Mercy In Tragedy

He is always with us. Waiting for us to share our devastations and delights.

He is always with us. Waiting for us to share our devastations and delights.

Mercy And Compassion In Tragedy

May 25, 2019

Almost two years ago I started a GroupMe room called War Room. This group consists of several ladies that know they are called as Intercessors and others who have a deep desire to pray for the needs of others.

We have seen God do some great and mighty things during our time together thus far.

There are several urgent issues we are covering at this very moment. I want to share some of this with you all today because I know that many of you are experiencing some of the same things. You may even be one of the people that are actually walking through one of these tragedies.

My reason for addressing this today is the deep need for us to realize that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal or flesh driven, but mighty through God’s loving power and gifts and are to be used to pull down strongholds. Not tear down people or judge their acts or deeds. We are not called to judgement of another’s actions, but called to with love cover the situation with the word of God and administer any natural comfort we can provide.

There are three devastating and horrific situations that have happened in the last 10 days. These three situations have impacted or involved my personal family members or dear friends. A mother of three children was killed in a horrific three car crash that may result in criminal charges for one of the other drivers if he survives. Three children have lost their mother and a fiancé has lost the promise of his future. A baby was placed in foster care pending investigation of the parents for abuse. She has multiple broken bones. A friends son murdered his girlfriend and injured another family member. There is a three year old who now has lost his mother violently.

Think about it. Three major events that have totally devastated numerous families and impacted several communities. One happened in Sparta, one in Livingston and one in Cookeville. All three communities are approximately 15 miles or less from my home in Cookeville.

The enemy is working overtime to overwhelm our minds and emotions with devastating events that are beyond our personal control. He wants us to take sides. To voice our opinions as to who is right and who is wrong. There are hundreds of people that have been impacted and had their lives as they knew them destroyed and forever changed. Because of these three events and this is only the three that have personally impacted my life and family.

Even the guilty deserve due process. As Christian communities we must separate the event from the person. Not denying the event or the horror of it, but realizing that the person desperately needs help. And remembering that this could be us.

Please don’t judge the family members and friends of the ones who may have been the cause of these horrific events. They are innocent, devastated and helpless to reverse the situations they have been suddenly placed in. They like all of us love our children, we don’t always love their actions or choices, but we love them!

The enemy is working overtime to destroy and divide families and communities. Overwhelming us with shocking and devastating real life, real time events that cause us to maybe take sides and release words and opinions that only add more heartache and devastation to those already fighting to keep their sanity.

The enemy wants us to take sides and draw conclusions and decide who is right and who is wrong. Who is guilty and who is innocent.

My heart is breaking for all those that are directly involved in these devastating situations. My sprit is stirred to take each situation and person to the higher place of prayer and intercession. Allowing the only One who can bring order, peace, and closure out of these many many faceted details, feelings, and opinions, to do what only He/God can do.

Will you join me in covering our communities with prayer for the truth to be revealed and the guilty to find a place of repentance?

There are people on social media attacking and say horrible things. No matter the horrible act or deed done or by whom they too need Jesus! They need the truth to be made known and the facts to be gathered and the proper systems in the earth to do their job. Yes, they need to be held accountable for their actions.

We need to pray and ask God’s love, mercy, truth and protection to be released upon each one involved. The guilty and the innocent. I pray that each one reading this will search their hearts and take a moment to realize that the person they are so quickly condemning could have been you.

Please pray for these families. Please pray for our communities, legal systems, medical personnel, case workers and detectives who’s job it is to investigate, find, and document the facts they gather. The quality of fact gathering will further change the lives of hundreds of people forever! Please realize that these are real people like you and me who’s job it is to see and hear the horrific details of horrible things done to children and adults, complete with pictures or through personal contact with the victims.

Please pray for the sick people in our community that want to spread rumors and lies and slanderous remarks for their own selfish reasons. Please don’t allow yourself to get pulled into the trap of judgment. Release mercy and grace and pray that the whole truth from Heaven’s perspective will be the final report.

Every one desperately needs prayers as they walk out the aftermath of these tragic situations. I’m praying for documentation on facts and the rumors will fall away as we the praying communities cover all involved. Not with opinions and accusations but with love and compassion.

All three of these events have the potential to cause other people not directly involved to give in to emotional opinions and to attack others verbally or even physically. The enemy is trying to kill steal and destroy our families and communities. He wants to cause division, judgement, accusations, rioting and violence in our lives as individuals, family members, and citizens.

I believe Heaven is preparing to release something huge. The enemy is scared that we will take up our spiritual authority and unmask him for the liar and thief he is. Let our hearts not be troubled with the facts and details but let us use our power and authority through intercession to rise to our Heavenly position in Christ and pray from that position of revealed truth, power and love. Using a sound mind rooted and grounded in love not denying the facts but raising them to the level of truth revealed!

Jesus was moved with compassion and healed them all! He wasn’t moved by emotions that judged one person for the reasons or events that brought them to Him in their desperate need. Jesus went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil, for God was with Him.

God is with you, each of you! Even if you haven’t acknowledged Him, or feel He has abandoned you in your desperate time of need. I challenge you to stop and just acknowledge Him right there with you right now. Allow yourself to experience a peace that doesn’t make natural sense, but can tangibly be experienced!

Father we pray that we as your children will recognize the power and authority we have and with compassion lift the wounded, lost and hurting real people in our community up to you. Grant us the ability to rise above emotional details to be moved with compassion and send Your healing, saving, delivering, power. Heal, save, and deliver those who are devastated, wounded and oppressed of the devil... because YOU are with US!

