My antenna and receiver...

My gumdrop shaped antenna, receiver, connection cables, along with our TV. Made up the assembled components I would need to access the unseen.

My gumdrop shaped antenna, receiver, connection cables, along with our TV. Made up the assembled components I would need to access the unseen.

Accessing the unseen!

This weekend my husband and I set up a Dish Playmaker Portable Satellite, and a Wally on the Go receiver, we had purchased for our RV. The system consists of an antenna, receiver, various cords and connections. That attach to our own tv. This portable system allows us to access satellites which access the stations and TV shows we want to watch while away from home in our RV.

We unpacked the gumdrop shaped antenna and receiver, complete with coax cable to connect the receiver to the antenna. Loaded down with the receiver, all of the audio cords, video cables, power cords and portable TV. We trekked to the front porch to attempt to connect this new equipment that would enable us to access satellite tv in various locations we choose to travel to. Or just have access in the lower part of our property where there is no connection to the Dish system installed in the house.

RVEE, the name I have given our motorhome, is actually in the shop getting a new starter, and cushiony side airbags to help balance and stabilize her weight when we load her up and head for various camp sights, or the driveways and yards of friends and family. She doesn't even know we have purchaces equipment that will expand our experience on the road. LOL

This satellite system is a great way to access TV and entertainment on the go or just down in the back part of our yard where there is no satellite connection. I love having a tiny home on wheels that I can use as a moving hotel suite, or a War Room for intercession, a guest house, or an alternate place to sleep when I need a break from the daily grind. In the desire to equip her with every possible asset I have in the big house, we purchased this portable satellite system.

In the process of activating the receiver, I am standing in the front yard behind a gumdrop shaped bubble of an antenna, pointing my cell phone, with its newly downloaded app that discovers where the Satellites are positioned in the sky. Totally amazed at the green rainbow shaped line with various green dots and numbers, that represent the position of each particular satellite, magically appearing on my cell phone screen.

Oh, did I mention that by this time about 5 hours after the trek to the front porch with all of our new technology, two dropped assistant calls, and three tech support people later. I have Daniel on the house phone on speaker. Daniel is talking me through the activation process. Poor Daniel spent over two hours with me through the rain showers that delayed our set up, and various other issues that only he could tell you about from his remote access location in Colorado.

Here I stand in the front yard, holding up my cell phone, with Daniel in Colorado, on the house phone which I have laying on the gumdrop bubble, waiting for me to see the unseeable with a cell phone that uses an application that uncovers the hidden and gives me access to know which way to point this gumdrop antenna so that the receiver will give me clear access to various channels and services. All of which I can access through my present contract with Dish and the addition of a small monthly fee.

Do you see the picture? I am sure my neighbors and their dogs are all wondering what I am doing with this 35in TV set up on my front porch just about 5 feet from the front door, with a 25 foot cable running to a gumdrop shaped thing on a small stand just feet from my sidewalk. Oh, did I mention that the RV is no where in sight?

It did seem that the traffic on my road was a bit heavier yesterday. I’m sure it was because it was a lovely sunny, Sunday not because the word was out that a crazy woman was standing in her front yard, in front of a gumdrop shaped object, pointing something in her hand toward the sky talking to herself, with a large TV sitting just a couple of feet from her porch swing. LOL

It was a strange, frustrating but productive and informative 6 hours. After successfully locking onto a satellite signal, activating the antenna, syncing the remote control, and waiting for software updates to download. Dennis and I sat on the porch swing two feet from this amazing new access point and explored the channel lineup. He checked for all the western, and sports channels and I checked for my favorite programs and music access. We had done it! Successfully set up a new way to access the unseen, pass it through equipment we did not understand, and produce access complete with remote control. We now had access to the various stations and sites broadcasting for our selective enjoyment. Of course all for a small added monthly fee. LOL

This morning I woke up thinking about the amazing technology. Most of which I don’t understand at all or have very limited understanding of. Holy Spirit began to unpack or download somethings to my DVR (Divine Visual Receiver).

I began to see the parallel of God and satellite access. With my naked eye I could not see the satellite in the southern sky that would beam down a signal that allowed my antenna to pick up that signal. Send it to the receiver and transmit the scheduled programming on to a screen that gave me access to the invisible becoming visible.

