Does God Seem Absent?

Do you feel God is absent and only emptyness is all around you?

Do you feel God is absent and only emptyness is all around you?

Does God Seem Absent, Jesus Powerless, and Holy Spirit On Vacation?

Does God Seem Absent, Jesus Powerless, and Holy Spirit On Vacation?

May 2017

Are you walking through a place where it seems God is absent, Jesus is powerless, and Holy Spirit took a vacation, and everyone else is judging your heart motivation?

I have. As human beings I believe we are a spirit, (the very breath that comes from God), we have a soul (that contains, our will...our ability to choose...our mind...our ability to think and reason...and our emotions...our ability to feel and respond) and we occupy a body...(with a brain and all the many and varied nerves, blood vessels, organs, bones, and skin to hold it all together.)

Spirit, soul, and body these are three distinct parts of the human creation. Most of us have hyper developed one or more of these areas, but have not completely discovered, explored and addressed the separate parts that make up the whole of who we have been created to be. Most of us may understand and know our bodies, complete with all the lumps, bumps, warts and bulges or sagging skin. We are aware of our eyes and ears and their scope of function at this stage of life. We are aware of the joint aches and pains. We may even have some diseases we are battling or being treated for. For me to say that I completely know and understand every function of my body and exactly why I am manifesting certain symptoms would be laughable.

I may be discovering daily new and hidden emotional places in my soul that provoke many varied emotional outbursts. Visiting the long ago filed rooms of memories and experiences past will sometimes provoke deep joy or debilitating sadness and depression. My earliest experiences in life have written on the files of who I am. These experiences along with the depth of emotional feelings they created will hard wire my emotional heart or belief system. Thus creating my personality, bending my perceptions of myself and others through my interpretation of the event at that moment and age in time. Through the soul connections of my will, mind and emotions these interpretations will wire my perception of everything in life.

It's kinda like being a three room house and only accessing one or two of the rooms. Or having access to the rooms, but never moving past the first five steps into the room.

We may know the rooms are there but we haven't allowed ourselves or others access because of ignorance or fear of what depth of mess I may have to clear out to be able to healthily use that room.

We may have discovered and enjoyed a previous season in that room, but life's journey has created a hoarded mess in there and I just can't bring myself to begin the decluttering. My fears or joys remembered will either give me courage to enter or to avoid entry.

Some of us may be ignorant that another room exists in our human house. Or that each individual room contains many and varied parts. Much like the furniture we use in our homes to allow for more comfortable occupation of that room. Together with entertainment furnishings, wall hangings, personal pictures and varies nick nacks that display our personality or taste.

Welcome to an adventure of discovery. I am on a journey to discover just who I am and what I am here for. Where God is in all of my life pursuits and struggles. Why I don't have the power through the name and blood of Jesus, He said was available to those who believe. I want to pursue and find Holy Spirit with His many and varied gifts and unctions? I want to not just do good works, but become a living testimony that God is present, Jesus is all powerful, and Holy Spirit, never, never takes a vacation without us.

Most of us have ask these questions at some point in our lives. Where is God? Why do I not get the results Jesus did? Where and who is Holy Spirt anyway? I've ask these questions. Have you? I've ask these and many others. I want to be whole spirit, soul, and body. Functioning not from partially developed parts, but working out and building the weaker parts until the real and whole Me is present and accounted for.

To do that I am having to visit the past clutter of lies, half truths, misconceptions, failures, woundings, fears, beliefs, etc. Sadly the fractures that exists in me come mostly from my negative memories of my past life's experiences. My successes, accomplishments, and joys unfortunately are filed in much smaller file cabinets.

It is a proven fact we humans file many more negative life experiences than we do positive ones.This is NOT because my life has been so horrible, but because the fallen nature I was born with has to be renewed by the washing of the water of the Word. I have to do the hard work of sorting through the files that were my truth in days and years past. Updating them with the truth of who I am now and hopefully filtering them through the revelation of what Jesus did and who God really is!

Do you ever feel as though the things happening in your life are spinning you like a top in a hurricane? That life's situations are hitting you so rapidly and from all sides simultaneously that you don't know which end is up? Do you wake up in the morning and feel anxious or fearful for apparently no reason? Has everything you every believed about God and other Christians been challenged through massive and rapid fire circumstances? Have you ever wondered just where is God today in the affairs of my life? Have you struggled to find the goodness of God in the midst of a situation that was created by someone you love dearly that has betrayed you, or abandoned you? Have you been devastated by a loss of a loved one? Are you grieving the loss of a close relationship with your family, due to lies, half truths, misunderstandings? Have you been cut off from communication with someone you love because they refuse to allow for discussions that could resolve the mistaken issues? Have you watched miracles happen in the lives of those around you, while desperately wondering where God was while you are in a dire situation? Have you been wounded and rejected by the church? Your family? Your husband? Your children?

As long as this list is, it only begins to touch the surface of the many and varied reasons, we may feel God is absent and Holy Spirit took a vacation and the name of Jesus is getting us limited results. These are questions I have been asking God and myself. I have determined to take the journey to wholeness. I realize that my journey is not one in the isolated jungles, but very here and now for all to see.

I believe that to be able to walk in the fullness of what God through His Word in the flesh, Jesus, has provided for me. I will have to do some growing up in my soul room. When I was a child I thought and reasoned as a child, as an adult I am deciding to put away childish things, take responsibility for my actions and do some decluttering in my emotionally decorated past so I can enter the today of my future possessing the truth from Heavens revealed perspective.

