. They had laid hands on us and sent us out to Louisiana, acknowledging the call on my life as a Prophetic Intercessor. We were surprisingly excited to see just what the future would hold for us as we returned to Tennessee.

I had known for many years that I was called as an intercessor. One who goes to God on behalf of others. Taking a given person or situation before the Father in prayer, believing He will do what only He can do. Praying as the Holy Spirit prompts prophetically. A Prophetic Intercessor is one who by revelation from the Holy Spirit prays what they hear and see in their spirit. Releasing His word to go forth and bring revelation to the person or persons involved in any given situation. Intercession is never meant to control or manipulate a person or situation to get the outcome you want. That would be witch craft in my opinion.

Heaven revealing secrets and mysteries, earth speaking what Heaven has to say. Giving God a legal right to intervene in the affairs of man. Crying out for the will of God to be revealed to the people involved in any given situation. Praying that He will open the eyes of their understanding so they may make choices and decisions with wisdom and revelation. Allowing them to change and be changed so that their lives are enriched and blessed.

I always knew I was supposed to be a stay at home Mom. Be there when my children went to school and came home. Take care of the home duties and spend much needed time with my husband. I knew that my being able to stay home all these years with our children had been a blessing from God and was a huge part of the call of God on my life. Being home allowed me to be available to the Holy Spirit for Intercessory prayer. Being a wife and mother was my first call, being an intercessor came second.

We had taken over a $10.00 hourly cut in pay to get out of the Army, and obey the direction of the Lord. Dennis needed me to get a job so he would feel secure about our finances in the beginning. Deep down I knew this was not what I was supposed to do, but at the time felt that it was where my husbands faith was. I was trying to come into agreement with him. Thinking at the time this was the right thing to do for our family and marriage. I would get a job.

I took a job at a factory I had worked at when I was 18 years old. Dennis had applied there and mentioned I had worked there before. They told him to have me fill out an application and they would hire me. They called me to offer me a job. I took it. Feeling all the time something was wrong with the order of all of this.

I was sick with dread and had no peace about working outside the home. Thinking I was honoring where my husbands faith was and helping my family. I went to work. This job almost destroyed my health physically and emotionally. I stood for 8-10 hour shifts five to six days a week. I would come home barely able to put my foot on each step to climb to the bathtub.

I have a curvature of the spine and the constant standing caused pain that had begun to be almost unbearable. After my bath I would lay in our bed and watch movies with Brittany, get up and do it again. I grieved the loss of time with my children and husband, but continued to do what had to be done to bring in finances to meet our needs. Most nights Heath was going to school, then to work. I left the house before they got up and was in bed before he came home.

Emotionally I was being attacked like I had never been in my life. I couldn’t understand why I felt the way I did, I thought I was just being lazy and not willing to help my husband by working and adding income to our household. The enemy worked overtime telling me what a good for nothing, ungrateful wife I was. Telling me I thought I was too spiritual to work outside the home. He didn’t have to work too hard. I still believed a lot of these lies from my perception of myself as a child and teen.

Dennis watching my emotional and physical health changing told me to quit my job. I told him I couldn’t quit, I would find another job. I felt that until he was comfortable with our being able to make it on one income I needed to work and emotionally support him. I didn't want to add any further stress to him as we made this transition from military life and a steady fixed income to civilian life and an hourly income much less than we were use to. I realize now that these decisions were being made out of my head and not from my spirit so there was no peace.

I worked for about six weeks at this factory job. We were working 8-10 hours a day. My hands would swell from the work I was doing and almost burst open. My back would be so stiff and painful it was literally all I could do to lift one foot at a time up the stairs to our bedroom. I felt emotionally drained all the time and didn’t know what I was doing wrong. Oh, I knew I was called to be home, but what good wife stays home when her husband needs her to help out? This was the mantra I allowed the enemy to torment me with.

