Jesus Franchise

He is inviting us in 2020 to partner with Him.To Re-Present His business in the earth.

He is inviting us in 2020 to partner with Him.To Re-Present His business in the earth.

Jesus Franchise

Jesus as a baby came to earth without mystical powers. The Heavenly Father didn't remove the earthly obstacles out of the way at His birth. The Father sent His Son, Jesus into the world to a human mother and father. God sent angels and the Holy Spirit to speak to His mother, Joseph His earth father, and to many others foretelling and declaring His birth! Jesus Himself,  matured and partnered with Holy Spirit to unleash the power of God into the earth so that we might reclaim what was stolen from us through the choices of Adam and Eve in the Garden.

He grew in wisdom and stature through the things He suffered. So will I. He taught and demonstrated from His personal and intimate daily relationship with the Father. He discovered while clothed in flesh how to access the hidden so He could reveal it for the greater good of those around Him.

He left a recorded history so I too could discover what the Father has laid up for me. He came so that we could be reconciled back to The Father as Adam was before the fall in Eden. God was with them literally, His breath literally made Adam a living soul. With the ability to think, reason, choose, and feel. He took a rib from Adam and fashioned a perfect fit for Adam by constructing Eve. The missing part of Adam could only be found in Eve. I believe this is what God intended for marriage to be. The two both having Gods design, but she contained something not unique to her design, Adams rib. God used a part of Adam that would always long to stand beside him to make him complete. As he would always feel the missing part of himself without her beside him. Not ruling over her but standing together complete with one another. She was not created to be a slave to Adam but one who was designed around a part of the one whom she would love and grow old with. The two separate, but one, coming together to make one whole man.

God walked with Adam in the Garden...

In the garden God didn’t walk with Adam from the position of Adam being His servant, His creation, or His slave. God walked with Adam from a position of Friend. He shared His all knowing self with Adam, and provided for all their needs. I believe He watched Adam interact with the created animal kingdom. He watched his discovery that each male had a female companion.

I believe God saw Adams longing for a counter part to be physically present with him. He created a human partner to touch and share his beautiful garden with. He fashioned them after His likeness and in His image. He created in them the capacity to love and give love. Gifting them with the power to create offspring from their love.

He gave them the animal kingdom which reproduces new life in its season. God created the plants and trees with seeds in them to continue to reproduce and sustained them. He God, gave Adam and Eve dominion over the garden and all that was in it.

God placed two special trees, The Tree of Life and The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, in a separate place in the garden and taught them about them. Giving them the free will to choose which way to go. Access knowledge? They only knew good, what was this evil that God had spoken of? Or access eternal life? He instructed Adam in the dangers of eating from either of those trees. Left Adam to pass on that knowledge to Eve.

Their children were born into their choices. They only knew life outside the Garden of Eden and it wasn’t long until Cain acted upon the gained evil knowledge and killed his brother Abel. Emotions, that were created to exist through the experience of love from God and to God. Now found an evil outlet for the acquired fallen emotion of jealousy.

We all have first hand experience with their choice. Through the fall we were born into the fall, because God gifted Adam and Eve with the Earth and the fullness there of. They used their minds, to communicate with the serpent, their reasoning and emotions to make a choice, and their will to carry out that choice.

I believe Jesus came to reconcile us back to the position Adam and Eve had with God before the fall. We will never be able to go back as adults to the place of total innocence. Jesus was born into the world with the DNA of God in Him. He also had the DNA of Mary. He had the ability to see and act on good or evil. He choose to always act on the DNA of God in Him and do good! Thus qualifying as the sacrifice that reconciled us back to Friend state with God.

Jesus grew up recongnizing his parents were human...

Jesus grew up recognizing his parents were human, they told Him, His history and the declaration from Heaven that He was the son of God. They pointed Him toward the tree of life choices with the knowledge of His miraculous conception and birth. They showed Him the scriptures that spoke of Him before He ever came. He then had to pursue a God relationship for Himself. I believe the God DNA in Him cried out to know who His mystery Father was.