Jesus commissioned us to heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out devils. I don't know about you but I don't believe He left us with an assignment that could not be accomplished.

Jesus did these things and much, much more. He was our example! I don't believe He is coming back down here from His seated position at the right hand of the Father to do it again. He is interceding that we will discover an intimate and personal ongoing relationship with the Father. He is waiting for us to get it and do the things He did. He said we would do even greater things than He did!

I know that's hard to believe. Most of us except it as truth but think that someone else will be the one He was talking about, because I know me and I could never be spiritural or holy enough to heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out devils. Isn't that what preachers and pastors are suppose to do? Really, why would God the creator of the universe want a one on one intimate and personal relationship with me?

Well my friends I just happen to believe I can do these things Jesus exemplified for me during His earthly mission. Am I having great and consistent success right now today? NO, but I refuse to stop practicing what I know, and I am hard after the changes needed in me so that I live in the place Jesus lived when He told the religious Jews He could do nothing of Himself but only did what He saw the Father doing.

John 5:19 Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do:for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise. John 5:19KJVStrongs

John 5:30 I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. (John 5:30 KJVStrongs)

If by His own words, Jesus obtained His success through what He saw the father do, then doesn't it stand to reason this is how we will also obtain these miracle results? He didn't do what he did from his self will, he heard the Fathers words from the realm of Heaven, judged what He was going to do about it in the realm of earth. Realizing it was not His ability or will but the ability and will of the Father who sent Him.

I believe that when we can get our individual created humanity to the place of wholeness enough to really believe and practice what Jesus said in John 5 that we will get the same results Jesus did.

Personally I find myself filtering my attempts at following the great commission through my wounded soul emotions. Occasionally I breakout and bypass my perceived inadequacies and move up to the higher position of seeing out of my spirit and release the power of the words the Father is speaking to me from the unseen realm of Heaven and get Heavens results manifested in my real time earth.

I am not talking about a mistical, hyper spiritural, hair raising, experience, althought I have had those. I am talking about living each moment of every day fully aware of what the Father is saying and doing, because I am walking right beside Him. When I encounter a situation in the kingdom of earth, I can release what the Father from the Kingdom of Heaven is saying in real time in that moment and expect to get Heaven's results! Always remembering that like a product I have order I may have to wait for the projected dilivery date to get the Kingdom of Earth manifestation.

This web page and the content here are my attempt through this journey of life to honestly and openly look into the things that are hard to address and beseech Heaven, through the assistance of the Holy Spirit, AKA George, for fresh revelation for today. While willingly cleaning out the hoarded files of my past collected experiences together with their emotional feelings, judgments and memories, laying them on the alter and waiting for the fire of God's intimate presence to consume that which He didn't speak.

I want to lay aside past revelations of even the scripture and discover through walking with the Father on a continual daily basis what He has to say about my today! Not discounting the scripture at all, but allowig the scripture that brought me an answer in the past to stay in the past, and receive fresh insight and revelation from the scriptures and my personal daily relationship with God to not be limited by my past, but to become fresh in my now!

In the past we contacted people by writting letters and sending them through the snail mail as it is sometimes called. Those of us reading this have discovered email. Which accomplishes the same purpose but much faster. I can write a very long and meaningful letter and go lay it on my computer push the send button but it will never leave my presence and arrive at the intended destination.

Many of the things we have used in the past in our church experiences are like the written letters. We can still use that modality but it takes longer and their is greater risk of human mistakes delaying my delivery. I can be afraid of email because I don't understand how it is possible to write something in Tennessee hit a send button and it reach the other side of the world in just seconds. We don't realize just how much this concept is the picture of faith in an unseen God! I don't understand how all of this works, and where is the internet located anyway? Where is the cloud? What about the dark net? How does my typed messaage from my home office get from this page at my house to this page at your house, in your car, in the library, or where ever you access your internet connection.

Obviously not understanding it isn't keeping me from using it. I don't know a lot about a computer, but I still use one. Limited as I may be I am learning through trial and error how to construct a web page and share my naked truth with who? I don't really know. Some that I do know and have a personal history with will contact me and encourage me or comment on what I post here. Others will comment or just read the words here and move on. If they leave a comment, through that comment I can have the oppourtunity to get to know them.

Many people meet and fall in love over the internet, with people that have never laid eyes on or been in the personal presence of. They exercise great faith that the black marks on the white paper of their email or chat messages represent a real live person who is exactly who they have represented themselves to be.

I may not understand God. Or know where He is located geographically. I may be intimidated to meet Him face to face so I will contact Him through communication that is abstract and impersonal. I may be intimidated by Holy Spirit and not understand what all the buttons and hotkeys He uses can do. I may know there was a Jesus who died for me, but not take the time to search Holy Ghost google, and discover the limitless access that is available for the asking.

So today if you feel that God is absent, Jesus is powerless, and Holy Spirit is on vacation. I would challenge you to access His unseen Presence and discover a way to interact with Him in real time. We just might reconnect with the power of the blood of Jesus, and find that Holy Spirit, AKA George, never takes a vacation without us!

You are welcome to join us for glimpses into my discoveries. If anything I post here helps you turn your eyes and ears more fully toward Him I will have succeeded to some small degree. My goal is not to have a following, but to point the way to the One I have chosen to follow!


Latest comments

25.11 | 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during my It has lots of places to try

11.05 | 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

11.03 | 12:33

My pleasure, Debbie thank you for taking the time to read and share.

11.03 | 03:36

Sharon the beauty of His love. Your explanation is exquisite thank you for learning applying and sharing.

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