He Is There 

Though the earth shake and the mountains be removed.

God's love will never even quiver from His position of unconditional love for you.

When you woke up this morning He had never been asleep.

He had lovingly watched the rising of your chest with each breath.

He was there each time you tossed and turned.

He smiled as you smiled in your sleep.

His chest swelled with utter indescribable love as He watched over you.

HIS beloved!


He is there with His breath catching and a tear in His eye at the utterly indescribable love welling inside His heart for you.

He is there with you as you open your eyes.

He sees you messy bed hair.

He smiled at your reluctance to get out of bed.

He was in your closet as you chose your attire for the day.

He was in the bathroom as you shaved.

He was in the nursery as you baby awoke and cried for your presence.

He watched your mischievous toddler sneak to the kitchen for an unsupervised snack.

He heard the desperate cry of your teen as they opened their eyes and remembered their latest crisis.

He is waiting for you to breath His name.

Don't you feel His presence?

Stop be still....listen.


He is there aware of all the things you need to accomplish today.

He is there hoping you will acknowledge His presence.


He is there hoping you will see Him in the sunrise, hear Him in the song of the early morning birds.

Feel a bit of what He feels as you awaken your children for the day.


He smells your coffee.

He already knows what was reported in the daily news you are reading.

He was there when those events happened and He was available to intercede in behalf of those His kids.

He was there...

He is here with me...

there with you....

and even waiting to go to Disney with my sweet family members today.

He is preparing to fly to Florida with my sister, cousin, friend.

He is there as you wait for the doctors to prepare for your procedure.

He is there as you try to wrap your head around the death of your husband, wife, child, parent or closest friend.

He is there as you replay the latest fight with your spouse or child.

He is there as you try to figure out what you will do when the divorce process is final.

He is there each time another test fails to produce a diagnosis of long term symptoms.

He is waiting right there for you to just invite Him actively into your day.

He is there to comfort you and bring the unseen hidden answers into the realm of the seen.


Won't you pause for just a moment right now collectively with me and feel His presence?

He is not a God who is waiting to pour His wrath upon you because of sins and offenses done yesterday or in your distant past.

He is not the God of judgement.



Waiting for you to fail so He can teach you a lesson or send you to Hell!

He is the God who wants us to know that we chose our judgement based on the consequences of our own free will choices.

He wants us to know that even when I make bad choices.

He is there!

He wants us to know that when the choices of others blast our lives with explosive emotional tradgey. 


He wants us to know He is here to direct our path today.

Comfort our broken hearts.

Forgive our sins.

Lead us away from sinful temptations.

Delivering us from evil.

Lead us beside sweet, calm waters.

Restore our minds and emotions with His truth and trust in us.

God trusts us so much He gave us the choice.

To acknowledge He is here or to ignore His presence.

Either way....


What I focus on I attract.

Yesterday's sins and failures I denounce, repent and cast all my cares on Him.

I focus on His tangible presence.

Do you feel Him waiting for you to just acknowledge His presence?

Just sit still...



Allow all the noise of the day to recede...


Feel the weight of the stuff lift...

Feel His love envelope you...

Call His name and allow Him to just be with you.


Now get up and face your day.

Knowing you are not alone.

The God of the universe was and is there with you always.

Be contagious with His presence.

Carry Him with you today.

Share His love...

Let others know...





11.05.2019 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

Latest comments

25.11 | 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during myhttps://www.goldenbustours.com/new-york-to-niagara-falls-bus-tours/. It has lots of places to try

11.05 | 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

11.03 | 12:33

My pleasure, Debbie thank you for taking the time to read and share.

11.03 | 03:36

Sharon the beauty of His love. Your explanation is exquisite thank you for learning applying and sharing.

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