I cried out for another job, one that I could interact with people. I am a people person not an inanimate object person. While reading the help wanted ads in our local paper I saw an ad for an office assistant. I applied for a job at a chiropractors office and got the job. God had honored my asking and I was blessed to be able to work with an employer who thought that putting family first was not an occasion for discipline, but the correct order of life. My children could call me when they needed me if my mother needed me I was just a couple of miles from her home. I also was able to help sick and injured people find some relief from their pain. I learned many new skills and made a wonderful friend named Marsha. Who I cherish and stay in touch with to this day.

My mother passed away in 1994 after a two year battle with colon cancer. We had two years to be with her before she passed. The kids stayed with her and daddy when I had to be at work on days they were sick or had school holidays. Mother was one of my best friends and I had left nothing I felt needed saying unsaid before she moved to Heaven. I had been given a word of knowledge about her dying in a two year period, but had hoped I was missing it. She was dying and their was nothing I could do to save her. We went to a Word of Faith church that believed in miracles and healing. We were not getting the Word to work concerning my mother. Why? We were asking, but God wasn’t answering. Or was He?

We downsized our house to get a smaller mortgage so if mother needed me to take care of her we would not be in a financial mess. We sold our newer used cars and bought older used ones to get our monthly bills down. I hated spending 10 hour days at work while my sister Brenda sacrificed being away from her family, by coming from Indiana to move in and take daily care of our mother. I hated not being able to help more. I had to work. My younger sister had five children and the baby was under two years old. Daddy was home helping take care of mother. The church and family were giving into their income so he didn’t have to work outside the home. God was providing and taking care of each of us as we prayed daily for our mother’s healing. When she went to Heaven, we rejoiced for her and grieved the daily void of her absence.

Several months after mother passed I was privileged to be with a dear friend as she walked through a very short but devastating battle with breast cancer. She graduated to Heaven after a nine month struggle. I had spent days and weeks at a time at her home. Taking her to doctors visits, changing her wound dressings, sleeping in the same room with her so when she woke up in pain or fear I would be there to pray and give her medication. Her husband and children allowed me to give myself to her personal care so they could have some much needed relief. I wanted their last memories to be about conversations of love. Not about daily pain relief and wound care. I would come home get in my shower, trying to wash off the smell of cancer, and cry out to God for answers to why we couldn’t seem to get His Word to work for those we loved.

My father remarried in 1996. Not even two years after mother passed. We excepted that if he was happy that was all that mattered. Diane has a special needs son. Their lives have been a rocky challenge over these many years.

I had gone to x-ray school for my job and was still working at the doctor’s office. I knew in my spirit this was not God’s best for me but just couldn’t seem to figure out what we needed to do to fix it. I was grateful for the job and the income, all the while hating that I wasn’t free to devote more time to my family and the call to pray.

Still hearing the same old accusation from the enemy, each time I entertained the thought of leaving the work force. Accusations are a lousy wife not willing to help out financially with your just think you are too spiritual to have to keep this job...that's where Dennis' faith would be letting him and your family down. Although our financial situation was not in lack in the least, I still was tormented with driven emotional and anxious thoughts. I could find no peace. I knew in my spirit what I needed to do, but my head continued to reason away the still small voice. Stealing my peace and wrecking my physical and emotional health.

I enjoyed my job and loved the people. God used me in the office. I prayed with my dear friend Marsha over many things in my life and hers. We prayed for the doctors family and the practice. I prayed for patients as I took x-rays or applied different therapies. My boss and co-workers ask me questions about my belief, and my relationship with God.

This was a wonderful environment to work in. I was still feeling like I was out of step with what I should be doing, but couldn’t get a clear picture of the steps I needed to take to get back in step.

Our son, Heath was 18 and had moved out with friends. As a mother I worried where he was and if he was safe and eating regularly. He was running with a not so nice crowd. Heath wasn’t giving us any trouble. He was just trying to discover who he was and who God was in all of it. He was testing what we had taught him and discovering that we made mistakes but God never changed.

Brittany was working, going to school and hanging out here with her friends. We have always been very close and she was a comfort to me, just knowing I didn’t have to worry where she was or who she was hanging out with made my days easier.