I believe like every adolescent He had to go on His own journey to find His true self. He obeyed the laws of the day. He respected and honored His parents. Did He always like it? I don’t believe so, because the scripture says he was tempted in all manner just like we are. Did the smart disrespectful replies come into His mind? I believe they did.

The difference is He didn’t act on them!

I believe He was drawn to the temple because that was where they talked about The Father, His mother told Him was His supernatural beginnings! He leaned from the Rabi’s and digested and responded to them and the world from a place of God DNA. He developed a real time relationship with the unseen God of the scrolls. He believed what He read and heard through the knowledge that this God was in Him, and He had come out of the God of the scriptures! I believe He called to the invisible God who was His Father, and the invisible God revealed Himself to Him and through Him!

He at an early age taught the Rabi’s, who marveled and were offended that He had a different understanding than they did. They knew He was different, but missed the day they were looking for because of the package He arrived in.

God sent His only begotten son, the one who actually had His DNA in His blood. To shed that blood so that those of us who do NOT have the actual DNA of God, can be adopted into the household of God! The blood of Jesus is so powerful that it will never lose the power to adopt mankind into the family of God! Adoption isn’t a forced situation. Joseph raised Jesus as His own. Never had legal documents that made Jesus his son. He just believed the Angel, loved Mary and provided all the earthly things Jesus needed to accomplish His mission to reconcile the world back to God!

Joseph believed that Jesus was the Son of God! Do you think it’s a hard responsibility to raise your children? Think about Joseph. He didn’t get the pleasure of depositing his DNA into the womb of Mary to create Him. He had to believe an angel that Mary had not cheated on him. He had to chose to protect her reputation although he had a divine visitation, he couldn’t just take out an ad in the Jerusalem Times and tell their story. He had to move around in secret to keep Him alive. He had to believe in God, not just give mental accent, he had to put actions to his revelations. He had to solve the supernaturally created issues in the natural real time of his daily life!

He knew all the things that Jesus did and He knew that even His name was chosen by God!

The name of Jesus isn’t a magic wand...

The name of Jesus isn’t a magic wand we wave to transport us from a natural state of living and being in the earth. To a place where we have no consciousness of reality. The name of Jesus isn’t a get out of jail free card.

We blame God for everything. When in fact He gave us the free will to choose good or evil. The good or evil that precedes us from our past ancestry is real. I am not bound and forever sentenced to the same outcome they had. Good or bad. I am influenced by it even when I don’t know the history of it. BUT GOD! Yes, but God has made a way for me to redeem my carnal or flesh DNA by the partaking of the supernatural DNA through the blood of Jesus! Just as Jesus wasn’t the natural son of Joseph. I am not the natural daughter of God. Joseph took on the oversight of raising Jesus until Jesus was of age.

My parents like Adam and Eve came together and deposited through an act of love the material that created me. That material had with in it the gene pool of my ancestors, some good, some not so good. There human lives and reputations are the history of the life that came before me. What I do with that historical information will shape the quality of my present and future life.

My ignorance of it will not stop the unseen realm from using that history to try to shape my future. Satan is still after the same thing he was kicked out of Heaven for. Worshipers! He craves and seeks out those who will have a relationship with him like the one he has seen God’s created beings have with Him. He wants to be God of my life. Through knowledge or ignorance he doesn’t care which one it takes for me to bow my knee and give glory to his evil presence.

My blaming God for the innocent babies dying, human trafficking, murders, rapes, cancer and every other evil I can think of is fulfilling satan’s lust for mankind to worship him. The creator of lies, deception, and a master at getting us to question…”Did God really say that?” Wants to promote God as the doer of evil and himself as the way out. When put that clearly, can anyone not see that satan wants to be the mirror that reflects himself as the image we attain to?

God didn’t create evil! Lucifer was created by God, who used his free will to decide to overthrow God. Didn’t work in Heaven. So he has set up an earthly kingdom to try to replicate the position God holds with mankind. His kingdom is the opposite of the goodness, kindness, generosity, and love of God. Who gave to us freely those things, governed by my free will to choose which tree I will eat from.

Satan wants to force us to live in a kingdom that God created for us, thinking he is all powerful, the strongest force in the earth, that he is always present, can hear your thoughts and make you respond to him and that he is all knowing! He only knows what mankind has given him historical access to.

