On Earth As It Is in Heaven

I woke up this morning to Holy Spirit unpacking or explaining to me more fully what happens in a prophetic word. He used four words that demonstrate the supernatural process that allows God words to finds their way from Heaven into Earth.

I returned from Muscle Shoals last night from a week end on assignment. Muscle Shoals was a designated part of the greater whole of this on going assignment. Holy Spirit has been releasing a portion of the sound of Heaven over this past year. Prophetic sounds that have come spontaneously as we were in corporate worship gatherings. Songs, music, words, from the Father’s heart to us, heard, received, and re-released through the individuals instrument. 

I was privileged to get boots on the ground in this phase of Heaven recording the prophetic sounds of some of what has been released this year to this new and present Band of Prophets. The stories each of us can share about this journey are so amazing we could have never made them up. Nor could we have networked all the many and varied people whom Heaven has called together to capture in hard copy form that which came from the realm of the invisible into the world we can access. 

I am one of many in 2020 whom Holy Spirit began to speak a word to concerning the Release of Sound! A God frequency coming from the unseen creating the things we needed desperately to see. Holy Spirit has had me release to several people a very similar word. I kept hearing Him say, “Tell them there is a sound within them, RELEASE THE SOUND. It is a sound that will change the atmosphere and set the captives free! Trust what you hear and just re-release it”

This is not a sound that comes first to the mind. But a sound that is heard in the spirit, relayed to the understanding and released through the conscious choice and physical abilities.

It seemed this was strongly on the heart of the Father and as I heard it, I received it, and re-released it.  Several of those Holy Spirit gave me this word for were in the worship team He was assembling for a newly launched ministry called The Well Cookeville, founded by Trinity Pierce together with Sarah Walker. It seemed as if each time we would come in contact with one another. Holy Spirit would have me tell them about the sound that was being downloaded from Heaven into them. This was a prophetic sound that would spontaneously come forth from there spirit man and as they heard, received, and re-released it, this sound of Heaven would bring a greater hunger for the manifested Presence of the Father in the lives of those who heard. 

The Well Cookeville, isn’t a church, it is a monthly called gathering of worshipers and seekers of Christ coming together to create a place where unrestrained worship can flow. The Well setting started with an open floor area that made physical room for free expression of the individual as the band lead us into worship. Creating an atmosphere where Holy Spirit could touch individuals who desired to encounter His Presence in a corporate manner. Trinity and the band would lead us in songs of worship and the Presence of the Lord would move upon each one present who desired more of Him. The goal is for Holy Spirit to move upon each one individually as they desire to experience Him, for Jesus to encounter the hungry and each of us to become more intimately and personally acquainted with the Father. 

Together with the band, the prayer and ministry team assist those who desire prayer or have a need. Holy Spirit and His Gifts are present for the edification, exhortation and to bring comfort to those who desire ministry, salvation, need healing, or have a desire to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit. This ministry is a part of the area corporate body, with a different setting than the regular church house service. There is no desire to replace or critique local church ministry, but a deep desire to enhance the vision of this region to reach those who are hungry and hurting. Many in our region will not come into a church to receive, but just may find their way into this more relaxed but loud and wild place where Jesus shows up.  Every ministry leader in this area has been invited and are welcome to come and worship and rejoice in His Presence. 

Trinity, the band and the Well team are dedicated to personal relationship with the Lord. Many of them serve in local churches in our community. They come together sharing the same purpose. To have a time of experiencing the prophetic sound as it is in Heaven released into the room, here in Cookeville, and the surrounding region. 

The Father is releasing His sound continually into our earth. Prophetic words, music, dance, and many other modalities of communication are being birthed through individual active ongoing relationships between the Father and His children. 

Are we hearing, receiving, and re-releasing what the Father is saying into our individual scope of influence? 

The prophetic isn’t mystical or scary to me. It is simply put, the Father speaking into the spirit of His child, that child hearing, receiving what Father is speaking, and re-releasing His words in the language or method we see and hear Him sharing and revealing it to us.

God - Releases …His word…

We - Hear… His words…in our spirit…

We - Receive…His words…through comprehension of learned word patterns…we don’t have to comprehend how they will work or what they will accomplish…that’s His part…

We - Re-Release…His words…we pass them to others by communicating what we are hearing through spoken words, songs, music, painting and various other ways.