Dennis had gotten a job with the city of Cookeville about a month after we moved home. He loved his job and was happy that I had a good job, our son and daughter had jobs and we were doing well. Dennis was in the Praise and Worship group at church. I was leading the Intercessory Prayer Group. Our relationship was good. We were experiencing the stress of all the stuff, but we knew we loved each other unconditionally and I knew no one would ever love me more than Dennis Woolbright loved me.

My dissatisfaction with the way things were feeling was always with me. I wouldn't allow myself to dwell there because I thought I was doing all I could at the time. I didn't realize that my settling for an easier place still wasn't walking in the best place. The place God truly had for us.

All of this and much more had taken place by this Wednesday night in 1997. As we backed out of our parking spot at the church.

True to His Word, for three nights and days, every few seconds I was doubled over with a loud groan coming from my deepest being. What was this all about? I didn’t know, I just knew it was supernatural and that although I could have ask God to stop it. I didn’t want to. I was desperate for a God intervention in my life.

I was in charge of the intercessory prayer ministry at our church. We met on Thursday mornings. I had kept Dennis awake all night doubling over and groaning. I knew I could not go out and about with this manifestation happening. This was intimate and personal. Holy and terrifying all at the same time. I called the church to let the secretary know to tell the ladies I wouldn’t be there today. It was obvious there was a supernatural encounter happening to me and I needed to get my mind around it first.

I called my best friend and intercessory prayer partner Ann. I drove to their farm and we spent the day on her floor praying, me doubling over with groans, head bobbing and her praying and wondering what this sign was for. She covered me from an earthly perspective, standing guard interceding for me as I walked through this encounter. Standing watch that the enemy was not involved, taking me down an emotionally unstable road, watching and praying as I walked through the very real experience complete with manifestation!

The pastor sent the church secretary over to check it out and see if it was real. She stayed, played her guitar, worshipped and prayed for hours with me as we marveled in this strange manifestation.

My husband wasn’t sure if I had lost my mind or what. He could see that this was something supernatural. He supported me but moved to the couch so he could get some sleep. Another minister friend and intercessory partner Marie and I met with our pastor. God had a word for him about some of the things going on in the ministry. We made a cassette tape of our meeting that day and he kept that tape. I pray it served to give him insight and direction for the many issues that he was facing at the time. He is now in Heaven.

I only went out of the house, when I felt the Holy Spirit was instructing me to. By the second night I ask God for a little break to get some sleep. The manifestation lifted for about two hours or so and I slept. I was awakened with doubling over and loud groans. This continued for the full three nights and days. It stopped as suddenly as it had begun.

Still to this day sometimes the Holy Spirit’s presence will come upon me and I will experience a few repetitions of this manifestation. Do I know what all of this was for? Not totally. God did tell me later that the three days were, one day for me and my ministry, one day for my immediate and extended family, and the third day for our church and our city. I know that over the years since this encounter I have learned to follow more closely the inner peace of the Holy Spirit.

I was taken to a place in the spirit that caused a very strong and tangible manifestation in my physical body. I believe God was preparing me for things to come. It was as if I had stood between two realms, the supernatural manifestation of bowing in the very presence of God coupled with the physical effects of loud groans which could not be articulated into english words.

Little did I know then that the years to come would take me through some crushing losses, some sudden and life altering additions to our family, some devastating valley experiences where I would come face to face with my own Goliath. I would desperately need the stones of remembrance to load, aim and hit the mark to take the giants out of our lives. Giants with out covenant that would try to defy the progress of the word of the Lord and the call on my life to take the giants out of the land of my inheritance? I would desperately need to remember this supernatural encounter and many others along the way, when the battle was so fierce and doubt and fear, tried to convince me He had left me, alone and bloody. When doubt said God was far away and didn't care about my stuff. I wrapped myself in the memory of this experience and knew that manifest or invisable, my God was always present!

God has allowed strange manifestations of His Presence ever since biblical times. This is just one of several I have had in my life and ministry. I know I was changed. I began to see what I had done that was not the perfect plan of God for our family when we had retired and moved back to Tennessee.