Forgive us Father for our harsh and rash judgements, and forgive those who have brought harsh and rash judgements against us. Deliver us from the desire to judge and release in us Your, mercy and compassion. Open our eyes to see the truth and close our mouths when we would speak a thing that would curse and not bless!

My friends and family I want to strongly warn you this morning that the enemy wants us to use our words through emotions to express an opinion about the situations we receive to pray over. We all have done just that on occasion, expressed our opinions and judgements. We must at all cost guard our words and opinions outside of what God is saying to us. It’s so much easier to pray from the position of information than to do the hard work of casting down personal thoughts and imaginations. I’m speaking from my own many failed attempts to rise to the higher level of the Spirit taught to us from the word of God. We as intercessors must be moved with the emotions of the Spirit and not from the soul realm.

The enemy knows that having and using the mind of Christ is the ultimate weapon that always destroys his works and manifests Gods love and victory in real earth time! The enemies desire is to get us to dwell on the natural details and be devastated or distracted from the higher view. The view that will ALWAYS reveal how to cover both sides with LOVE, mercy, compassion and truth!

I believe we are in training for bigger and better things than we could ever imagine. Today I am searching my heart of belief and making room for the greater measure of the Holy Spirit to fill me with the deep and clear knowledge of who I am in Him and the greater ability to only do and say what The Father is saying! I believe that Jesus had 100% success, because He only did what He saw the Father doing!

If it worked for Him don’t you think we should at least try it?


I posted this on Facebook before I had the time to create this page: I received several comments. I am including them here as well. With a huge thank you to Victoria and Janet for responding to this post.

Victoria Carmack:

Sharon - you just spoke out my heart, or was that the heart of God? I am in awe of the exact words you used in sharing. God is calling us to pray down the Heavens. - I am all in - I desire we grow to a place that as Jesus stated we can also be - What I see my Father do I do, and what I hear my Father say I say. I know that's the place God is calling us. He wants us to pray down the Heavens, and change the atmosphere of our surroundings and the surroundings of others. You have always been my precious sister, and your writings never seize to cause my heart to stop and be thankful that He is leading his children in one direction - Into the Light, the Grace, and the Mercy of Jesus. Thank you for loving with all that you are.

Sharon Roberson Woolbright dear friend and sister...Thank you for your sweet words or encouragement...God is LOVE! period!

Love is not a feeling in the moment as a reaction to someone or something. Love to me is stopping to place yourself in the position of not just the side you like or agree with, but honestly place yourself in the seat of the one who is experiencing the tragedy.

We as Christians sometimes think that our position is superior to the thoughts and feelings of others. Although we think our position or opinions are more right than someone else. We should never condemn another based on our differences.

The blood of Jesus wasn't shed with many stipulations....just a simple... Who so ever calls on the name of the Lord, shall be saved!

God sees a place in each of us that no one else can possibly ever crawl into. He sees us even as we were being formed in our mothers womb. He gave us free will to choose. He sees our every deed and knows our every thought, feeling, emotion, judgement, kindness, pain.

He looks at my real motive and responds to me from the raw truth of who I really am. My words and actions may disguise my true heart or belief system from men but never from God. Even when we respond from the anger of pain and disappointment, in seasons of tragedy. He doesn't send me to my room and tell me to stay until I figure it out.

He surround's me with His arms, His words and the truth of His unconditional love for me. He doesn't bail me out of my situation, He doesn't make excuses for my behavior, He loves me as I face the reality of the consequences that follow the decisions I have made to get to this point in life.

Like a spoiled child I may rant, curse and blame Him because I am experiencing the results of my judgement on others. As a good good Father, He holds me accountable! God is not a geni in a bottle that I call up when I have a wish. He is my Father, Friend and Just Judge. His word says that what ever measure I use to judge others that is the measure I will be measured by.

He isn't doing the judging or measuring out the circumstances I am experiencing. I am receiving the return on my judging of others. This one fact has pointed my heart in the direction of grace, mercy, kindness, compassion and love many times. Maybe selfishly but truthfully because I don't want to be judged with harshness, self righteousness, or if I am liked by someone or not.

I make my choices by my own personal experience with the God who loves me and sent His Son to give His life for me. I try to protect the God given right of others to do the same. Sometimes the choices of others crashes with our lives and horrible tragic things happen to innocent people. My condemnation of them or using my words to personally attack them will never change the event that has already taken place.

My words and prayers of love and support may just point them toward a Father who loves them in the mist of their horrific situation. My friend I just want to be the earth arms of love and a safe place for those who are hurting to know that someone loves them no matter what they may have done or said. I fail many times... repent and try again!

Janet Danley... wrote: AMEN... I am sharing because you just preached all over my toes, this morning. I love you for that my Dear Friend Sharon Roberson Woolbright

Sharon wrote to Janet:

I love you Janet...we all have said and done things that fell short of what we would want others to do or say about us...thank God that His mercy was renewed again this morning towards me and my repentance places me back in a position of righteousness in His sight...Not a place of perpetual right ness...but a place of being hidden in Christ...sometimes I think I need to stop coming out of the hidden place and just sit for a while and contemplate my intentions and reactions before engaging my mouth or my fingers to type! LOL


Latest comments

25.11 | 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during my It has lots of places to try

11.05 | 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

11.03 | 12:33

My pleasure, Debbie thank you for taking the time to read and share.

11.03 | 03:36

Sharon the beauty of His love. Your explanation is exquisite thank you for learning applying and sharing.

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