What Is Communion?

Communion by definition is: The sharing or exchange of intimate thoughts and feelings especially when the exchange is on a mental or spiritual level.

Communion by definition is: The sharing or exchange of intimate thoughts and feelings especially when the exchange is on a mental or spiritual level.

Remembering Jesus and all He has accomplished until He returns.

My husband Dennis, and I have been taking communion more often as we feel the need to remind ourselves that the body and blood of Jesus has already provided for our wholeness! Spirit, Soul and Body.

The act of taking communion is to remember Jesus and all He has accomplished until He returns.

The symbolism of His blood and body going into my mouth releases everything I need to be whole spirit, soul, and body. It is an action that is intended to remind me that He is in me. His body and blood are a part of me spiritually, and that knowledge or remembrance is to encourage me that all He has already accomplished in the earth is still active and on going in and through the body of believers.

The wafer and grape juice have no inherent power with in them selves. They are only reminders of His body and blood, or His physical person, and His blood DNA(Divine Nature Activated). His birth, life, death, crucifixion, resurrection, and position now occupied in the Heavens. Are some of the things we need to remember and be feed with as we walk through this life. He left us with the encouragement that what He did we can do also as His representatives in the earth.

1 Corinthians 11:24-26 (AMP) 24 And when He had given thanks, He broke [it] and said, Take, eat. This is My body, which is broken for you. Do this to call Me [affectionately] to remembrance. 25 Similarly when supper was ended, He took the cup also, saying, This cup is the new covenant [ratified and established] in My blood. Do this, as often as you drink [it], to call Me [affectionately] to remembrance. 26 For every time you eat this bread and drink this cup, you are representing and signifying and proclaiming the fact of the Lord’s death until He comes [again].

When I think about the literal eating His flesh, and drinking His blood. Well, it is a bit mind blowing, especially if you are a literal thinker. The analogy is to cause us to think. Past the familiar action of eating and drinking, and see the deeper process that eating and drinking produces in our overall bodies and lives.

When you put that little wafer in your mouth, you chew, it melts and you swallow. There is NO WAY physically to even spit that little thing back out! You cannot even scrape it out. It is such a small thing and the design melts in our mouths! Sometimes in the process, sticking to the roof of your mouth and having to be dislodged with your tongue. This which represents the body of our Lord, sticks, melts and is absorbed in my mouth and into my blood stream.

This body representing wafer isn’t big enough to even go through all the natural digestive processes. It goes straight into my blood stream through my mouth! Nothing can separate that body of Jesus back out of me! I cannot see the path it takes, nor do I usually think about where it is going. My mind may be warring between the natural process of getting this little sticky wafer swallowed and the spiritual representation of His body being sacrificed for the healing of my whole person.

If I sit and meditate, reminding myself of what Jesus did and why He willingly gave His body on the cross for me. I may have a flood of emotional thoughts of gratitude for His sacrifice. I may also miss the extended reasons He came in the flesh.

A reminder of all that He has told and shown us!

In I Corinthians 11:24-26, Jesus was asking His diciples to remember their experi-ences in the relationship they had with Him. When you drink the wine, remember it is the radifiying of my new covenant with you. You are re-presenting, signifying, and proclaiming the fact that my death is the promise of my coming again! It is a reminder of all that I have told you and shown you. It is a reminder that what He did, He told us to do also!

Jesus didn’t come to just go to the cross. He didn’t come to just go to the grave. He didn’t come to just be resurrected. He came to walk through all of the reality of daily life in the human form, having the human DNA of His mother, Mary, and the supernatural DNA of His father God! He had no human earthly father DNA in Him. As early as 9 weeks a paternity test can be taken to discover the identity of the father.

If Mary had lived in our day she could have proven that the child she carried had no connection to the human she married. She didn’t need a test, to know without question that God was the Father! She knew she had not acted on the natural process to produce a child. She knew that what was growing in her was something that her mind did not comprehend, but her daily bodily changes confirmed. She was growing human DNA mixed with Divine DNA in her physical womb, the result was Jesus!

Jesus came to exemplify that when the Divine Nature of God was activated and mixed with the activated Death Nature of man, it would produce a supernatural life contained in a natural body!