I had come in agreement, with Dennis’ fear that we would not be able to make it financially if I didn’t work outside the home. My fear was that I was not doing my best as a wife to help out with the financial needs and letting my husband down.

In thinking I was getting a job for the right reasons. I was really operating in fear. Opening the door wider for the enemy to attack every area of mine and my families lives. All I would have had to do was go to my husband and tell him God was not telling me to get a job outside the home. That I was to be home with our children and be available to continue praying and interceding for our lives and families.

My husband knew and highly respected the call on my life and my ability to hear from God directionally. In hindsight I know he would have told me to turn in my resignation. He fully trusted me following the direction God was leading me.

I had so quickly forgotten what God had said to me about coming back to Tennessee. He had told me to come home and take the land. That to make no mistake about it there would be giants in the land of our family, but He would give us the land!

Our families mine and Dennis' are mostly Christians. We can go back generations and see many ministers, pastors, prophets, evangelists, teachers, and I'm sure an apostle or two. They all believe Jesus is the son of God, born of a virgin, lived, was crucified, buried and resurrected after three days, and now sits at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us. I and many of my living family members have expressed a deep hunger and desire for more. Not just a historical head knowledge of God, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. We crave and are hard after His manifest daily presence! We want to be whole spirit, soul, and body! I have found this is not a journey for cowards!

Dennis would have stepped up to the level of faith I was walking in at that time. He had always believed and supported the call of God on my life and the proof of my hearing from God was evident through out our marriage. I am not perfect and had not always heard correctly. We had always followed what God was revealing to me over the years and God had been faithful to bring us through it all. I wanted badly for Dennis to take the lead in hearing more clearly for our family and I sacrificed the perfect plan and timing of God. Thinking I was being a submitted and faithful wife. I was unknowingly submitting to an interpretation of my position as wife that was taught to me from well meaning pastors and family members from my youth. I was doing the right thing according to the teaching of men not realizing it was fear motivated and this fear was the open door for the enemy to attack our family on many levels in many ways.

We had sought council from our pastors and others as to me working. They had felt I should work and help our family. I had listened to the voice of men, good men, well meaning men, over the voice of God. This was not the first time I had done this. It was just the next chapter in several chapters that had to do with the power we give the enemy when we obey or are moved in our emotions by mens opinion over God’s directions. Obviously, God knew what He was talking about when He wrote in His word that it is better to obey God than man.

I paid a high price. A very high price, and took my family along with me to suffer the consequences. We are still digging out of the results of this mistake. My physical health is still recovering from the physical effects, during the short time I spent in the working conditions in that factory.

They were not bad conditions, my physical body's structure was curved, making it excruciating to stand in a confined position or sit for long hours on hard surfaces. My spirit was grieved at being there and my emotions were trapped knowing this was what I had to do to make enough money to sustain the same level of living we had left in the Army. Not realizing the same God who instructed us to get out of the Army was the same God who would provide for us when we did. God never demotes! He always promotes!

God is redeeming each day that I give to Him and hopefully I am a better person because of it. I have ask for and received forgiveness, but the process of restoring what has been lost is still on going.

My siblings and I have been experiencing a very sad and stressful situation in our lives over the last few months with our father and his wife. God is at work and even though it looks like there will not be a good outcome. God comes in and graphically reminds me of His promise to me about my family. The uncircumcised giants without covenant are being beheaded with their own weapons everyday and the true and living God is showing up to save, heal and deliver to the uttermost!

Just an hour or so ago, while talking to my dear friend Stephany. God showed me where we are as a family right now. I have laid my life down for over 21 years at this writing, to pray and intercede for my family and our city. I am determined to see my extended family totally set free if they desire it. I am going to pay what ever it takes to have the manifest presence and power of God activated on a daily basis in my life. I will heal the sick, cast out devils and raise the dead! I will be whole spirit, soul and body. I will conform to the image of the example Jesus has set for us!

