But God!

No matter what has come before...BUT GOD...is there to erase it!



I often tell my children when I am telling them something and they respond with the word BUT, it is like an eraser. It wipes or smears what was previously said and relates an unfocused or totally new concept.


I am adopting that concept for the reports the ememy tries to bring into my life today. Starting my reply to the devil and those I may be experiencing the present situation with, by using these words, BUT GOD!


I am not advocating for changing the facts we may find ourselves in, into a lie.


I am trying to become concious that I may be using the BUT eraser in my life through replacing what God has said to me through His word and our communion togther. By using a BUT, I may be smearing, restating or writing my view over His.


Is my present view more believable from my limited position in the situation?


BUT GOD, will give me His view and perspective if I will only ask.


Is my sickness or disease real and screaming at me with all it's ugly painful symptoms? BUT GOD, has made a way for my healing and health through the blood of Jesus. He has given doctors wisdom to treat our symptoms, friends and family who will pray for us and even come and minister to our physical needs, while we recover.


Are the bills piling up and over due?


BUT GOD, will open the flood gates of Heaven and pour out blessings, by showing us ideals to make more money to meet our obligations.


George, AKA Holy Spirit, will lovingly remind us of the decisions we made that may have gotten us to this place, and give us real usable ideals to get current and even have surplus!


Are your children running with the wrong crowd? Are they making really bad life changing choices? Are they astranged from the family unit?


BUT GOD, will open the eyes of their undersanding and show them His plan for their lives when we release them to Him and continue to train them in the way they should go. Continue to set and enforce loving, fair, boundries for them within the family unit.


Is your marriage in turmoil and you find yourself constantly arguing or disrespecting one another?


BUT GOD, will give you peace and direction, when you seek His purposes and plans for your family. BUT GOD!


Philippians 4:19 (AMPC)


19 And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.


Now add your truth of who God is and what He can do and watch Him do it !Today!


May 2017