Doing God Exploits

" but the people who do know their God shall be strong and do exploits."

As I awoke a few days ago Holy Spirit brought this portion of scripture to my conscious understanding. “but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.”

Being familiar with this statement but not knowing where it was found. Sent me into a search for the reference, finding it in Daniel 11:32. Holy Spirit reminded me the scripture also says it is the glory of God to conceal a thing for us to search out. I looked up this verse as a starting place.

King David wrote in Proverbs 25: 2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. (KJV Strong’s)

Using the app on my iPad I began looking up the key words in this scripture. The compilation of that search resulted in the following expanded version intended to give me greater insight and understanding.

It is the glory(great praise, fame, or admiration, an object of pride)of God to conceal(to hide; withdraw or remove from observation; cover or keep from sight: to keep secret; to prevent or avoid disclosing or divulging)a thing: but the honor (honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions, high respect, the privilege)of kings is to search(to go or look through, to look at or examine, carefully in order to find something concealed: to explore or examine in order to discover information, to look at or beneath the superficial aspects of to discover a motive, reaction, feeling, basic truth) out a matter.

Reducing my expanded search for greater understanding I reduced the passage to flow more smoothly, painting a picture in my understanding of what Holy Spirit was trying to say to me. Thus allowing for me to see words written, understood, and painted on the eye of my understanding in a manner that allows me to interact more fully with what King David was trying to communicate about God and His words to us.

Proverbs 25: 2b became a living picture as I looked for the things hidden by God for my discovery. My final expansion and reduction resulted in the following treasure.

It is the great praise, and object of pride of God to withdraw from observation, conceal for the discovery, a thing. It is to my honor, integrity in my beliefs and actions, a highly respected privilege for me to search, carefully examine, so I can find that which is concealed. Exploring looking beneath the surface to discover motives, reactions, feelings, the truth of a matter.

Thus my honorable, highly respected privilege was to began to search for the delightfully hidden things. Tucked just out of sight waiting for my discovery, unwrapping a clearer picture of what God was speaking to me on this particular day.

A challenge from the Father to seek out the hidden thing in this bit of scripture which George AKA Holy Spirit had spoken into my spirit that morning.

The phrase which Holy Spirit spoke to me is found in Daniel 11:32, it is in the last half of this scripture. In the previous verses of Daniel chapter 11, Daniel is talking about four kings and their corrupt ways. In verse 32 he makes this statement.

Daniel 11:32 (KJV Strong's) 32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits.

Holy Spirit had highlighted just the latter part of this verse to me that morning. Desiring a thorough search of the whole verse I set out to unpack this verse by looking up definitions of the key words in the verse.

Starting with the fist half of the verse:

Daniel 11:32a... And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries:

In looking up the key words in this first part of the verse to get a better understanding of what is being said I went to the online dictionary,

This first statement would read something like this in our today understanding with the addition of further meaning of these key words. (See for definitions of key underlined words:)

Daniel 11: 32a… And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall be corrupt by flatteries:

Sharon’s amplified version for Daniel 11:32a would look something like this.

And such as do(perform, execute, accomplish; finish; complete)wickedly(morally evil, sin, iniquitous, malicious mischief, unjustified, dreadful, spiteful acts)against the covenant(the solemn agreement a formal agreement of legal validity,)shall be corrupt (guilty of dishonest practices, as bribery; lacking integrity; crooked)by flatteries(to try to please by complimentary remarks or attention);

By flatteries they are corrupt. It appears that the by flatteries phrase is the method they do wicked and corrupt things.

Those that try to please by complimentary remarks or attention, perform wicked, malicious, spiteful acts against the solemn agreement, the covenant of legal validity. These people shall be guilty of dishonest practices, bribery, they are crooked lacking integrity.

This triggered my thinking processes to consider my everyday life decisions. When I compliment, or seduce by flattering words or acts with the intent of gaining a certain outcome benefitting myself with others. I am corrupt, guilty of dishonest practices, and lack integrity. 

Oh, my goodness! Is this the reason or part of the reason I am not seeing exploits accomplished in my daily life for the Kingdom? Am I, are we, deceiving ourselves into thinking that this definition doesn't apply to me, to us? Am I thinking that because I am professing to be a Christian that if I do these things, as subtle, or well meaning as I may be. That I am somehow exempt from the consequences of my intentions? Is this not witch craft? That may be another topic that will need some exploring to uncover the hidden things contained therein! 