Raising the physically dead would be great, but my goal in dead raising is to raise those who are spiritually dead to resurrection life! Life that is full and emotionally free of the pain of the past. Caused by half truths and lies. Life that deals in honesty even if it is full of pain. Pain that gets new life birthed and not the pain that leads to death because I am unwilling to know the truth and be set free.

This new revelation was a word from the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit said, “ Sharon, this present mess you are walking through is the delivery of the afterbirth. You have conceived and carried My love in your spiritual heart for your family. It has grown and been delivered alive and well. Today this, that you are walking through is the mess of the afterbirth being delivered. That which was necessary for the growing promise to receive life’s blood through, is no longer needed. The promise has been birthed! ”

The afterbirth a dead mass of blood vessels and tissue. Now broken away from the life rich womb and being passed from the body. It is necessary to expel it from the womb to not allow infection to ravish the new mother. It has served its purpose and can be delivered and discarded a short time after the baby is born.

I have to know that God is watching over His Word to preform it, because His Word says He is.

I have spiritually conceived, carried and birthed the promise of God to remove the giants from the land of our family heritage. I have carried and delivered with long agonizing labor a promise from the heart of God. I willingly received the seed of promise from the Lover of my soul, carried it, nurtured it, had regular checkups, tried to spiritually eat right and protect that which was growing in me. Until the appointed delivery date. I have been miserable and complaining at times at the growing mass in my spirit, as it grew to its full term. I even at times wished for an early delivery to relieve my misery of being so extended with this gift of God. I fantasized about how it would look and what it would be like. Always knowing I was carrying the weight of new life in our family, not just for myself but as a surrogate for many others.

That which I carried was multiple revelations, multiple answers for many who were unable to conceive on their own the answers to their barrenness of soul and spirit. What I carried was not the verbalization of these truths, but the intercession so they could hear the voice of the Father directing them individually for themselves.This which I carried I had named, His Manifested Presence. Knowing to each individual that received one of these multiple gifts revealed, they too would be forever changed. I knew it was worth it, and tried to keep my eyes on the delivered potential and not on my painful experience throughout the process.

I believe my three day encounter was the Heavenly experience of the spiritual birthing. A sign and wonder marking a place in real earth time history, of a supernatural bringing forth of a God promise. The prophetic word of God a sure word conceived willingly, carried willingly, and delivered through the transition through the valley of the shadow of death. I believe the closest a woman comes to dying and still lives is in child birth. Those three days I felt so many of the things I felt in my natural child birthing experience. I felt happy, scared, ignorant, giddy love, a wonder at what this gift from God would look like and a fierce determination to deliver.

Although I ask for and received a two hour break or rest period I reluctantly but gladly resumed the completion of the appointed time table of Heaven. The one thing I didn’t feel was apprehension that what was happening to me was not the process necessary to reach an expected end. Even if at the time I did not know what that end would be.

The 20 years since has been my earthly experience, of watching the everyday struggles and joys of these newly birthed promises growing into mature, responsible, accountable entities. Each one entering into the intimate place with the Father on their own to willingly conceive new life in themselves to perpetuate another generation of lovers of God! I have also sadly watched and witnessed those in the family who choose to conceive outside of covenant, birthing things that will take them down roads of pain and destruction. I can continue to interced for them that Holy Spirit will open their eyes to the truth of who God is and who they are in His eyes. I must at all cost refuse to judge or accuse them based on my limited view of their rooms of life. They don't belong to me they belong to Him.

This delivery of family awakening and new birth is not mine to raise. I was just the surrogate. One who carried for another, that which they were unable at the time to conceive. I conceived, carried, and delivered the love of God for my family. A supernatural conception in my spirit man. Carried to a term length decided by Heaven, labor came and that which I had carried, loved, and dreamed about, has come forth. Caught in the realm of earth by the Holy Spirit AKA Dr. George and is being raised through life stages by Him, not me!

I delivered while walking through the natural, emotional, and spiritual experience of my own stages of growth. Working on becoming whole through the spiritual stages of growth from...


