Faith And Fear

In His arms all my anxiety, fear and dread becomes hope...a great expectation of good!

In His arms all my anxiety, fear and dread becomes hope...a great expectation of good!

Hope Is To Faith What Anxiety Is To Fear

Hope is to faith what anxiety is to fear. Let me explain. I am not speaking about the maybe definition we give to hope when we say, “ I hope so.” I am not speaking about what I will call simple hope which is the expectation of something good.

This hope I am speaking of is God hope a great expectation of something good at the hands of a faithful, trustworthy, good God!

God hope is the elated emotion that produces faith and gets God results! Great expectation of good produces the substance we had the image of or imagined! Faith the substance of what we have hoped for! Hope the great expectation of good, will trigger the brain to release pleasure hormones and chemicals that give us a feeling of health and well being. Hope brings peace and comfort! God hope expects a higher power to support me and bring to pass what I am releasing faith for.

Anxiety is a state of apprehension, distress, uneasiness in my mind. Anxiety will produce fear.

Fear is the expectation of impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined. Fear is a distressing emotion aroused by the feeling or condition of being afraid.

Anxiety will produce fear and gets the results the devil wants to create in us. When we stay in a state of anxiety and fear we will create the image or imagined thing we are viewing though the window of our mind. Exercising the greater law of faith through anxiety we still have the power to produce what we imagined and make it a tangible substance!

Anxiety literally triggers the release of hormones and chemicals in the brain and digestive system that produces stomach pain and other digestive symptoms. Anxiety brings unrest, terror and paranoia. Anxiety also expects a higher power to bring to pass what I am fearing!

Hope by definition is looking forward to something with reasonable desire or expectation. Faith is confidence or trust that is not based on proof.

Hope is the vehicle I ride into the realm of the unseen until it becomes a tangible possession or destination. Hope is activated through a thought or desire for something. It originates in my mind. Hope is an emotion released in the physically activated area of my brain, attached to my will and experienced through my mind. I choose thus using my will to hope or expect something good or desired.

Simple faith, like the trust that the chair will hold me is also experienced in my physical brain. Simple faith, like the chair holding me when I sit, no longer takes time to wait for the process to prove true. Simple faith in the chair has been proven so many times that my subconscious mind assess’s the situation rapidly and takes action based on what the eye through reasoning of the stability and size of the chair will accommodate. I cannot see the stability of the chair. I trust my other senses through sight and feel, I access the chair and proceed to sit, or not to sit based on my observation or past experiences with the chair or one like it. My faith in the chair is not based on my personally seeing the chair manufactured, or in my confidence in the reputation of the manufacture. By reason of many years of experience in sitting in chairs, I exercise faith I don't even recognize as faith and take a seat.

Anxiety works much the same way it will quickly access the chairs of my past experiences. It will glue itself to one experience of falling from a chair or having had a chair to break with me. Or even the story of someone I know who has had a bad experience with a chair. Anxiety will cause me to not trust any chair unless I can see it made or know the manufacturer. The memory of this past experience or imagined possible experience and the plethora of imagined things that would happen if in fact the chair did not hold me, plays out uncontrollably in my minds imagination and through the fear I produce innumerable chairs that are just waiting to toss me on the floor and make a fool out of me in public.

Thus anxiety through fear has produced substance!

What I call God Faith is based in what I believe to be the higher realm of our spirit man. God Faith is also activated through the brain and experienced through my spirit emotions. We are a spirit, governed by the will to choose, that also uses the mind to think and reason, my spirit has emotions to feel various things about what I choose to think and feel. I believe the spirit of man is most likely the least developed part of the God created human being.

We have a soul, consisting of a will, to choose, a mind to think and reason, and the emotions to feel various things about what I think and experience. We are housed in a physical body with its various parts and structures. All of these parts of man are dependent on one another to live. Without the body, their would be no house for the spirit, or housing for the brain, nor limbs to move when the brain signals it to do so. Without limbs we would not cease to exist, but would not be able to move about and access the world we have been given authority over.

Without the brain in the body we would not be able to think or reason and take action, without the heart, lungs, digestive systems and elemination systems, we would not have breath or be able to sustain life, blood flow, nourishment, or an process to rid the body of toxins.

Without brain function we can still exist in what we call a vegetative state. Without the breath in our lungs we expire quickly. Genesis say’s God breathed into Adam and he became a living soul. I believe that the breath we breath is the life of our spirit and soul. We have the breath of God to cause the body to function, and the soul develops through the experiences of life, complete with its experiences and memories.

When we no longer breath we no longer have a house for our spirit and soul to occupy. Thus the spirit of man returns to God, along with the soul or mind and memories, and the body the earthly house is returned to the dust God created it from.

My spirit and my soul live together in my house body. I personally believe that the Will of Man, is the strongest force in the earth today.

The will is the central factor or connection point where I decide what I will do think or feel. The will is where I will decide if I will operate in my daily life from the simple faith realm or the God faith realm.