But the of which I am choosing to be...shall be strong...willfully deciding to do right through actively filtering my decisions through the intimate and personal relationship with my God!

Daniel 11;32b…but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.

But the people that do(perform, execute, accomplish)know(possessing inside, secret, or special information about )their God shall be strong(having, showing power, competent, of great moral power, of great force, effectiveness, compelling, clear and firm)and do(perform, execute, accomplish) exploits( striking or notable deeds; feats; spirited or heroic acts).

The word BUT is a conjunction and it means on the contrary. Contrary is an adjective that means opposite in nature or character; diametrically or mutually opposed.

The word BUT is like an eraser. I have taught my children over the years that when they say BUT and spend time to explain their version of why they did a certain thing, or interject the word BUT after I have explained my rules or point of view to them that the word BUT works like an eraser. It says what you just said doesn’t matter or isn’t correct, so now let me tell you what l really think.

In this passage in Daniel 11: 32b, God is saying BUT…contrary to those who through flattering and complimentary remarks perform wicked, malicious spiteful acts against the covenant agreement. These people who do dishonest practices, use bribery and have no integrity…BUT…erase that because you are not one of those people.

Daniel 11: 32b…but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.

God is saying...but …contrary too or opposite of those people let me tell you about the people that do know their God!

Notice the little word is an action word. You actively know... intimately pursue... gain intimate knowledge through personal experience. These people are strong and do exploits! Once again that little word do...actively perform notable deeds, feats, spirited and heroic acts.

The people that do know and are intimately aquatinted with their God shall do accomplish and execute inside secret and special information about their God.They shall have and show great moral power with great force, effectively, clearly and firmly accomplish exploits, notable deeds, feats, spirited and heroic acts.

WOW...thats what God says about me!

In this present age. Even today we turn on the news and hear constant examples of those who try to please or manipulate by complimentary or condescending remarks to bring attention to their agenda. They perform wicked, malicious, spiteful acts against the solemn agreement, the covenant of legal validity. Our right as free human beings to make choices for ourselves without the manipulative pressure of their agendas. These people shall be guilty of dishonest practices, bribery, they are crooked lacking integrity.

There are those who through deceit, lies and flatteries seek to RE- PRESENT the facts in a manner that portrays their own views and opinions. They seek to maliciously and spitefully break our Biblical and Constitutional covenants. They use dishonest practices of lies and bribery having no integrity, they seek to spitefully perform wicked, malicious acts against those who are refusing to break Biblical or Constitutional covenant.


Yes, the eraser of BUT is in the hand of God! Being used by our GOD on those things that have tried to speak or establish to the contrary what the Covenant says…

MY people, those who KNOW me, those called by MY name, those who know Me personally and intimately.

SHALL…not maybe they will…or I hope they will…but (forget or erase the things said before..forget the maybe..the hope so) God says... they shall do exploits!

SHALL…unequivocally, positively do, execute, perform, accomplish, using secret and special information about their God. They shall definitely have and show great moral power with great force, effectively, clearly and firmly accomplish exploits, notable deeds, feats, spirited and heroic act!


Definitely means unequivocally; positively!

Unequivocally means: in a way that is not subject to conditions or exceptions;

Positively means with certainty; absolutely; unquestionably; definitely:

And we have come full circle back to DEFINITELY!

So our God is saying about those who know Him…

Daniel 11;32b…but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.

He God is saying about those who are intimately and personal acquainted with Him. They, you and I, shall definitely, unequivocally, in a way not subject to conditions or exceptions, absolutely, unquestionably, definitely, be strong show great moral power with great force effectively, clearly and firmly accomplish notable deeds, feats, spirited and heroic acts!

This is in context with covenant. When we are not wickedly, corruptly by flatteries and lies manipulating people, which goes against or breaks the covenant. We will be strong and do exploits through intimately and personally interacting daily with our God! 

Daniel 11: 32a… And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall be corrupt by flatteries:

The scriptural Biblical covenant that is established upon the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ teaches us to obey the laws of the land, pray for our leaders, and not to break covenant.

