Don't Be Anxious

Be Anxious for Nothing! He who walks on water will never let you drown!

Be Anxious for Nothing! He who walks on water will never let you drown!

Be Anxious For Nothing

I awake in the morning. I am conscious of the room around me. It's still dark outside. My husband sleeps beside me. I close my eyes tighter and relax into the bed. I reach into my consciousness and know that another is present. I smile and look with the eye of my spirit to see Him. He is here! Even while we slept He was here.

Watching waiting for me to gain consciousness, waiting for me to fully become aware He is here. He smiles, He laughs as I become fully aware of His Presence.

My mind wonders and my emotions filter through. I am anxious over the details of what this day may bring.

He speaks " Be anxious for nothing."

Do not fret or have any anxiety, mental stress, uneasiness, because of fear of danger or misfortune, but in every circumstance and in everything, by intimate conversation and interaction, with specific and definite requests, with Joy and thankfulness, continue to make your wants known to Me.

My peace, the freedom in your mind from annoyance, distraction, anxiety, obsession, My tranquillity, My calmness, peacefulness, quiet, serenity, shall be yours!

Allow that tranquil state of peace to rest in your belief system, the very foundation of who your are.

Let that peace bring your thinking processes and your feelings and emotions into the relaxed assurance of your salvation through Me, Christ Jesus. Here you have nothing to fear!

Be satisfied with who you are and what you have, not wanting more in this moment. Content with your earthly position, with its gifts and callings. Satisfied with your family, friends, your social and financial position. Satisfied in your inner man, knowing I, AM with you and I will provide all you have need of today!

Enjoy the fellowship of those who walk out the day with you. Let that peaceful calmness which is above and independent of you're understanding transcend your universe and time. Because you understand what I the Lord Jesus has accomplished through my earthly life, death, burial and resurrection. Allow My peace to stand guard over your beliefs and emotions!

I have through My divine power given as a free gift all the things that are required and compatible with Your life today and My wishes for you. Through the full and personal knowledge of Him... who has called you...… to His own state of great splendor, magnificence, and prosperity with excellence!

These gifts I have given to you through My precious and exceeding great promises, through them you may escape the moral rottenness and corruption that is in the world, because of lust, greed and moral decay and becoming sharers of My divine nature!

There is nothing to be anxious or fearful about today. I am walking with you, right here beside you. What could possibly come your way that we can't handle together? Use those gifts deposited within you today to accomplish the tasks for today.

Remember I am always right here beside you waiting to discuss anything you want to talk about.

You can do this! Enjoy the beauty of the morning and the delight of relationships as the day unfolds.

I open my eyes, the sun is shinning through the window, the children are up and getting breakfast, my husband is scheduling car repairs and I am not feeling anxious!

He is Here, right here beside me!


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25.11 | 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during my It has lots of places to try

11.05 | 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

11.03 | 12:33

My pleasure, Debbie thank you for taking the time to read and share.

11.03 | 03:36

Sharon the beauty of His love. Your explanation is exquisite thank you for learning applying and sharing.

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