He came to be the living reality of what having God’s DNA(Divine Nature Activated), mixed with human DNA(Death Nature Activated) could produce in the reality of His place in history. He came in the flesh DNA so that I could be crucified, buried, resurrected, and reconciled back to the Father, through Him! He came so I could be seated at the right hand of the Father in the position of Son, or Daughter of the Most High God, together with Him! He came so that His Divine Nature Activated in my human DNA or Death Nature, would be commingled in the womb of my spirit and produce a living spirit being in me and through me that operated from the DNA of God! The Divine Nature of God at work in me producing an active outward manifestation of His characteristics.

He didn’t come to do away with the soul of men, or the bodies of men, but to open our eyes to the awesome truth that our spirit can be born again and function from the realm of the Divine Nature of God, His Divine Nature Activated in us! Jesus lived from the divine nature of His Father. We too can live from the born again DNA of God in us!

Jesus laid aside His human part to function in the supernatural part of who He was. He had to war with the flesh nature of being human. Could it be that our struggles as Christians is that we are warring with the spirit part of our born again natures? We know how to be humans but we don’t know so much about how to function from the position of Sonship.

Jesus came so that I could do the same things He did in the earth though the power of Sonship! He had a body that was human, with the blood of divinity flowing through His veins.

In Communion that little wafer and sip of juice, is to remind me that the body and blood, Jesus came into the the earth with is absorbed into me. No one or anything can separate it and take the benefit of His humanity or divinity out of me, not even me. Nothing can separate this little wafer or sip of juice from the place it has been absorbed into. If Jesus could live in the human body victoriously, then I can also!

God’s love is like that. No one or anything can separate us from the love of God! I can separate myself from the knowledge and belief that God loves me. Thus denying the benefit and enjoyment of the fact, but much like trying to remove that melted wafer I won’t be able to do it! This little wafer is to remind me that the benefit of all Jesus did, can be processed through me in a manner that I am one with Jesus and every other believer on this planet!

When I pull that little sealed covering off that sip of juice and pour it in my mouth. The juice is literally absorbed into my jaws under my tongue and I swallow once and all that’s left is the sweetness of the juice. It is but a taste, a fleeting physical experience. There isn’t enough to even spit it back out. What was sealed in a cup is now sealing me in the benefits of the blood! There is no evidence of immediate benefit, just the sweet taste of drinking Him in.

Like the wafer of His body, the juice of His blood bypasses the digestive process. Nothing is lost in the digestive process. There is no time-lapse for the nutrients of what I have partaken of to be broken down and my body to gain the time released energy of what I have consumed. There is no waste product to be pass through me. It is all consumed through a different process. It is absorbed into my bloodstream. This wafer and juice the representation of the body and blood of Jesus is absorbed directly into my bloodstream. This process enters my blood and my blood carries it into all of my body as my heart pumps that blood through all my organs working together from the unseen place to fuel that which is seen.

Communion is the mingling of the Divine Nature of God with the humanity of man in a manner that nothing can reverse!

Communion with Him isn’t a sticky wafer and sip of juice any longer. It is an experience that awakens in me the reality of who I am in Him and who He is in me. Partaking in Communion has mingled the humanity of the body of Jesus, the divinity of God’s Divine Nature through His blood, and my humanity together in a manner that nothing can separate out again!

The body and blood of Jesus is in my mouth! No one and nothing can get it back out! The effects of its design are absorbed into my blood stream and His blood is now mixed with my blood! My heart is pumping His DNA(Divine Nature) all through my DNA(Dead Nature)!

In the natural I don’t see or even feel the process. But the effects of what I have taken into my body through communion with Him is active alive and now commingled with my blood. Life is in the blood! His blood is in me and it is perfecting a cure! Physically, emotionally, and Spiritually!

His body and blood, are represented in the wafer and juice!

His body and blood, are represented in the wafer and juice!

Life is in the blood!

I don't mentally or spiriturally have to follow eah step of the process to get it to work. 

How? We may ask. In the natural I don’t really know the whole of the digestive process but I can trust that what I eat, and swallow, will run through the designed course and evacuate anything not useful. I don’t have to stop and activate my faith for digestion every time I eat a meal. I don’t have to mentally follow each step of the process to get it to work. The reality of the process may get my attention when I eat something that is not processing smoothly. For the most part I take no thought of what happens past the pleasure of the taste in my mouth and the emotional enjoyment of the interaction.