That which God released, we heard, we received and then re-released them to the individual or into the atmosphere or region He has given us access and authority in.

We speak Heaven on earth through the re-release of the words communicated from the mouth of God, to us through words, song, music, painting, writing, etc.

The realm of Heaven’s authority, God, and the realm of earth’s authority man. Partnering together to bring the greater unseen into the lower seen. 

When we, like Jesus, only do or say what we hear the Father doing and saying. We are using the partnership God designed us for. Bringing into the earth the impossible to man, and manifesting the nothing impossible to God results. From this position seated in Christ we will govern the earth kingdom with Heaven as our model. We will not just be able to quote the Lord’s Prayer but we will actively be living and reproducing from our position of inheritance in Christ what we need manifested in the tangible earth we live in.  

The words we hear supernaturally from the unseen Heaven realm when spoken into the seen earth realm will become substance that we actually can use to rule and reign in the earth like Christ Jesus. We will heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out any devils trying to hide on the territory Jesus went into Hell to get us the keys for.

Let us major on those truths. 

But there is a minor truth that most of us have developed into the major position in our lives. 

The bigger more tangible in our face situations, problems, and needs we deal with almost daily. Have become the reality of our lives which have literally been created from a thought, imaged, received, spoken, acted on and now tangibly manifesting into the reality I am living in. That which I can touch and interact with. The quality of what is manifesting in my life, will be directly related to the place I have sourced my material from. 

The unseen realm also has the unseen Satan and his demons. Satan who wanted to overthrow God was cast down. His goal hasn’t changed. He is looking for all creation especially the man, to worship him, by getting all their attention and focus on him. 

When we with words create, and cultivate that which we fear all of that glory or attention goes to Satan. 

When we focus on what he is trying to kill, steal, or destroy in our lives we are giving him the attention or glory that he desires to intercept from going to God. He desires us to look at the problem and magnify the problem over the solution. God receives glory when we are not denying the present circumstances but actively speaking the desired result and realizing all good things come from Him. All bad things don’t come from the devil. They come the same way the good ones do the difference is which one have I made my source. 

Satan comes to kill our relationship with God. By stealing our hearing, receiving, and ability to create by re-releasing the words filled with the power and authority to create what we say. The enemy wants to steal the words which had their origin in God. The devil’s goal is to get us to hear his words, receive and entertain them, then re-release them. 

The devil doesn’t have the creative power or dominion in the earth, which God designed within us. He like God has to get his permission to use our dominion through the words we speak. God gave us a free will to choose. We were created in His image and after His likeness. Creative ability doesn’t only work if I am speaking good things. That creative power is attached to which ever arena I choose to release those creative words into. Sadly I am more experienced in releasing the problem details than I am at releasing the God solution. God moves in my life and on my behalf through the words I speak and my heart belief. So does Satan. We abdicate, bow out, vacate our throne seated in Heavenly places in Christ when we come down to the position in the earth that Satan has access to. We are interchanging Gods as easily as we change our minds.  

When a thought comes, I have to receive it. Allow it to create an image in my minds eye. Then I have to choose to speak it out. When I speak out a thought that has become a formed image I am breathing life into that thought image from an unseen place and after the incubation period those words good, bad or indifferent will come to life. I may not even realize that I have created a thing that will be birthed kicking and screaming wanting to distract, detour, destroy or try to control my life and steal my rightful inheritance as a child of God. 

Ishmael was the firstborn of Abraham. He was first conceived by Abraham and Sarah through their minds thinking and reasoning. They decided God was taking too long, so maybe this was the way to fulfill Gods promises. They consulted Sarah’s maid and with willful consent Hagar rented them her womb. Can you even imagine that conversation?  Abraham used his willful seed and created the substance of a man, after he and Sarah had first created the man plan. Hagar incubated their plan and brought forth Ismael, their plan, the spoken will, acted upon created an innocent child that would be abandoned by Abraham and Sarah, but not by God. 

To this day the generations created from Ishmael are still trying to destroy the generations of Issac, the son of Gods promise.

The enemy is out to steal our ability to create good and give honor to God through our words. God gave us this ability. Satan doesn’t have it. The Bible says he is the father of lies. That’s all he can reproduce or create. He can’t even create those without us. He has to use his cunning strategies to make us think that he has all power and is always present to interfere or make chaos out of Gods order. He formulates a plan to get us to reason in our minds that we need to make Gods words manifest. He cunningly distorts Gods words and waits to see if we will doubt or shift what only God can do into the lower level of what we can do. 

