My Hoard Decluttered

The Decluttering of Our Emotional Hoard

Father God, my dear friends and I are asking You to give us not only the answers but the authority and ability to come along side of one another as we enter this cluttered room of fear and give us the boldness, strength, and stamina, to stay with it until the whole house is set in the order Heaven reveals.

Open our spiritual eyes to see anything that has taken up lodging in or around our home and to simply rebuke and send it out in Jesus name! We thank You that we have the ability to create the atmosphere in our homes, property and assigned regions through releasing Your words and sounds into our homes and the angels will carry that sound rippling through the airways to drive out the enemy who has been squatting in our territory! We declare today is eviction day to all entities that have moved into or onto any and all things You have delivered into our hands! We repent for all our words, vows and contracts that have given the enemy a legal right to torment us or accuse us before You Father the Just Judge of all the earth! Including all of our cluttered emotional rooms.

We set the Sentries of Heaven to guard the physical property and also to guard our minds and emotions as we find the courage to begin the decluttering process. We ask the hounds of Heaven to track down and bring our children and loved ones to Your loving arms for answers and solutions to the things that are raging inside of them. In Jesus Name

Father, we ask that the physical events that caused a door of fear to be opened, would be discovered, acknowledged, cleared and closed. Allowing no more access to our emotional dwelling.

We will not retain any shame or guilt from the event or process that has brought us to this place in our lives. We repent and turn from the fear of any physical or emotional event that caused us to be opened to fear. We recognize the natural response to the event opened us up to the cluttered emotions that have resulted in piles of unusable emotional clutter. Hindering our clear passage from room to room in our lives. We realize that the results of this dramatic event ( like a fall, broken hip, death of a loved one, divorce, etc)caused our whole life style to suddenly change. The reality of aging and our bodies becoming impaired became a real life experience for us.

The very scary questions like an avalanche fell on us. What would my children do? Who would take care of my young children or aging loved one? Who would care for the dogs? Bring in the groceries? Cook the meals? Do the laundry? Clean the house? Give me a shower? Help me go potty? Where were You God? Why did You let this happen? And hundreds more!

The only solution I know of is going into this now cluttered room of fear and taking out one piece at a time the clutter that accumulated while we were unable to do the things the way we had in the past. Having a physical room of clutter is a lot easier to deal with than an emotional room of clutter. With the physical room of clutter we have to have help in the flesh to remove all the accumulated junk. But we have to wait until a few trusted people are available to help us. Not so In the emotional room of clutter! Holy Spirit, AKA George, is always available day and night to help us!

For me to even have the courage to enter the known cluttered room, I first have to ask George which room did I first start accumulating things? Or what was the trigger that caused me to be unable to function as I should? I didn’t want to continue walking around in the whole house of overwhelming clutter and never find a starting place.

My friends I have had a huge house of emotionally collected things over my 63 years of life! I didn’t know where to start I was so over whelmed at the tangled mass that was now my life. I thought I had entered the process to work on my marriage relationship. But the results of my past hoarded rooms were packed away in the attic of my present position in the home of my daily mental and emotional health. Everything I had not sorted and thrown away from my life before Dennis was stacked and packed in the memory attic. They were not in plain sight, but I had not sorted or thrown anything away! Just in case I needed it or it would help someone else. LOL The massive emotional hoard of things accumulated over the years were vomiting out of every emotional room I could still get into!

My spiritual relationship with God was and still is good. That’s one of the things that caused me to take so long to enter the cluttered mess of my past wounds. Me and God were good, so why did I need to go look at the attic stuff? I could blame events and other people for the massive mess I waded through each day.

I have begun to discover the answer to that question. Me and God are good spiritually, but emotionally my cluttered hoard of past experiences and beliefs, the ones I no longer use or need, are rotting and being infested by rodents and roaches, the mental roof of who I am has weak places and missing shingles. The elements are seeping through and the weight of it all is starting to crack the ceiling of the level I am now living on!

The now levels of my life are divided into rooms with specific purposes for each room. The kitchen for cooking, the dinning room for eating, the family room for family gatherings, the kids rooms, the master bedroom for sleeping, resting, recovery of marital intimacy, the place where I am supposed to give my undivided attention and attraction to my chosen life mate. All of these rooms have become so cluttered they can not be accessed for the purpose they were created for!

I not only needed the Got Junk guys to haul it away, realizing they can’t haul what I am not willing to sort and discard! I also needed a specialist with emotional hoarding experience to help me to see that I had a problem and that that problem was fixable! I needed a real flesh and blood counselor to listen and help me stay on task as I looked at and made choices as to what to do with the emotions attached to the event that had brought me to this position in my life.

