George Has Got This!

It's time to stand up! His perspective is the finished result!

It's time to stand up! His perspective is the finished result!

George Has Got This!

A few months ago, I had a little mini vision of a dear friend of mine who was walking though a difficult time with her son. He had been falsely accused and in the natural this could end very badly, maybe even jail time.

THE VISION: I saw my friend Debbie she was like a cartoon character with a dark cloud covering her head, she stuck her head up out of the dark cloud where the sky was beautiful clear and blue, then ducked back down into the dark cloud. Then the scene moved back a little and I could see she was hunkered down or squatting down low and the dark cloud was covering her head. END OF VISION:

I heard the Spirit say, tell her: “Your answer isn’t coming from the direction you are looking, change directions and see My hand deliver without the smell of smoke!”

Because I know some of the natural details of their situation I began to ask the Holy Spirit to show me more about what I had seen. I don't ever remember having a vision in cartoon character form before.

As Holy Spirit began to teach me, this is what I heard.

She is squatting down, to stay in visual range of the details of the situation. The dark cloud is covering her head so she can only see the natural possibilities of the progressing situation. Every so often she will raise her head up above the situation and get a glimpse of the clear sunny cloudless skies, where God resides. She then drops back down to a squatting position into the earth view and returns to the dark cloud covering her head. Trying to stay unnoticed by the enemy.

He said to tell her: “To stand up!"

The dark cloud has been pushed low to the ground by the host of Heaven. It is headed under her feet if in fact she will stand up and step on it!

As the dark cloud of enemy information from the natural…what if realm…is being pushed lower she is sinking lower to continue to see the information being released from the direction of the natural legal realm. She can only see the cloud of information the enemy is creating.

When she stands up she will be engulfed in the very clear and beautifully lighted knowledge of who she is and what I Am and have already done by bringing the natural legal situation moving toward the ground level so she can easily put it under her feet!

The courts of Heaven trump the courts of earth!


Several weeks later my friend Debbie and her son went to court. The lady who had brought false accusation against her son James. Didn’t even show up. The police officer who was to give testimony didn’t show up. The judge dismissed the case!

The accusors paid the court costs!

The court of Heaven had convened, sent their decision to the courts of earth and the natural was super naturally governed from the position of being seated in Heavenly places! My dear friend and her son saw the seemingly impossible cloud of accusation that had been covering her head, put under her feet!

THE DARK CLOUD: They had been the focus of harassment for many months in the apartment complex they lived in. James had been targeted by several other residents and his vehicle alarm repeatedly set off and his property scratched and damaged.

Other tenants had lied to the apartment management and were trying to get them evicted. He refused to back down and give in to the bullying tactics of grown men and women. The police had been repeatedly called and false accusations had been made against him on several occasions. He stood his ground!

He owned his part in heated discussions and tried to make peace with those who were determined to make trouble for he and his family. While looking for a new place to move his mother and young daughter. James is a single dad, Debbie is living with James and helping to raise his daughter.

This dark cloud was a charge falsely brought that could have sent James to jail. It contained all the anxiety, fear, anger, hopelessness, self doubt along with many other false shadowy lies and half truths.

It was blocking her view of the truth. Debbie like most of us was desperately looking into the details of the situation trying to find a solution that would keep a roof over their heads and peace in their complex. A solution that would not send her son to jail and render her and her grand daughter homeless. Debbie had recently undergone a surgery after a fall that left her with a broken hip. Her apartment access was up 27 stairs. Her recovery was slow and painful. She was homeschooling her young grand daughter, while trying to continue the cooking and cleaning and maintaining a safe happy home environment. Not to mention getting two dogs down 27 stairs to potty!

The daily normal things we all go through, compounded by the above health situation left her head, her thinking processes heavy with the warring to just get from day to day.

My precious sister friend, Debbie is an amazing powerful intercessor. She is one of the gifts God has given me to intercede over me personally. We have been close friends and prayer partners for over 25 years. Our first born sons were best friends. We both buried those son’s just months apart when they tragically died from separate accidents. We have seen the hand of God saving, healing and delivering us for many years.

Debbie is a survivor of childhood abuse, and spousal abuse. She is a woman of strength and courage that has done the hard work of forgiving her abusers. She is a single mom who raised her boys to love the Lord and to know that nothing was impossible with Him on your side. She is a strong woman of God and one you don’t want to come up against if you mess with her children!

In this mini vision, she would stick her head above the dark cloud and gasp at the beauty and peace just above her present position. Then her mind would pull her back to the details of that situation. She was praying and seeking the Lord as to their deliverance. God sent the clear cloudless skies, symbols of His peace. The everyday place of having to daily deal with the details of impending court kept her sinking down lower to stay informed of the natural information.

When the word of the Lord said to tell her that the direction she was looking was NOT the direction her answers were coming from, she got it. She understood that the lawyer they had hired was not going to set them free. The people lying were not going to tell the truth. She saw that standing up into the peace and clear skies of Heaven where Jesus was seated ever making intercession for her, where Holy Spirit, AKA George, her advocate/lawyer was pleading their case was the direction her deliverance was coming from. She immediately stood up and sounded the trumpets of victory! TOOO TOOT TA TOOOT!

She is still standing!

They have a beautiful new home, with a yard for the grand daughter and the dogs, all on one level! She is home schooling and training up the next generation of intercessors.

Each day she has to stand up and look at the clear skies and not at the dark cloud of continued pain from a failed hip surgery, she has to speak to joints that want to respond to a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. She lives in the realm of the reality while standing tall in the realm of the truth of God’s words, to save, heal and deliver!

Today some of us may be facing seemingly unsurmountable odds in the realm of the natural. I would say to you what Holy Spirit, AKA George said to Deb.

“Your answer isn’t coming from the direction you are looking, change directions and see My hand deliver without the smell of smoke!”

I am standing up today, rubbing out the kinks in my legs and back from my elongated squatted position, recognizing that the dark cloud of the natural facts have to continue to move down toward my feet.

Standing makes it easier to put my foot on the enemies head! Don’t ya think?

Breath deeply with me, dance in the peace and joy of knowing that George has got this!


Latest comments

25.11 | 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during my It has lots of places to try

11.05 | 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

11.03 | 12:33

My pleasure, Debbie thank you for taking the time to read and share.

11.03 | 03:36

Sharon the beauty of His love. Your explanation is exquisite thank you for learning applying and sharing.

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