The Constitution of the United States of America is a covenant for the people …written by the people…with laws and boundaries to protect and give liberty to the people. We the people of God and the people of the Constitution need to reevaluate our position in the earth. We need to truly KNOW, our God. To individually become personally and intimately acquainted with Him. 

In light of truly knowing Him for ourselves individually, we will filter all of our moral, political and social decisions through that relationship. We will no longer be confused as to what our moral, political and social choices are to be. We will know with calm assurance what is the best choice and decision to make. 

My definition of confusion is: listening to TOO many voices. Confusion disappears when there is only one voice speaking. Agreement happens when we choose to align with that one voice. God's voice will always bring peace in the mist of the many voices. The enemies voice will continue to bring anxiety and increase the volume and number of voices. 

I believe we need to individually seek Him and to prove the scripture record from a personal position. Or disprove it if we can.

We need to stop listening to the flatteries of the elected men and women who are deliberately trying to through political correctness, flattering complimentary or derogatory remarks perform wicked, malicious spiteful acts against the covenant agreements, both Biblical and Constitutional. These people who do dishonest practices, use bribery and have no integrity. They seek to effect your emotions and distract you from the truth of who you really are in Christ and what covenant this nation was founded upon.

The news as we know it today is unreliable at best. The slant of the reporter has never been more clear. Creating the news ...not reporting facts...but...using their political and personal agendas to gain favor or payment from those they wish to impress or control. Using their lessor power to try to out power those whom God has given the power to govern from a place of love and fairness.

If we are not careful we will steadily watch those false and distorted partial truths presented as facts on the news and miss the greater part. The greater part for me is not denying that there are events happening, not so good ones, really bad ones, and sometimes devastating ones. The greater part is BUT GOD!

His report for you today is...He will use the BUT eraser and take out the former to establish the truth of His will and word and ... you SHALL do exploits!

The eraser of BUT in the hands of God, reduces the before mentioned circumstance or situation to a shadow residue, and clearly writes upon the white board of your heart and belief system the facts established, rearranged, and guaranteed by God Himself!  

Don’t you think it is time we begin to see ourselves as God sees us? Will this truth of what He sees just fall on us with a great light from Heaven? Probably not, we just may have to be the kings that King David wrote about in Proverbs 25: 2b ... but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.

We need to not dwell so much on the first part of that scripture where God conceals a thing…and pay attention to the but...part…saying…

YES, God conceals a thing for the discovery…

don’t lament that things are concealed….poor me God has hidden this from me…

NO…concentrate on the but…the important part is that it is to my honor to search out the matter!

Maybe we need to stop depending on the emotional reporting of those around us even in the church and search out the matter of God!

Is there a God? Is He really always here with me? Does He know the mess in our government at this time in history? Did He really send Jesus so I can get to know Him for myself? Will He speak to me?

All these and thousands more questions have been ask by all of us at some point in time. I don’t know about you, but I am not satisfied with the answers of men. I am encouraged, edified, comforted, and even sometimes provoked, by their opinions, accounts and experiences. BUT…something is missing.

Maybe this something is the hidden thing that God has hidden for the discovery. Maybe this hidden thing will bring me closer to an intimate, fun and personal relationship with God. As I am searching and interacting with a God that is delighted I have chosen to play this hide and seek game with Him, I will discover truth no longer hidden but revealed!

Now it is time for me to do some investigative reporting. I can’t blindly trust ABC, CBS, MSNBC, FOX or even the many and varied voices in the pulpits today. The only truth I can trust is the truth that I dig out of God’s word! The hidden revealed!

As a father hides in plain sight for his toddler, or a bit more concealed for his adolescent, or seeming no where to be found for his adult son. Let us realize that we are no longer babies or emotional adolescents but grown sons and daughters of the Most High God!

He may be hiding...waiting for me to discover Him...excitedly holding a huge prize with my name on it...a gift just for finding Him!

Today Hide and Seek, maybe tomorrow it will be Tag and He will chase me giggling until He touches me!


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25.11 | 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during my It has lots of places to try

11.05 | 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

11.03 | 12:33

My pleasure, Debbie thank you for taking the time to read and share.

11.03 | 03:36

Sharon the beauty of His love. Your explanation is exquisite thank you for learning applying and sharing.

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