God gave us a will to choose. He does not dictate or decide for us. We make our own decisions we decide what we do or believe. Some of us may believe that the devil has all access to our thinking processes and can control my mind and will.

I don't believe that. Satan is just a fallen angel. He didn't have that ability in Heaven and he didn't magically gain it on his way down.

We have the all powerful control over our own will. We can delegate our choices to others by consent, through hesitation, deceit, ignorance, manipulation, doubt, intimidation or being physically overpowered to name a few.

God will never take your right a way! If you are at a four way stop and other cars are present, the law is that the one on the right goes first then the next one on the right, until each one has moved on. Some people don’t respect the law or your turn to go.

The devil will always take your right a way if you hesitate. He has no respect for your will to choose. If he can cause you to doubt if you were there first or if in deed you have more authority than he does then he has gotten you to give him your authority to go when it was your turn to go. He will make loud noises to make you think he is going to run over you if you move forward. When we know who we are and who he is we will realize that the vehicle he drives is made of bluster and blow and has no real substance.

My Will, is where I choose to see or view what I am experiencing through the lessor level of my soul or through the higher level or view of my spirit.

I see this much like a building with two stories or levels, totally enclosed in glass. The ground floor, or my soul view is limited to what is directly in front or in back of me. I can see but if things are taller or wider than me my view is limited or obstructed. The things I see in front or coming up behind me are in two dimentional form and have easier access to me from this level.

The second floor of my spirit allows me to see further ahead and farther behind me. It elevates me above the taller or wider things and allows me to see them from above. It causes the things coming for me to have to find a way into the structure and up the stairs of my reasoning to the upper level where I have the advantage of seeing them more from a three dimensional level.

When I allow the Holy Spirit, AKA George to show me the view from my seat in Heavenly places with Christ Jesus, then I get to fly far above every earth level and get the picture from Heavens view, and can access the strategies of Heaven to exercise my will in the earth and produce Heavens results! (Pausing to do a little Holy Spirit dance here!) LOL

I believe, my spirit emotions are directly attached to my brain emotions. Which are both attached to my physical body. Spirit emotions will feel and manifest much the same way my physical emotions manifest. They just operate from the higher view of the second floor level. That big dog that was chasing me is much smaller from the second floor than from the front door of the first floor. If in fact that dog was not really a dog, but something much more sinister then George will take me up higher and through the Armor of God and the sword of the spirit, the shield of faith will quench the fiery darts of that ole dragon!

Simple faith and anxiety will both keep me on the first floor with limited views. God Faith will cause me to use my will to choose to go to the next level, where I can see further and more clearly. This level also allows me to see if the dog brought his friends, where they are and how many there are of them. Assessing the situation from my spirit position I can call for George to take me to the rooftop and fly me over my enemy with all the ammunition already loaded on the authority bomber ready, waiting and fueled through the infilling of the Holy Spirit!

I have chosen to be endowed with power from on high. So I am going on high and using my authority to destroy the anxiety and fear that the enemy is trying to use against me. With the bomber named Hope I am flying over the enemy and dropping faith bombs, watching as they hit and leave a cleared path for me to walk on. Now void of the dragon /dogs in the neighborhood that are trying to take my right of way to righteousness, peace and joy. I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus, and the word of my testimony! I now have personal experience that causes me to trust the next situation much like I do the chairs I choose to sit on.

God Faith exercised in believing there is a God, much like the chair analogy has been experienced by me so many times that it is no longer a question of the reality of His existence. I know He is, and will always come to my aide when I call upon His name! He can always be trusted to hold my weight and not tip me over and make a laughing stock of me in the presence of my friends or enemies! I don’t put every new chair I want to sit on to the test of its ability to hold my weight, or have to wait until quality control confirms it can hold me. Through experience and faith I now know He has my weight and anything else I may need today!

Anxiety is a state of apprehension, distress, uneasiness in my mind. Fear is an intense emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., even if the threat is imagined it will still produce the feeling or condition of being afraid.

If I always live in anxiety the state of apprehension, distress and uneasiness I will never sit to rest and will always find the weak and damaged chairs when I do sit. My anxiety will produce the manifested fear and through the fear I will assemble things that are full of weakness and failure! When the enemy does come to the door I will see the door as a weak barrier that will not hold against his weight. I may run to the upper level, but I will never get off the stairs and enter into the room of seeing and knowing because it is impossible for my mind to entertain two thoughts at the same time. When I choose anxiety and fear, there is no room for hope and faith! When I choose hope and faith there is no room for anxiety and fear!

Once anxiety has produced fear and my mind, emotions and body are in full blown attack, I am a prisoner of my own imagination!

When I stop and remind myself that I am not going to see things though the "what if" state of past experiences or negativity, then I can have space in my thinking to release the hope and faith that will allow me to remember the times that God Faith was activated and my more than conquer status will resume the lead of my life.