God is the creator of our universe and He occupies the whole universe of His creation! He is the creator of man and the giver of wisdom and knowledge, which allows mankind to create from the realm of their imagination. Thinking and seeing in their mind, unseen ideals and objects. Then building them into tangible form. Forms that allow others to access things that may have never existed in their lives with out the ability of another to receive and then create the accessed product or ideal.

These satellites are sending their signals toward earth contenously, 24/7. They are access points or positions that I point my antenna of faith toward. I can’t see them with my naked eye. I know they are there only when my antenna pointed toward them, picks up the signal, and transports it to a receiver, that transports it to a tv, that allows for the unseen to now become the seen.

This is the same process of my faith becoming sight! I have to first believe that there is an unseen source out there. God. I have to point the antenna of my spirit toward the open unobstructed sky. I can hold up the downloaded application/guide from Holy Spirit that allows me to see things I could not see with out His aide. I have to choose with my will, which satellite or informational access point I will connect to. These many and varied invisible information signals being beamed down toward earth, will find my receiver and program my access to what they are connected to. Those closest to my antenna and receiver will beam in and give me access to what they have to offer.

Although their location is revealed through the Holy Spirit app, they aren’t all good and  contain programming that is wholesome and healthy for me to partake of. Actually I don't know what the will give me access to. Until I recieve and process the pictures or services transmitted. I have to choose what is available on the access guide, read the info. and decide if this is what I want to view.  Thus the picture of our daily lives.

I have to have a receiver connected by the cable of my will, to the antenna of my spirit, that allows the signal coming in to be received by my mind, which must be connected to a source that will allow for a picture to be seen, or me to have an image. My ability to image the signal will only happen if I am connected to the receiver and the antenna that points toward the unseen signals. The circle or circuit must not be broken, or missing a component or the visual will not manifest with a clear picture and the ability to remotely change from one vision channel thought to another will not be connected to the whole person. Channel surfing will fragment my picture and futher confuse, and distract me from my focused goal. 

I have been created by God. I am, a spirit, with a soul, containing a will, and a mind. A mind that contains the thinking and seeing or imaging processes. My seeing and hearing releases emotions that effect the body that houses all of who I am. These emotions will fuel my actions and behaviors.

I can’t speak for you but I know that in the past, I have had trouble understanding what faith really is. I know the scripture says that NOW…Faith is the substance…of things(objects, thought, feelings,) hoped for(anticipated with great expectation of good) the evidence of things not seen(invisible or not yet built or put together). The

Bible says in:

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (KJV Strongs)

Now FAITH…Far…Away…In…The…Heavens.

Those satellites, unseen with my naked eye from my earth position. Became visable with the aide of an appilication on my phone. An App. suggested to me by the expert service tech, talking through the phone lying on my gumdrop shaped antenna. His knowledged allowed me to redirect the antenna to better pick up the desired signals. I choose to exercise faith in his knowledge, take action and download the app. and my faith became sight!

Those satellites, unseen with my naked eye from my earth position. Became visable with the aide of an appilication on my phone. An App. suggested to me by the expert service tech, talking through the phone lying on my gumdrop shaped antenna. His knowledged allowed me to redirect the antenna to better pick up the desired signals. I choose to exercise faith in his knowledge, take action and download the app. and my faith became sight!

Choosing what to bring from the unseen into the realm of the seen...

The creator and giver of all things. God! Is sending out an unseen signal that contains the material and ability inherent in it. His Words when aligned and connected with my antenna of the spirit, attached to the cable of my will, sending the yet unseen through the receiver of my mind, become evidence or substance as it displays on the TV of my imagination. Releasing pictures and words that cause me to see and know that the picture or thing I had great expectation for. Is now put together and I can image or visually access it!

The pictures I image or see will effect or infect my emotions. This hoped for image now has substance which is no longer faith. Faith the building material for what I needed has now become sight! Or you could say I have acquired the signal and accessed the desired station! Once set up I have the connection, but if I don’t turn on the power that allows the receiver to transmit what the antenna is picking up, to the visual device, I have no ability to utilize this amazing vast amount of information.

The signal is there, available all the time. God is always speaking. Using many and various satellites to pass His signal through. Within each of these seperate satelltes are many channels or voices broadcasting their ideals, opinions, and views.  They are all waiting for me to pick up the control and push the on button, access the guide, get information about the content, and choose what I will allow to access my mind. The things I access or experience in my life are what determines the content of my beliefs and occupy my heart system. Each channel or voice wants to get my willful attention so that I can choose to purchace what they are selling.

