Through The Fog

Through The Fog To The Open Door

I am honored to be the originator of an online text prayer group. Our group is called War Room Intercessors. We are 16 ladies that exchange text messages in a group forum. Each one has access to the group 24/7. Each one has equal access to read, comment and take the requests to the throne of God as they feel lead. There are no demands to have to pray over a request or need. Each one of us has the control of the app we are using and can adjust the flow of what she is receiving into her phone space.

We began about a year ago with just regular texting. The group expanded so rapidly and we found that the needs were of a quantity that using our regular text messaging was becoming a problem for many of us. The constant need to be accessible to one another and the continuous dinging alerts to signal a new request or prayer had come in was honestly becoming annoying!

We were at the beck and call of our phones. Mixing the group prayer needs with our other many and varied texts messages just wasn’t working. I began to pray and to ask the ladies to pray for a solution. I spoke to a couple of the ladies and ask them to agree with me for the perfect solution to continue what God had started. He lead us to the GroupMe app.

Our group consists of 16 ladies, from five states (Tennessee, West Virginia, Indiana, Louisiana, and Illinois) and several counties with in those states. Nine of us are in Tennessee, Three in West Virginia, two in Indiana, one in Louisiana and one in Illinois. We are diverse in age. We range from the mid sixties to the mid twenties! We are wives, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts, nieces, friends, friends of friends, and most of all committed loving women who are moved with compassion for the needs of others.

We are not an open group that can be randomly joined. We are not elite, but exclusive. Exclusive in the need to have each one able to trust the others in the room to the point that if they need to share their own intimate personal struggles they feel safe.

Each lady has the ability to participate in each post and give her prayer or comment. Each one of us has the ability to take a break and not have the text coming into our phone if we choose. We can take ourselves out of the group or just take a break if we feel we need one.

We can private message another lady in the group and have a more intimate session if we feel our need is private. God has provided a modality we can hand design to meet the call as an intercessor and to not take us away from our first call of our family!

Over this year we have experienced and learned a great deal, through the on going experience of being available to others for agreement in their time of need. We have seen the courts of Heaven intervene over an inheritance, trying to be stolen from our sister in law Dona. We have seen the mighty hand of God, heal and deliver my niece from the grips of death. We have seen numerous healings. Relationships restored. Cancer diagnosis bow their knee to the healing power of Jesus through our spoken (or typed…LOL) agreement! We have seen God’s power and our words cross state, county and country lines to save, heal and deliver! We have seen our prayers shift and change things in our nation as we have released the prayers of intercession and agreement over this great nation of America.

We have seen many people we individually don’t know be touched by the agreement that we have shared through this War Room group. Our God has called us and positioned us at this stage of each of our lives to accomplish great things for the Kingdom! We are women with a purpose! We are tenacious, bold and full of courage, knowing that it is not I but Christ in me that brings the HOPE of the manifestation of God’s words in demonstration in our daily earth lives!

We have each one at their own pace and level of gifting and ability, brought what they had and freely and selflessly added it to the table. Allowing each of us to come and fill our plates with the wonder and delight of being able to eat when we were too exhausted, wounded, or stressed to prepare a meal for ourselves.

We have found a place to work hard, rest completely, find correction and comfort. While applying ourselves to our homes, children and daily walk of life. To my knowledge NO ONE has been offended and left the group! That may be the greatest miracle we have witnessed to date! LOL I am sure their have been many opportunities to take offense over this year. We are diverse in our beliefs and opinions. More importantly we are open and willing to learn from one another. We protect the right of the others to hold a different opinion of a situation without fear of rejection or retaliation. We are not perfect, but we are perfectly selected to do this at this time for the Kingdom!

My heart is full and so very grateful for each of the ladies in our group. As leader I am so thankful that I am not the only one who has to pray or comment on each new need. There are many strong women of God who are lead by the Spirit of God and they type their thoughts, prayers and even prophesy over us as they feel lead!

There is a core part of us that will almost always have a comment, prayer, or word of encouragement. There are those of us who know that Prophetic Intercession is our call. There are those of us who intercede from the word of God, that are called to minister in other ways in their daily lives. There are those who have never typed a comment, but are faithful to read and bow a knee in agreement for each need. There are those who take the time to go back and read the comments, requests, and join their agreement with just a short statement of “ agreeing with all prayers and requests! There are those who are seemingly absent for a season working on serious life changing issues in their own lives. Knowing that the Holy Spirit will tug on the hearts of those in this group, to cover them even if we don’t know the details of their journey! There are those who check in from time to time and may not comment but are adding their power of agreement to ours!

