


Egypt or Promised Land?

It seems that everyone I know is walking through issues with things that are the residual of taking back our ground lost through past decisions, our own or someone else's and/or the adjustments of receiving our stolen jubilee inheritance returned.

We have heard a word from the Lord and thought we had to make it a right now fit when it needed incubation for a season or two or ten.LOL.

We are moving into the land of promise but George will not allow us to enter with the slave mentality of our past Egypt directing our feelings or decisions! I for one am trying to learn how to live free in Him after literally being born into a mindset that enslaves us to good works.

Good works not taught and explained or experienced through our past personal relationships with Holy Spirit, but those things others have taught us were the only interpretation or solution to that problem or issue.

Our sincere desire to do right lead us to obey the ways of men over the less burdensome ways of the Father! We got tired of waiting so we erected our golden calf and hoped for the best! God is now allowing the fire of His revealed true Presence to melt away that which we have shaped to worship.The idol built from the treasure we brought with us from our past captivity.

Those children born in Egypt, much like our own children today had NOT seen His manifest presence first hand. They had not yet experienced the pillar of fire or cloud of smoke, or any other manifestation of His right now presence. They had not yet experienced His protection, with the cloud to shade them during the day and His fire to warm them at night as they traveled through the wilderness. They had not gathered or eaten the manna. Yet!

Their parents knew about Jehovah from the experiences they had been told about. Few of them had their own encounter with the true and living God. In the process of the Exodus they saw daily the results of the plagues and knew there were no frogs in their house, no hemorrhoids on the behinds, no flies in their food etc. they experienced Him through what He sent Moses to do to get them out. It was through the process of leaving and the wilderness journey they had opportunities to see and choose complaining over missing having onions in captivity, or truly living in the reality of His manifest covering and provision.

I am working very hard to not elongate my stay in the wilderness journey by complaining about what I don't have from the last horrible season of my life. I desire to lay hold of the covenant promise of entering the promised land and possess what He has told me would be waiting for me and my family! I can be Joshua and serve Moses so I can stand just outside of the tent of meetings and get the overflow of Jehovah's presence. Or I can take my older hopefully more mature self and remember what I saw when Caleb and I first spied out the land!

Coupled with my experience outside the tent of His Presence where I wait for Moses to come out of His manifest glory. I can be right now minded with His now provisions of covering, food, and water, in a wilderness. I can go boldly into the Promised Land He has lead me to, not by my own might or strategy. Move forward with clear daily instructions that have never been used in battle before and watch Heaven flatten the walls of my promised Jericho!

I have found that hashing out differences about life with our children is sometimes the hardest test. While wanting them to follow His voice for themselves we still fear for their safe process! Although these type of situations we have hashed out with our children have been hard it has been a very real lesson of staying in the communication battle until everyone truly has been heard and understood.

The test for me is letting God direct my children even if they wreck their health, or travel a longer more dangerous path, in my opinion, on their journey.

Their battle in part is NOT exchanging their mothers voice or opinion for what they feel they have prayed through and gotten direction on! The wilderness is a big place we can spread far apart from each other over differences or keep our eyes on the short distance left to where we will see Him part the river and take us through on dry ground!

Experiencing for ourselves and going into the promised land each receiving their allotted inheritance! Dirty journey! But oh the reward!!! Who knew?


George must spend so much of His time laughing at my emotionally packed responses, when if I would only wait (I'm sure He would prefer silently) I could get there a lot quicker and with out so much casting down of thoughts and imaginations! Sometimes I wonder if we amuse God as much as our little children amused us at their innocent and ignorant explanations about things they have no experience or reference for! Thank God for George! Change is coming even if this one looks as if spring is confused about coming out and dismissing winter!




25.11.2019 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during my It has lots of places to try

Latest comments

25.11 | 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during my It has lots of places to try

11.05 | 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

11.03 | 12:33

My pleasure, Debbie thank you for taking the time to read and share.

11.03 | 03:36

Sharon the beauty of His love. Your explanation is exquisite thank you for learning applying and sharing.

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