My spirit is the antenna. Pointed toward the Heavens. It will pick up what ever unseen thing out there that is transmitting the closest signal. My will is the cable that connects the antenna to the receiver, the receiver is my mind, which is connected to the tv, the tv is my imagination which has the capacity to see or image various channels or stations. Thus producing the desired result of accessing, entertainment, self help, cooking instructions, various educational opportunities, virtually endless information or knowledge. Complete with images that enhance our emotions and expand our minds and knowledge. We hold in our hand the ability at a click of a button to access evil, things that will tickle our sexual, or deviant appetites which can taint or weaken our self image and have the potential to effect reputations and relationships with others.

This amazing and genius creative ability to put together satellite tv and internet access is God given. The will to choose what we will put out in the universe is also a God given choice. It is my will and my will alone that clicks on the pictures that I regularly subscribe and pay for and access the content of. I did not create the content, but I do hold in my hand the ability to think and look on things that have a life enhancing quality. Or the ability to fuel through the senses the lusts of my flesh whether sexual or material.

I can choose many and various preachers all broadcasting their thoughts, opinions, interpertations, of what God is saying. Only I can choose which and how much of what is broadcast is useful in my own life. Listening to all the other voices even godly ones can rob me of my time, listening to the intimate and personal voice of the Father walking and talking with me personally.

Obviously I am not against TV, satellite or internet. I am not against anyone who uses them. They have the same right to use their access in the way they choose, within the law. I have to take responsibility for what I allow to access the equipment I have paid a pretty good price for. I also have to take responsibility for those around me that may be exposed to what I am seeing or hearing. Password protecting my content with Mercy & Grace will reduce the ability for my life to be hacked.

The God who created me and everything that has ever been created from the minds of men originated from Him. He created us with a FREE WILL to choose what I will give substance to. I have to apply the principles He has left me in His word the Bible and decide what I will become based on what I have access to. My personal story is being written for the generations that exist and those to come to have access to. Depending on the quality and ability of their signal, they will either get a clear picture of my life or a distorted image. There are thousands and millions of voices in the earth that are preaching their interpretation of the God of the Bible. There are equally millions that are preaching what the god they are connecting with is all about.

The satellite tv and the internet are great examples of our access to the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Adam and Eve didn’t loose their ability to have communication with God when they ate from the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. They just set their antennas toward a different signal beaming to them, a distorted image of the truth they had experienced to that point in their lives. In that moment the serpents satellite was in closer range to the antenna of their spirits. His equipment is subpar and he had to be closer to them in real time to transmit his signal in the direction of their antennas and receivers.

Adam and Eve’s will connected to the receiver of their minds ability to reason and think. Relayed an image that it was pleasant to the eyes, and they with out checking out the remote possibility that there were other choices that didn’t come with death. Allowed their desires through emotions to lead them to not only look at the fruit but to eat it or take it into their body for processing. They listened, watched the infomercial satan was broadcasting and ordered the product. The serpent also had the ability for same day delivery!

The result was they began the process of death. They always had the ability to freely choose. They just had no experiential knowledge of evil. All they knew was good. Now they had a comparison. One which cost them the place of comfort and protection with out laboring to survive. They went from the intimate protected place walking and talking with God. To the vast creation that had no boundaries and required them to seek out the things that would sustain and protect them. They couldn’t undo or unsee what their choice brought them. They couldn’t forget what had cost them everything!

They had the free will to choose what they would do about their present location and situation. They could not go back to the protected garden called Eden. They could not reenter their past with this new knowledge and function as if they had never acted on eating of the tree. God had decreed they had dominion over the created animal and plant life in the earth. They were to rule and reign over the Kingdom of Earth. By their own choice though ignorance of what the actual lived out consequences would be. They had moved from ruling from the Kingdom of Heaven with it's unlimited access through relationship with God. To the fallen position of ruling the Kingdom of Earth by their experiential knowledge, mixed with past intimate fellowship with God, now unaccessable without labor.  Ruling from their own choices and limited abilities and insight. Instead of from the wisdom, counsel and instructions of God.