Satan is not always present, all knowing and all powerful!...

He is none of those things! He is limited to the access of knowledge about me and my forefathers from the beginning of time. He was there in the Garden, he was cast down into the earth realm for his rebellion in Heaven! He knows God intimately because he was the angle that lead the worship in Heaven! Until he decided he wanted it all for himself!

He uses the knowledge gained from his presence in the lives and situations of mankind that has lived before us. To try to convince me that he is all knowing. He is ancient, he was there but he only had the power they gave him. He can only use the information I am ignorant of to access my life and those I love if I don’t know and access the truth and use it to get his lying access away from me and my life.

Holy Spirit was with God when the earth was created...

Holy Spirit was with God when the earth was created...

Holy Spirit was with the Father from creation and before...

Holy Spirit (AKA George) was with the Father from creation and before. He too knows where all the stuff is! Not just mine, but everything that has been released in my natural DNA from my forefathers blunders and successes! He will not weight me down with unnecessary information or rituals to unlock the chains the enemy is trying to keep me in. He will just calmly hand me the keys to the lock and the sword of the Word to cut away what is in my way!

Holy Spirit is always present, all powerful, and all knowing! He has been sent to us to personally assist us in our daily earth. Jesus ask the Father to send us The Comforter! He can and will when we ask Him, show us where the things are we need to use to fight the present battle. He will not only show us the past things. He will show us the things coming and what to do about them! He will take what belongs to Jesus and show and reveal those things to us in a manner we can use to win this present conflict! He will be my master teacher, councilor, legal representative, comforter, and much much more!

Holy Spirit is the master teacher, I have been the apprentice. He has been teaching me how to use the tool box full of the Gifts of the Spirit to fix the broken areas of my life and to help others repair their leaks. We can only be apprentices for so long. The goal of an apprentice is to be trained up to do the work the master does. At some point I have to stop expecting Him to tell me every little detail of how to fix things or which tool or gift to use.

I need to graduate from apprentice to master of my own life and take up the unlocked tool box awarded to me at graduation. I am no longer a child or apprentice. I have been deemed by the owner of earth's business to go forth and do the work myself!

I am a sub location like the original, but set apart from the Master Jesus Franchise serving or servicing Heaven’s Truths in various locations. Holy Spirit will always be available for ongoing training. He will set up the job and give me the address and information. He will not always do it for me! An apprentice does the work under supervision and training of the master. When he graduates and has his own Jesus Franchise he then does the work submitting to the master supervisor. My Jesus Franchise has a blueprint, bylaws, and resembles the original design. It can be custom design individually to show forth the unique differences of the individuals who have signed on to make the manna of Heaven available.

I have to choose which job I will agree to take on. I have to decide what price I am willing to pay for ongoing education. As well as the quality of my work that will RE-PRESENT the Jesus of the original design.

This year I want to see what the Father is doing in all of His various Jesus Franchises. I want to rejoice with their successes. And help them out with their shortages, mistakes and missteps when I can. But I must only DO what I see and hear from the Father in my own individual life. I must not gauge my success to the time line of others. I must not compare myself with others to see who is following the rules. I must not judge the administration processes in the Franchises of others, by comparing how my life is measuring up in the world!

It’s time to become the mature body of Christ. That has many membered Jesus Franchises through out the world. Taking care of my own Jesus business and being willing to give to the shortages of others in need, and humbly receive from them when I have a need.

So today I pray this prayer over myself and those around me. Fighting this battle to be established in mature righteousness. Casting down thoughts and imaginations that would exalt themselves above the knowledge of Christ Jesus and the reason He has established us with the ability to be His Franchise owners.

One definition for franchise, from the OnLine Dictionary is:

FRANCHISE: the right or license granted by a company to an individual or group to market its products or services in a specific territory.

I pray I can be one of the best examples of the Jesus Franchise in the earth that this time in history has ever seen. Won’t you join me?

This is my prayer as I start this New Year of 2020. I would love for you to join me in it. If these words spark truth in your heart and bring you to a place of saying “ me too.” Then please adapt them for yourself. Pray them personally adding the names of your loved ones and friends. Pray them over those who don’t understand or embrace the knowledge that Our Father sent His Son, as a baby to live, grow, and experience the reality of the same earth we now live in. 