My spiritual food works much the same way. I intake the world around me, through my eyes, ears, and conversations. I eat or have communion with life. Communion by definition is the sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings especially when the exchange is on a metal or spiritual level. In the process of having communion with life, I eat His Words, and the words of others. Those words go into my understanding and begin a non visible journey. They enter my understanding to be digested. The broken down words are processed and absorbed into my bloodstream of belief as fuel and my emotional heart pumps their new form throughout my body! The effects of those words eaten will break down into what fuels my actions and deeds.

Certain natural foods can effect us in ways we can know it was what we ate that is causing the physical manifestation I am experiencing. Emotions can also be effected by what I eat. Thus as a spirit being the effects of my physical and emotional can also be a decisive force on my spiritual actions and deeds.

What I commune or feed on spiritually will have an effect on how I feel and act!

What I commune or feed on spiritually will have an effect on how I feel. Natural foods when consumed, produce energy, some a sluggish feeling, some can even create anxiety and hyperactivity. What I feed my mind on will also do the same.

Taking communion in remembrance of who Jesus is and what He did for me. Can and will produce a renewed energy in my mind and emotions. It will allow for my faith to grasp hold of healing and wholeness because that same blood and body of Christ is in me. Jesus has the DNA, Divine Nature of God, Himself! He is the only begotten Son of God. He also has the DNA, Death Nature of Mary His totally human mother. When I take Communion I remind myself that my natural Death Nature is commingled with the supernatural Divine Nature of God!

When this little wafer and sip of juice go into my mouth and I swallow the residue, He and all He represents is now flowing into my natural body. His blood is mingling with my blood and cleansing me from all unrighteousness. His healing blood is filling in all the broken cracks of my emotional life and making me whole again. His body is aligning my body, soul and spirit, with the wholeness of who our Father is!

The anotinted One and His anointing in you the great expectation of the manifest presence of God!

The mystery of Communion revealed is Christ in you the hope of glory! Literally The Anointed One and His anointing in me the great expectation of God’s manifest presence! Available to flow out of me toward others! The reality that such as He is, right now in His position of authority and power in the Heavens, so are we in the earth!

He exchanged places with us. The reason He is not still present in the flesh is so that we being in the flesh can manifest the results of His resurrection! His death was so that we could demonstrate the Life of God in us to every situation we meet. Not responding from the position of unforgiven, Death Nature, but from the position of Victor in Christ Jesus the Divine Nature Activated! He died as one man so that we being multiplied many times over could be as He is in the earth! Effecting a greater reach and impacting the lives of millions!

Jesus was only one man. His earthly scope of influence as that one man was limited. When He died and arose again, He fulfilled the requirements for us to become the sons of God. Using our scope of influence together with others we can reach a whole world with the love of God! That which was limited to one mans human abilities, is now limitless! The whole of man kind has the opportunity to become the Son’s of God!

It is impossible to positively prove who my biological father is unless we do blood or DNA testing. With today’s technology it is possible to determine the father of a child as early as 9 weeks after conception. I may look like him and have mannerisms like his. Which may give clues to who my father is, but I cannot positively prove that my Dad was my biological DNA contributor. I personally have never needed to have a blood test to prove I was my fathers daughter. I didn’t need one, I excepted him by faith as my father, and biological chemistry didn’t matter.

It is impossible for others to positively prove that God is my Father. I may have actions and words that portray who others think God is. I don’t need to have a Spiritual DNA test to prove that God is in me. I have no reason or desire to validate anothers suspicion that I may not be a true daughter of God. I have the positive experience with My Father, naturally and supernaturally. My love and respect for both my fathers will cause me to live a life the will bring them honor and not shame.

Participation in the ritual of communion isn’t just a sip of juice and a bit of sticky wafer as a church ritual to me. It is an intimate interaction with the reality of what Jesus made available for me. It is a reminder of who He is in me. It is a faith building reminder of who He is and what His love for me has done. Here right now in my present life and situations.

Isaiah 53:3-5 (AMP) 3 He was despised and rejected and forsaken by men, a Man of sorrows and pains, and acquainted with grief and sickness; and like One from Whom men hide their faces He was despised, and we did not appreciate His worth or have any esteem for Him. 4 Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly] considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God [as if with leprosy]. 5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole.