I believe Satan’s main tactic is to get US to listen to what he says. Receive it, image it, re-release it through our God given free will. Ignorantly conceiving that which will grown up to be birthed and continue to create chaos for generations. Thus producing from the unseen the seen chaos the world is living in. We choose to release our creative words, influenced through Satan’s attempt to be like god. We exchange the light of God’s words to us for an adulterous affair that started with thoughts and words from a lying seducer, who is playing to our insecurities while stroking our ego, making us think we can create what God said by our own methods. 

Thus we are ignorantly creating for Satan a kingdom of darkness that is furnished through the creative power of man’s own words. Then we blame God because He didn’t stop it. He wasn’t responsible for it. I am. 

Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, the Light of the world. So if my words are not full of truth, life, and light. The way I travel will be full of darkness, lies, and death. I can call my self a Christian but I may be functioning in deception because the father of lies has been the voice I have been the most familiar with. I have heard him cunningly questioning, twisting and repeating what God said to me, I listen to him and re-image what I heard from God. Creating a new distorted image which I now convince myself was what God said. I now ignorantly begin to followed my new Satan influenced image bringing confusion where clarity once lived. 

Salvation is sort of like, being told all your life your father is Steve. Taking a blood test to find out Steve can’t be your father his blood doesn’t match. The devastation and confusion attached to the lie you have lived as your truth to this point will cause you to instantly not have a clue who you are. Chaos tries to swallow your mind and emotions. You address your mother to find the truth of who is my daddy? She reveals another name. You go to this one and ask if he is willing to take a paternity test, he agrees and the results match. I now know the truth. 

The possibility of order developing out of chaos has started. 

You now have accessed the information of what DNA material you were developed from, but you don’t instantly know everything about your real dad. You don’t have the deep feelings, good, bad, or indifferent, that had developed with Steve though life experiences. You feel betrayed, lied too. Almost like you were just erased and what was you, no longer exists. The trust with the two most important people in your life has been destroyed. This one discovery has the potential of destroying your future, unless you choose to explore the details enough to find out the original circumstances of your birth. 

We were born into a fallen world. We are not the children of Satan. Even though we may think that he is the reason for all of our miserable existence. We are born again from the spirit DNA of God! We have been raised by a world system. Satan is the god of this worlds system. Our identity and beliefs have developed by the influence of the world we were born into and our interpretation of those life experiences. We have grown up in a world with the influence of one who calls himself god and is most important in our lives. But he isn’t the legitimate Father that created my spirit and breathed life into my soul so that I can use my free will to choose what I do.

Salvation or the discovery of who my real Father is doesn’t guarantee a close personal relationship with the one who created me. He is always totally ready, available and longs deeply for me to develop a personal relationship with Him. Creating experiences and memories of our times together. But, He will never try to push Himself in the position we have given to another. He isn’t angry or vindictive. He is so totally in love with you that He would never try to force or coerce, pressure, or restrain you to have a relationship with Him. He honors your free will and will not manipulate or try to control you into making choices that allows Him to dominate your life. His desire is to always be present and available to you. You choose when and how much time and how deep you are willing to develop this new truth discovery!

We all have a deep longing to know who we are and where we came from, in the natural and spiritual. Who’s your daddy? Takes on a whole new perspective. I believe the enemy wants to confuse us about who we are and who we originated from. He is working furiously to make you believe that because you have grown up in his house so to speak that he has the right to dictate what you believe and do. The real Father God will never dictate to you how you should act or what you should believe. He will answer your questions with proof through His word. But He will never guilt you into spending time with Him or giving Him the respect due for the position of being your real Daddy! 

The prophetic, simply put, is God speaking, me hearing, receiving what I hear and passing it on or re-releasing it into my scope of influence. God’s knowledge about us and the earth we occupy is totally accurate. When He speaks and His words reveal a truth we did not know it causes us to know it has to be from Him. It unlocks fresh places of truth and understanding and causes me to want to hang out with this Father all the time!

One who is married to our mother, but not our biological father is known as a step-father. This is how I see it. In the spiritual realm I see this step position being defined a bit differently. That which is not my spiritual Father must be placed in the position of under my feet. So step on the head of the devil and let him know you know who’s your Daddy!

Sharon Woolbright

December 12, 2022