Jesus came to reconcile us back to the Father. A place of innocence. Absent of experiences that would lead us away from intimacy with God. I believe that was the position that Adam and Eve first had with God in the Garden of Eden. Innocence and intimacy with God. We may never as human beings be at a stage of complete adult innocence again. Is it possible? Yes, with God ALL things are possible. I believe as adults we can become child like and enter the Kingdom of Heaven because Jesus said that is how you enter that kingdom. Coming as a little child. 

Matthew 18:3-4 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. (KJV Strongs)

From the Strongs Concordance the word converted means. To turn your self back again, turn yourself around from the course or conduct, change your mind.

Strongs Concordance: converted: g4762. στρέφω strephō; strengthened from the base of 5157; to twist, i.e. turn quite around or reverse (literally or figuratively): — convert, turn (again, back again, self, self about). AV (19) - turn 11, turn (one's) self 2, turn (one) 1, turn again 1, turn back again 1, turn (one) about 1, be converted 1, vr turn 1; to turn, turn aroundto turn one's self (i.e. to turn the back to one of one who no longer cares for another)metaph. to turn one's self from one's course of conduct, i.e. to change one's mind.

Unless we turn our selves back again, turn ourselves around from the course we are on or the behavior or conduct we are doing and change our mind. Change our reasoning thinking and imagining, and become as little children we can not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. 

Those of us who have been born into Christian families or exposed to the Christian faith all or most of our lives may have a more difficult time understanding and applying the concept of becoming as or like a little child. We will have to navigate the deep struggles as we go through this journey of faith. Endeavoring to reach this state of innocent trust and faith in God. The ability to trust what the people around us say, and the ability to imagine or exercise the faith that produces results and substance isn’t easy after falling for the deceptions of the serpent. Through many and various voices of parents, preachers, and society. We second guess even the voice of God now, because of the emotional trauma we have experienced after acting on the subtle manipulation of the enemy.

A little child wants desperately to please their parents. They want to do what makes their parents happy with them. A little child just believes what the parents or care takers tell them. They take it literally. Saying my kids are killing me, may result in a very frightened child who thinks that we in deed are dying at the hands of their siblings.

As adults we can discern, although not always correctly, that the statement of someone killing me is just an exaggerated pronouncement of words. Words that are meant to get the degree of the effect a thing is having on me across to the one I am speaking to. A little child’s brain has not even developed the area in the brain, that this discerning and reasoning takes place in yet. So they can only see the picture that their mind creates of their parent being killed by their siblings. Until someone elplains to them that this is not a literal happening. They have no picture to replace the one of their sibling killing their beloved mother. The only part of their brain that is developed is the emotional or feeling centers. Those are activated from birth. This is why my earlier experiences and memories are still so vivid and able to release emotions that are not rational as an adult.

When our daughter Brittany was about three and a half, my husband broke his ankle playing football at work. When he was driven home by a friend, wearing a cast and on crutches. Brittany with concern and compassion, ask her Dad what happened? He jokingly, remarked that the friend had broken his ankle. My shy little daughter who had been standing peeking out from behind my legs. Ran off the porch and hit the friend in the leg and stated, loudly “ Don’t hurt my Daddy!” It took us a while to convince her that the friend didn’t in fact break Dad’s ankle, but the he had missed a pass that resulted in Dennis catching it and slamming into a brick wall. She eventually warmed up to the friend, his dog Zeek may have done more to soften her toward him, than our explanation.

A little child just lives in the moment. They ask for what they want and need or cry, grunt and make hand signals until we understand what they are asking for. Their innocence and lack of development direct our responses to them. As they grow up and their brain grows and develops we adjust the way we communicate to them, and with them. As little children they still trust and believe what we say to them and they are quick to forgive our mistakes and shortcomings. They are easily manipulated.

Our oldest son Heath when he was about three and his cousin Jason was around 2 and a half were playing together. Heath had a small gun that shot nurf arrow type bullets with the suction cups on the end. Heath had the gun, Jason had the bullets. Heath ask Jason for the bullets. Jason refused to give him the bullets. So Heath looked at Jason and changed directions in his attempt to get his bullets back. He said lets play house. Jason agreed. Heath said I'll be the Dad and you be the son. Jason replyed ok. Heath then looked at Jason and said " Son give me the bullets!" Jason with out objection placed the bullets in Heath's outstretched hand." Even in pretenting Jason wanted to please his pretend Dad!