My prayer for 2020

Father, I thank You that Our names are forever engraved and tattooed on the palm of Your hand! (Isaiah 49:16) Though we may be absent or distanced from one another’s presence we are NEVER absent from YOURS! I thank You that You have always seen the completed version of me and have never stopped directing me toward the place of wholeness in You!

I thank You that my face is constantly before You. I thank You that my ears are not deaf to Your voice and that You are always present with me. I thank You that my searching will result in finding You. That my wondering will reveal the WONDER of who You are. That my wandering will lead me to the hidden places You have reserved just for me.

May I see the reality of who I am IN You! I pray my dissatisfaction will lead me into places that only You can satisfy. That my longing will result in being fulfilled with the reality of how You see me. That my disappointment will open my heart to find the truth of relationship with You, truth that restores, refreshes and renews.

Open my eyes to the reality of an ever present God. Give me revelation that You don’t desire my service but my friendship! Shower, Your favor upon me and bring me before men that I may release You into their present world. Let our children hear and see fathers and mothers that are following hard after You! Whisper to me as I walk through my day! Visit my dreams at night. Let me see the manifestation of Your Intimate involvement in my right here right now world! Remove the scales from my eyes and give me 20/20 vision for mine and my families future.

Heal the scares on my heart and deliver me from delusions and half truths of who You are! Bring me to the end of self judgment so I can discover that You love and except me for who I am right now, not who everyone else pressures me to be!

Magnify You’re truth above all the things I have believed to be truth. Light up my dark places and make clear my path! In this year of 2020 I desire to only be doing and saying what You say or do, clarify my seeing, hearing, knowing, and decreeing!

Grant me the Grace to let Your words build in me an eternal habitation! I pray that I would walk in the reality that You have never lost a battle...and You never will! Thus, as I stay hidden in You, I too shall never lose, but only gain new and greater revelation and understanding of Your Kingdom come...Your will being and on my earth as it is in Heaven!

Give me daily fresh revelation and understanding of how to function and steward this earthly Kingdom. Grant me wisdom that I would respond from my seated position in Christ Jesus, reaching beyond the things I see displayed and decreeing into existence those things inherent with the power to manifest through Your words, spoken from my mouth.

Father, reveal Yourself to me as I come to You through the Son! Give me a daily demonstrated experience of being Your daughter! Mature me and equip me to become so intimately and personally acquainted with Holy Spirit that I would only use the power and demonstrations of the Holy Spirit's gifts to reveal Your unconditional love for all mankind!

Grant to me the understanding of the person of Holy Spirit and teach me to submit to His training that I may grow up and with wisdom, maturity, and skill use these gift tools to edify, exhort and bring comfort. To skillfully and with mature wisdom use the gifts of faith, healing, and miracles to bring hope to the hopeless, relief to the hurting, and creative manifestations to the unbelieving one!

Oh, Father I pray this New Year of 2020 would be the year we as Your body demonstrate Your Presence in us by reproducing the example Jesus was for us! That 2020 will document the year we truly became the demonstrating Sons and Daughters of The Most High God!

I pray we become so contagious with Your Presence that the wind from Your Presence will drive out the sickness, disease, doubt, frustrations, fears, anxiety and all other demonically manifesting emotions or manifestations that are not from You! I pray that we will truly become disciples, followers, adherent, believers admirers devotees of Jesus! That we would not be empty franchises that have a sign with His name on it but have nothing of quality to serve those who are hungry!

I pray that 2020 will bring a Pandemic, a widespread, pervasive, prevalent, rampant, epidemic, universally and globally spread through out the world and into the heavenlies!

Because of Jesus, let it be unto us according to Your word for 2020!

Yes, and Amen

Sharon Woolbright


Latest comments

25.11 | 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during my It has lots of places to try

11.05 | 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

11.03 | 12:33

My pleasure, Debbie thank you for taking the time to read and share.

11.03 | 03:36

Sharon the beauty of His love. Your explanation is exquisite thank you for learning applying and sharing.

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