Hope is a great expectation of good, it will produce faith, faith is favor activated in the Heavenlies!

Anxiety is a great expectation of evil, it will produce fear, fear is the intense arousal of impending danger, evil, or pain, fear will activate the enemy in the arena of the mind and will give your authority to another in the earthly realm.

Faith activates the abilities of God!

Fear activates the ability of the enemy!

God Faith is the image/imagination of the good things God will do in the unseen realm and produces them in the seen realm!

Anxiety is the image/imagination of what bad things have happen in my seen experiences and paralyzes me with fear they will happen again. Things that have happened to me or someone I know in the past tries to release negative faith to cause the same or worse results in my now!

Anxiety is fear driven. Anxiety is fueled by past negative experiences.

Faith is trust driven. Faith is fueled by trust that the old way will no longer be the new way!

I am beginning to realize that this principle is simple but oh so powerful! If when doubt, anxiety and fear come, I will not give them space in the area of my emotions through the thought processes of my mind and imagination, but will in fact violently cast them down. I will live by faith and not by sight. Allowing the things that my hope has used my faith to build to materialize in my life and I will live the more than enough, over comer life style! Right here right now.

Not the religious, pious, unattainable perfection I have imposed on myself through my lack of understanding. Or be hindered or persuaded by the limited teaching of others. I will by experience in my own here and now know who I really am in Christ Jesus! I will no long feel the need to make excuses for God or myself as to why the things that are so awful in the world are still happening. I won't blame my God, my parents, my social, eccomonical, race, sexual orientation or the fallen angel, satan.

I will finally allow my trust in God to do the unseen and I will chose to cause my mind to patiently wait until the project is fully built! Thus hope, the great expectation of good at the hands of a good, trustworthy and faithful God, will produce faith and faith will become the substance of that I have hoped to see built and manifested!

I am beginning to realize that I have built whole cities from the anxiety driven fear in my life. Today I am starting a massive demolition project. George, AKA Holy Spirit is the foreman I have ask to be in charge. He knows where all the expert advice and skilled labors are, He knows each one who will tear down, pluck up, and destroy everything that has not been built on the foundation of Hope and Faith! I can trust Him to bring in what ever is needed to do the job big and bold and bring to completion the good work God has begun in me! He will tear down every imagination and high thing that has built itself against the true firsthand knowledge of God and the Kingdom of Heaven.

My city is to be a replica of the Heaven where Christ Jesus is seated waiting for me to make the enemies of anxiety driven fear rubble under my feet!

My friends, I haven’t arrived, yet, but I have begun the journey!


Father God, I thank You for the revelation of this foundational truth.

I ask that You will continue to enlighten my eyes to the reality of it on a daily basis. That I will begin to see you as a practical God, interactive with all of the things in my life. I invite You through my free will to come and be the Lord of my will, mind and emotions. Cause me to fully know that as a spirit I have the ability to walk in the very nature of You my creator.

I know I can only do this as I actively invite You to show me how to live in this body and think and make decisions through the mind You have created me with. I desire to have every high thing that is not of You brought low and every crooked thing made straight!

Come, Holy Spirit and take us up higher to see where all the structures and road blocks are that would hinder us from becoming like Christ. Give us clear and concise instructions as to when and where to release the wrecking ball or blasting power of Your Spirit to crush to powder everything that is not built on complete truth of who God really is!

Give us understanding that the things You are building in us as individuals is for the expansion of the Kingdom of Heaven built and manifest in the earth. Grant us the experiential ability to feel through our spirit emotions the higher level of Your love and mercy for us.

Give us eyes of the spirit to see how the spiritual things will be delivered, utilized and built into a habitation for Your right here right now presence!

Bind us together with love, mercy and grace. Cause us to see the power of forgiveness and connect us to all those who are to be on this building crew with us. In Jesus Name! Amen

June, 27,2017

You may want to take a look at the article Terror or Peace My Two Rivers. It paints a picture of the struggle between the terror of the situation I am in and the peace of finding His voice. **************************************************************************************

Hope is looking forward to something with reasonable desire or expectation… the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best… to believe, desire, or trust.

Faith is confidence or trust in a person or thing…a belief that is not based on proof.

Anxiety is a state of apprehension, distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune.

Fear is a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined: the feeling or condition of being afraid.

(Partial definitions above are from

Philippians 4:6 (NKJV)

6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;

Philippians 4:6-7 (AMPC)

6 Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God.

7 And God’s peace [shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is, that peace] which transcends all understanding shall garrison and mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7 (MSG)

6 Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns.

7 Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.


Latest comments

25.11 | 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during my It has lots of places to try

11.05 | 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

11.03 | 12:33

My pleasure, Debbie thank you for taking the time to read and share.

11.03 | 03:36

Sharon the beauty of His love. Your explanation is exquisite thank you for learning applying and sharing.

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