I feel we are truly a living example of the body, suppling to each part of the body as we have been placed in the body!

I love that the manifestation of the anointing can be felt and experienced in our group when each woman types her thoughts and comments. We have grown and matured this year as individuals and as a group. We have learned new skills and the delight and power of YouTube songs, videos and Emojis! LOL

Relationships have bonded more closely and new ones have been introduced. Some of the ladies have never met one another. They have developed relationship and trust through the power of agreement as we have come together to release the power of prayer over lives and situations. Others were already dear friends and prayer partners!

The very nature of this virtual computer generated room, takes faith! Great faith, faith that when I type words that there will be someone there to read them and care enough to respond back to me. I can’t see them, but I know they are there! I know that they will choose to open the group app and to read and respond to the need presented! When they respond their name is posted so I can know who is speaking! My relationship with each of these ladies is different. Although we share the same virtual prayer room space, we are drawn to certain relationships more deeply than to others. Some of the ladies in the room I speak to almost daily. Some I speak to on a semi regular basis. Others I don’t speak to outside of the confines of the War Room. Are the ones I speak to more important than the ones I don’t? Heaven’s NO, we just have a different relationship. I feel no competition with or towards any of them. I am so totally grateful for the privilege of interacting with each one of them on what ever level we have together.

Somedays the room is a buzz with such activity that it is hard to keep up! Others it is a trickle effect, sometimes there is a day when it seem no one has posted a request or comment. These are the days I know we are resting and taking care of our own individual and family needs. These are Proverb 31 days! Some days I feel a strong anointing to post a teaching or comment on what God is showing me in my personal life. I believe that each lady in our War Room knows that they have equal access to write what is on their own hearts. We love, celebrate, invite and embrace the progress of one another!

This morning Melanie my dear friend from Murfreesboro, TN, posted a word by Amie Rogers. I don’t know Amie Rogers, but know a due word when I hear it! I have copied and pasted the word for you all:


Keep Your Hopes Up!

by Amie Rogers

As I sat in the quiet, closing out the month of May, I asked the Lord about June. He simply said, “Keep your Hope up."

Hope is the key that will keep you locked on God & all He has laid out before you. Zechariah 9:12, “Return to your stronghold, you prisoners of hope...”

In a vision recently, I was in a deep, dark, thick forest. Then ahead of me in the distance I watched a giant door open up and a bright light poured out from it. The light began to illuminate what looked like a possible path. As the light hit my feet, suddenly a thick, heavy fog poured in. It was so dense I could no longer see the door, its light, my hand in front of me or my feet on the ground. As I looked around, I heard the voice of the Lord ask, “Do you trust Me to lead you?”

Do you trust Him to lead you to the next step where you may not be able to see in front of you? If you are praying and asking Him to reside in His presence and miraculous manifestations? You're going to have to strengthen those trust, faith and hope muscles'. We really are moving in some unprecedented and amazing times of marketing Heaven and harvest, but each movement forward requires obedience and trust. Trust that no matter what b your surroundings look like, i'n faith, you'll see that open door just ahead that you WILL walk into!

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance (a confident expectation) about what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1 emphasis mine)


Thanks Melanie for that word!

It is so true for so many of us right now! My sister in law Dona and I have talked about the doors God has for us, just this week. We ALL are truly on an individual journey. Walking through a forest or down a corridor filled with doors. Each day we take steps that bring us closer to the next door with our name on it! As the corridor or passageway fills with a dense fog and even our feet are obscured from our sight. He is just steps ahead of us leading us in the right direction for our next adventure! Follow His voice! He will lead us to the open door! If we step where He just stepped, then we have the assurance that He has gone before us and we cannot fail!

We cannot fail because Jesus has already shed His blood to purchase my total pardon!

That is an unseen realm fact! Holy Spirit has been sent to lead us and guide us into all truth in the earth! He may be from the unseen realm, but His presence and directions will always manifest in the realm of the seen! He is our ever present help in time of need! He also will take what belongs and has been accomplished by Jesus and reveal it to us. So we can see how we are to be functioning here in the realm of the seen!