Children usually retain more positive memories than negative ones and don’t hold grudges. The live in the emotion of the moment. They love unconditionally and will express their thoughts boldly. No matter who is present to hear them. They repeat what they hear and mimic the behavior of their parents and older siblings. They venture out in environments they feel safe in and stick close to their parents in environments they are not sure of. They believe everything we say and will try desperately to please us.

Then they become adolescents. They then seem to turn every question we ask them and experience they have into a negative. They know everything and believe basically, nothing, or no one, unless you are in their friend circle. If their favorite teacher says it then it is the gospel and your opinion has been relegated to second place at best. The reasoning and negotiation part of their natural brains is beginning to develope. Combined with the more used area of emotions and feelings, they feel they know more than you do. So they reason and try to negotiate every instruction you give them.

The best I can ever hope to do in raising my children has been to first and foremost teach them to hear the voice of God. To set their antennas toward the Heavens and ask Holy Spirit, as the guide and technical support person, to talk them through how to set up and activate their receivers. Showing them where to point their spirits to access the appropriate source to beam back signals that will travel through their wills to the receiver of their minds and transmit the appropriate picture upon the screen of their imaginations. Keeping God close so that He is always the closest source to be picked up and transmitted. Producing the visual access to the answers for the many and varied decisions they will need to make in this life.

As a parent letting go and not trying to change their antenna direction is another thing. LOL

Am I connected? What am I connected to?

Just as with my in home satellite system. My spiritual satellite system also gives me access with remote control. I choose, when to turn on the access to the voice of God transmitted to my spirit, receive and intelligently view what is being broadcast. I also have the ability to access the voice of the serpent, questioning what God has really said.

No matter if at home or traveling. I may be limited to the satellites accessible in my present location to make my choices from. Although I have no control over the limited satellite access I have at that location. I always will have control of the remote in my hand. If I walk up on someone else’s ability to broadcast and find the content they are viewing questionable then I have the choice to walk away or stay and eat.

Yesterday, I learned a lot about the technology of the satellite tv system. Today I learned a lot about my responsibility to be a good steward over not only the natural signals I am able to pick up for viewing, but over the parallels of what signals I allow to transmit through my spiritual receiver. Signals that create a visual for myself and others. Visuals that once seen can not be unseen.

If I go out to the same swing on the same front porch, to the same sky that yesterday yielded up an unseen signal. Through equipment set up and accessed by me with the help of Tech Support, giving me access to countless stations and programs for learning or entertaining purposes. The same place where yesterday I, had activated and could at will access what these unseen satellites have to beam back to me.

Today, as I sit here it is different. My gumdrop shaped antenna, receiver and tv equipment is no longer hooked up. I see the similarities to the satellite tv, and the ability to access the vast, endlessness of God. I also see that even though my new portable system is activated it is boxed safely in the house waiting for RVEE to return so she can house this new technology for us. I have learned, that it doesn’t work in the box. It doesn’t work if not positioned and connected properly. It is useless with out a number of steps and the effort put forth to set it up for access.

I hold in my hand the ability to choose what I will see and hear. A remote control of choice, comes with the Blood bought package of Salvation.

I hold in my hand the ability to choose what I will see and hear. A remote control of choice, comes with the Blood bought package of Salvation.

I am determined to attach the antenna of my spirit, with the cable of my will, to the receiver of my mind and emotions, using the remote of my choice. I want to project upon the screen of my imagination only the things God is saying and doing today. I am pointing my antenna toward the signals beaming from the unseen Heavens and getting a direct download of the many varied methods and ways God reveals Himself.

I can choose to look all around me at the stories and lives of others being played out. I can determine to see them for who they are and who’s the are. I can explore the hidden dark things if I choose.

To position my antenna so that the receiver only picks up what God is saying and doing is a full time job. The gods of this world want to sell me a spot on their satellite access. The serpent wants me to tune into his voice of questioning what God has told me in my past. He wants me to use my will that connects my ability to pick up the voice of God, to reposition my receiver to access what he is saying and doing. Bringing confusion through many choices and voices, to image the things he is selling in a manner that will get me to choose his product and not the gift of God.