Jesus did all of that for me! He experienced all of those things so that I can know when life rejects me and men forsake me that He made me whole. When sicknesses, weaknesses, distresses, sorrows and pains come that He has already experienced those for me and His experiencing them guarantees that I can be made whole!

Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead, cast out devils, He was moved with compassion and healed them all. He came and instructed me to do likewise. He took away the disqualifying things off of me so that through Him I qualify to heal the sick, raise the dead, cast out devils and have His compassion to heal them all.

Communion is helping me to tear down the mental barrier and recognize that it is not my DNA that can do all things, but His DNA in me that does all things through Christ who’s strength is in me!

Commune is the root word communion is taken from. Commune means to share one’s intimate thoughts or feelings with someone or something, especially when the exchange is on a spiritual level, to feel in close spiritual contact with.

Union is hidden in the word communion, union means the action or fact of being joined, a state of harmony or agreement.

My comm-union with God is literally being joined in harmony and agreement, sharing my intimate thoughts and feelings, on a spiritual level, having close spiritual contact with God. Communion is not a one way street. God is also literally being joined in harmony and agreement, sharing His intimate thoughts and feelings, on a spiritual level through close spiritual contact with me!

Communion isn’t a ritual that includes a sticky wafer and a sip of juice. It is an active intentional act that causes remembering of a union or joining of God with me and me with God! Much like the wafer and the juice, once I choose to put them in my mouth, chew and swallow there is no way to reverse that action. Once I choose to become an active part of the Co-Union of God and Christ nothing can take me out of that union!

I can be the daughter of God and act like the daughter of the devil if I choose. God will not break this communion with me. He also will not insert Himself in a tug of war with who or what I place my affections on. I didn’t cease to be the daughter of my Dad when I got married and changed my name. Or when I did a behavior that I knew would displease him.

Nor do I cease to be the daughter of God when I sin or commit an offense. I may avoid my Dad because of my guilt, shame or rebellion because I am not ready to admit and deal with my offense. But that doesn’t make him not my Dad. God doesn’t go anywhere when we choose things that are not pleasing to Him. He is present all the time, everywhere! He doesn’t cease being my Heavenly Father because of my behavior. He ceases being my Father only in my own mind when I decide that what I have done qualifies me in my own mind to be disowned.

I walk away from the benefits of the union and live in the self imposed place of supposition that if I feel this way about me then God must also. It is work to walk in fellowship with others all the time. It is peace and joy to walk in communion with God, because He never breaks fellowship with me.

The Kingdom is Righteousness, Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost!

Righteousness is simply knowing between me and God I am in right standing with Him. Peace and Joy are byproducts of that knowing! It takes the Holy Spirit to continually reveal this truth to me in my real time life. Holy Spirit will take the wisdom and knowledge of the nature of God and show us in practical ways and terms how to function in this natural life from a supernatural position, in Christ Jesus!

Having communion is the sharing or exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings especially when the exchange is on a metal or spiritual level. I have communion with The Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I desire to cultivate the sharing and exchanging of intimate thoughts and feelings on a mental and spiritual level with the whole Godhead! Jesus shed His blood so that God could be my Father, God begot Jesus after the human pattern so that I could be the Daughter of God, Holy Spirit has been sent into the earth to equip and empower me to function as the Daughter of God in the earth.

Holy Spirit will give me supernatural gifts and abilities to function from the higher position as God’s Child! Utilizing all the benefits of that position in the earth. While cultivation a friendship that allows God to share His secrets with those He trusts.

Wow, to be trusted by God! What an honor, one I don’t want to disrespect or cast shadows on here in this life. I am so, so glad that Communion or co-union with God is more than a sticky wafer, or a fleeting sweet taste left in my mouth from a religious ritual!

Aren’t you?

Communion is to be a reminder to us of all Jesus was and is!

Communion is to be a reminder to us of all Jesus was and is!

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25.11 | 10:40

Egypt is a credible country to visit due to its history related places. I heard about it much during myhttps://www.goldenbustours.com/new-york-to-niagara-falls-bus-tours/. It has lots of places to try

11.05 | 15:25

I pray that each one who visits here, will leave experiencing His right here, right now Presence! HE IS THERE... right now with you and He will never leave you.

11.03 | 12:33

My pleasure, Debbie thank you for taking the time to read and share.

11.03 | 03:36

Sharon the beauty of His love. Your explanation is exquisite thank you for learning applying and sharing.

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