George AKA Holy Spirit lead me to a couple of people that minister their life calling through Christian Counseling.

As I am known for saying “No one out ranks God!”

Well I called and the top guy God Himself came to help ME to look at my cluttered past, personally handled each piece and helped me to make my own decisions as to what to keep and what to let go of! He repeatedly reminded those I had trusted, this was something I NEEDED to do for myself! They could hold the trash bags, encourage me and eventually I would let them pick up the used and discarded cups, plates, bottles, old food wrappers, out dated news reports, etc and put them into trash bags and carry them to the Got Junk trucks. These intercessors could pick up the obvious trash but they had to continue to prove trustworthy before I could allow them to go into a part of another room and repeat the process away from where I was in the moment!

My friends, George was and still is my personal organizer! He will always bring my attention to things and suggest ways to reorganize or reconfigure them for future use? He will ask the hard questions like do I really need 50 pairs of shoes, or the spiritual equivalent questions. I trust Him, but if I insist on keeping the 50 pairs of shoes He will help me find a place to store them where I now have access to them! He will not build me a shoe closet, but will cram the 50 in the space meant for 20! LOL

Oh don’t get me wrong, my emotionally cluttered house isn’t finished yet! But I am on the right road I just haven gone far, enough yet. I am each day continuing the, now, not so overwhelming task of looking at the things in the room I have been lead to work on today. Making choices as to what to keep based on what George says I have need and space for. I don’t dread the emotional work! I look forward to the stack of stuff, to discover what was under the top layer! I can look at it and with spiritual and natural eyes decide if it’s a keep item or a Got Junk deposit!

Some days I’m angry because it seems nothing is in its place. Realistically until I sort the stuff I can’t know what of that I have kept will fit back into the room I just cleaned. Somethings necessary may have had to be thrown out because of misuse or decay. All the while my piles of discarded sorted stuff are on the front lawn waiting to be reassigned to a proper place within. My neighbors all can see that something is openly happening at my house. But until I am willing to move the hidden nasty little secret from the hidden place within and sort the stuff by agreeing to move it outside because there is no room within.

Will I be able to see not only what I have to work with but allow myself to be openly aware of what excess I have gathered. I may have 20 tables but only 2 chairs, the proportions are greatly imbalanced. I can choose to donate the excessive number of tables, have a yard sale and buy new ones or keep the tables. Once again George will advise me if I will allow it, but will arrange what space I have to fit those tables back into my mess, even if they are stacked to the ceiling and the two chairs I do have are rendered useless to sit and reach the table to eat!

Fear and Faith are a lot alike. Fear is the image of what might happen from a negative perspective. Faith is what will happen from a positive perspective! They both are conceived in my mind, in the place of imaging what will develop and become tangible. Fear is false evidence appearing real complete with the anxious emotions to prove it! Faith is Father always in their helping! Complete with the emotions to prove it! Both create a picture of what can happen. One is fueled by positive energy and emotions and the other fueled by negative energy and emotions. Fear calls for the forces of the enemy to produce. Faith calls on the forces of Heaven to produce!

We will call on the God of all comfort and refuse to visit the images of the what if’s. Not denying the facts we are presently experiencing, but changing the facts by our sorting of the truth of God’s word and His right now presence to help our hoarded will, mind and emotions reconnected to our born again position in Christ Jesus!

My friend, I am here for you! The whole journey! I pledge to try to not disrespect your treasures even if they may look like trash to me. I will not pick up and discard anything that you are not agreeing needs to go! I will stand guard as you in your most vulnerable time in life declutter the deposits of the past and catapult you into your future! Even if I have to climb up 20 tables to eat! LOL

I personally have never been a hoarder. I tend toward the opposite end toward excessive order. Which also can be a tangled web. In watching the TV shows of people caught in this terrible disease, I could relate to the emotional analogy. I thank God for His unfailing love to help me walk through my decluttering season. I pray the words written here will paint a picture that better helps you to see if your emotional house could use a bit of attention. I pray we all have a better view of how the Father sees us and propels us into a peaceful place of trust and order in our daily lives.


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25.11 | 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during my It has lots of places to try

11.05 | 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

11.03 | 12:33

My pleasure, Debbie thank you for taking the time to read and share.

11.03 | 03:36

Sharon the beauty of His love. Your explanation is exquisite thank you for learning applying and sharing.

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