We all have been dissecting out all the past and present truths that have weighted us down with oppression, depression, hopelessness, anxiety and fears. As intercessors, ones called by God to stand in the gap for others. It is so much easier to pray and release, hope, faith, and trust for the need of another.

We totally trust that the God we call upon is the one who called us to exert our authority through prayer and to bring forth the words that manifest change in the situation we have been invited to intercede over! We release a prayer, words based on the Holy Word of God written for our direction, or a fresh right now revealed Word from the Holy Spirit who has been given to us from the Father. We know upon release of these powerful faith filled words that the unseen realm is changing and opening to allow for and receive the manifested response!

When it comes to our own situations we are sometimes not so faith filled. We have personal intimate knowledge of our flaws, failures, and sins. We have rooms in our experiential knowledge that are filled to the ceiling with all the failures I have accounted to my life. Rooms hoarded with the hastily deposited wrappers, from the things that I have consumed or that have consumed me.

We can see the open door ahead with the shining light of the hope of Glory. We even start walking in that direction. As the fog of life begins to swirl around us, sometimes we just stop and give into imaginations that this fog will cover everything and I will fall and get hurt. So I don’t go any further. Sometimes we see the fog rising and we rush ahead to try to beat the approach of the fog before it obscures the door. Sometimes we are just moving forward experiencing that dense fog rising until we are enveloped in an area of limited or no visibility. Then we stop!

I don’t know about you my friend but for me most times I get my focus on the fog and allow the depth of my visibly to limit my forward movement. The natural reality is I CANT see! The natural reality is the fog is rising. The natural reality is the fog is obscuring my ability to safely see where to step next. The natural reality is that the open lighted door is no longer in my view. The natural reality has the ability to build a case in my mind to stop my forward motion and to be stuck in this last spot. Or even cause me to look back, where the path is clear and to retreat.

Then we hear the voice of Jesus asking: “ Do you trust Me to lead you?”

As Amie Rogers shared. If we are praying and asking Him to allow us to reside in His presence and to experience His miraculous manifestations. We are going to have to strengthen those trust, faith and hope muscles!

To exercise anything it takes repetition. Holy Spirit is our personal trainer or guide. He will give us the proper work out routine to exercise the weaker places in our lives so as to make us strong in the power of His might. We will have to exercise our faith, the ability to trust in the unseen. To trust that what He is giving us to do will bring the end result, and that our hope or great expectation of good results will develop and produce the revealed result!

Do I trust Him to lead me? When the path forward is totally unseen. Or do I only trust Him to lead me when I too can still see the open door? I believe that in this stage of my own life that I am having to choose to trust Him. Knowing that the door is there because God has shown it to me. A door that leads to the bright light of His presence and my future. Will I only equate the light shining through the distant door with His presence? Or will I realize that the voice I hear out of the dense fog is His presence with me?

He is walking ahead of me to clear the path of all obstacles or make them known to me so I can avoid bumping into things that have the ability to cause pain. He will instruct me as to where I need to walk straight ahead, where I need to go under, or where I need to climb up and over any obstacle in the path that leads to the door of my destination. His voice will lead me. Even if I can’t see Him, He is always there instructing me each step of the way.

If I have a personal trainer/guide, paid for and in this journey with me till the end. But I refuse to utilize His expertise then I will wander through the deep dense forest of life, still having no visibility, bumping and tripping along the way. I may reach the door, but will I still have the energy to go through it and accomplish or experience the treasures that are there for my discovery?

If the dense forest is my life here on earth, and the fog is the experiences of my past or the right now unclear things. Will I knowing that the door of my destiny is ahead, open and filled with great light. Stay in the fog of my past experiences, paralyzed with fear of moving into a place where I may stumble, fall and produce even greater pain. Or will I trust the voice of the One who knows the path from the side that has no fog that hinders His view or path to the door of my destiny? I cannot change the fog of my past, but I can walk through the fog of my present by following the voice of the One who has been sent to lead and guide me into all truth!

You can too. I'll meet you just inside the open door.

He will lead us through the fog of the forest of life, to the door of light!

He will lead us through the fog of the forest of life, to the door of light!


Latest comments

25.11 | 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during my It has lots of places to try

11.05 | 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

11.03 | 12:33

My pleasure, Debbie thank you for taking the time to read and share.

11.03 | 03:36

Sharon the beauty of His love. Your explanation is exquisite thank you for learning applying and sharing.

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