I have not arrived yet. I'm not even sure spiritually which stage I am presently in. My actions today will manifest the reality of my progression for those around me to see. I can fake a maturity I have not yet mastered, but I will not be able to hide the truth of my emotional immaturity from The Father, the only one who really matters when all is said and done.

Some of you have been present while I carried this new life and witnessed the delivery. It was not a pretty sight. There were times I wanted to deliver no matter if it was time or not. Being reminded that premature deliveries may be underdeveloped and need expensive long term life support. Knowing they have a higher risk of mental retardation and physical deformities caused me to take my focus from the selfish discomfort I was experiencing and focus on the love I was developing for this yet unborn, unseen gift.

Two realms paralleling one another, one on Heaven’s time the other on earth’s time. I chose to enter the covenant of intimacy with God. I chose to conceive His love gift. I didn’t get to choose the day of delivery.

That assigned promise has been delivered. Holy Spirit has caught the multiple births of promise and delivered them to each individual they were carried for. It is up to them now to raise their delivered promise and develop their own conscious knowledge that He is always present! I see many of them have entered covenant relationship with the intimacy of His Presence. They have received the seed of intimate promise and they are obviously expanding with that which is growing within them. The spiritual heritage of our family is developing daily as we watch Heaven time for an earth time delivery!

The Holy Spirit said, “ Sharon, this present mess you are walking through is the delivery of the afterbirth. You have conceived and carried My love in your spiritual heart for your family. It has grown and been delivered alive and well. Today this, that you are walking through is the mess of the afterbirth being delivered. That which was necessary for the growing promise to receive life’s blood through, is no longer needed. The promise has been birthed! ”

From conception the rapid dividing of cells attaches to the wall of a blood rich womb. A living forming life, taking what it needs from the supply of the mother. An umbilical cord forms to pass the life giving nourishment through. This process can have an adverse effect in the life of the mother. She will have symptoms that will be signs to make her wonder if she is expecting. There are ways to test to confirm or deny this suspicion. There are wonderful resources, and tools to give visual glimpses into what she is carrying. Until she holds the promise in her arms she will never be certain all those tests and pictures gave a complete picture of this new life that was within her.

When I was expecting my children even without the pictures deep down I always knew I was with child. Heaven had promised, I had believed and done the process to conceive, I had the signs, that continued to openly confirm through time that I was indeed with child.

I knew there would be a delivery date. I didn’t know what to expect exactly, but I knew that He had promised and nothing no matter how painful could stop the fulfillment. I knew there would be pain, lots of it, but I had not experienced that level of pain yet, I was ignorantly blissful. I focused on the joy of a child and not the inevitable pain that would bring that child from a hidden place to a place I could see and hold.

I barely noticed the delivery of the afterbirth. I was so elated at the arrival of the hidden and untouchable now present and safely cradled in my arms. That which had been the lifeline for my child was on longer needed. It had been expelled, examined and discarded. I was still the life line for my child. My ability to sustain his life just took on another form. The easy part was over and the hard part was just starting.

The blessing of the spiritual surrogate birthing, is that Holy Spirit, catches that which is birthed, delivers it to eagerly waiting, unsuspecting, parents (those friends, family, ministers, teachers, etc.) that have a long hard wonderful journey ahead of them, listening, supporting, guiding, crying, and rejoicing as we as individuals grow up in real earth time. You as the surrogate get to relax, recover, and wait for the next assignment.

This is the close of one chapter and the beginning of a new one. I want to hang out and watch just what it is God is raising up in our family. I am so glad He is going to feed it, clothe it, rock it and comfort it, and yes, discipline it as well. I will watch and learn. I will be thankful that He who has begun a good work will bring it to completion.


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25.11 | 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during my It has lots of places to try

11.05 | 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

11.03 | 12:33

My pleasure, Debbie thank you for taking the time to read and share.

11.03 | 03:36

Sharon the beauty of His love. Your explanation is exquisite thank you for learning applying and sharing.

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