He just wants me to look at the fruit and see if it is pleasant to the eyes. To reason within myself that my wife, husband, or circle of friends have tasted the fruit and I see no outward immediate signs of death. The serpent wants me to abdicate by position as king, of my personal kingdom in the earth. He wants me to be removed from the safe place of innocence. Into a vast borderless place that requires that I labor to eat, drink, and clothe myself. He wants me out of the protected place of the garden where he has limited access. To the place of no boundaries that he was cast into at the fall. He wants me to tune my whole system to another channel. One that will tempt me and instruct me to reset my spirit antenna’s direction from the God of the Universe with access to all things. To his lesser position of Earth access, and give him the ability to question what God is saying to me as we walk together in the cool of the day. He want’s to be my god.

I am discovering that just as I have parental controls on my TV and satellite system, there are ways to block certain channels. Restricting access to anyone who may pick up my remote and push power on. These channels come in the channel line up broadcast from this particular satellite I am tune into. I have to use my remote control of choice and not click to open access to the visual and audio fruit they are trying to get me to eat.

I can put blocks into place that won’t allow accidental or easy access to these undesirable channels. I can limit my access to channels that suduce, entice, stimulate my emotions and steal my intimate time and position with God. This access is password protected and allows me to block content transmitted from that direction to not be accessible. I don’t know how that works, but I do know how to work it. Casting down thoughts and imaginations gets much easier when I don’t enter areas that project images that are there to distract, interfere, seduce, and steal my self esteem and self worth.

What would my life be like today if, Adam had looked at the serpent and said get out of our garden! What if Adam had pointed his remote control of choice at the serpent and just hit the off power button? He and Eve had dominion or control of the whole earth they were created in. Dominion over all that creepeth on the earth, and snakes are pretty creepy!

I have the remote control of choice in my hand, and I have discovered that God has a channel that is all about mine and His relationship. The Holy Spirit guide is always here to schedule our next event. At anytime I can push info, and get a short description of what I am looking at. I will have to choose to watch to see how things unfold, and how my story plays out.

I may need to DVR(Divine vision record) it and watch it at a later time when I am less distracted. So many times Holy Spirit/Guide gives me a preview of things scheduled for a later time. I can even save these DVR downloads and watch them over and over until I fully understand what God is saying to me. With my remote I can pause, fast forward or go back and listen again. I can skip the commercials there to distract me and sell me goods that may or may not be useful to me. I actually watch most of what I watch on tv by DVR recording it. I hate commercials and when watching in real time, I can’t fast forward through what they are selling.

I like to get the downloads from the signal God is sending and record it, for later view. Allowing me greater access to skip the junk that distracts my mind in the process. Real life doesn’t come with the ability to defer until later our daily activities. It does come with the inherent ability to turn off or walk away from the thing that is trying to play on the theater of my mind and life. Using the excuse much like Adam's of, someone else had it on and I just watched it. My excuse will not be anymore exceptable than Adam's excuse was. Hopefully it won't carry devasting lifelong consequences for the generaltions following me.

God is waiting for me to take the remote control in my hand turn on the power and select the channel that is being beamed down from a place I can not see, a location too high for me to physically go. A place I have been given access to. Accessible only when I have the proper equipment and choose to set my spiritual antenna toward HIM. A place that brings the far, far, away, into the right here and right now intimacy of my living place. Giving me clear access to things I did not know. Revealed in a way I can see and know in a manner I can now interact with.

Aww, but this God system, like my satellite system, having been set up, activated, my antenna, connecting cable, receiver and eyes of my imagination are all set up and connected. The bill has been paid for life by the Blood of Jesus and I have limitless life time access instantly accessible to me. In the house, on the porch, in town, or out of town. Even while I am sleeping He can download and record through dreams and visions His love and plan for our lives together!

I think I will go tune into what God is beaming down for me today! Allow my imagination to see and know what He is releasing to me. I want to check the things that are on my DVR (Divine Vision Recorder). I can hardly wait to receive, hear and see what He is sending or has prerecorded for me. Will you join me?


Latest comments

25.11 | 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during myhttps://www.goldenbustours.com/new-york-to-niagara-falls-bus-tours/. It has lots of places to try

11.05 | 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

11.03 | 12:33

My pleasure, Debbie thank you for taking the time to read and share.

11.03 | 03:36

Sharon the beauty of His love. Your explanation is exquisite thank you for learning applying and sharing.

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